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  1. Whispers in the Kitchen

    by , January 11, 2019 at 10:48 PM (Tall an' handsome)
    The other day I made myself a coffee (my beloved was at her mother's letting me fend for myself) when on the way back to my kitchen stool I passed the refrigerator and I swear I could hear the beers whisper: "WTF?"

    Updated January 11, 2019 at 10:57 PM by Gigantus

    Around the House
  2. Aik's Corner

    So here it is, TWC Front End Blogs are live. :thumbsup2

    I was really looking forward to this feature. Now that it's here, I'm still exited about it and so this is Aik's Corner. Aik's Corner? Yeah, maybe Aik's Rant Corner or Aik's Speaking Corner or is it about what's going on in the D&D or in the Curia or about Cigars or other products, modding or games?

    Maybe it's all of that. Maybe it's something completely different. I'm not too sure about this yet myself, hence ...
    Life on TWC
  3. First blog on TWC

    This morning I upgraded our vBulletin installation with the CMS and Blog features. Over the next few hours I will be setting up permissions so that everyone can read the Articles and Blogs. Creating Articles and Blogs will be limited to staff members for the next few days as we get the infrastructure laid out. Comments on how the layout looks on this are more than welcome. In fact the more input I get as we set this up the better. I will be posting more as we go.

    Just a quick shot ...

    Updated March 29, 2015 at 03:18 PM by GrnEyedDvl

    Managing TWC
  4. The PikeStance Experience

    I will like to share my thoughts and experiences. As a basis of who I am as a person and to give you insight into how became the person I am today, I will present a series called THEN AND NOW. I will continue to post in my blog in the forum and copy and paste them here. If I am honored by being chosen as one of the bloggers for the front page, then I will then post exclusively here. Until then, please enjoy my blog. My blog on forum

    I am currently ...

    Updated April 05, 2015 at 01:03 AM by PikeStance

  5. Turtles and Politicians

    A couple of days ago I was sitting at the bar with my friend Andreas, catching up on recent events (he is a long distance trucker and has some riveting stories to tell) and inevitably ended up discussing the recent elections and the abilities (and lack thereof) of the elected politicians.

    Apparently the guy sitting next to us had been following our conversation because he suddenly uttered: “Turtles, that’s what they are!”
    The annoyance at being rudely interrupted in our world

    Updated May 18, 2015 at 07:23 AM by Gigantus (Font is too big)

    Life on TWC