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  1. Assessments, employment, and the like.

    So last week I finished the last of my TPA's (teacher performance assessments). I had four of these evil, evil "necessities" scattered throughout my credential program, but due to some circumstances I had to do all four in this semester. Since January, I have written ~52,000 words for these things, and for all of them you have to pass or you have to pay about 200 bucks to take them again and it can seriously hamper your ability to get a credential in a timely manner...well, I passed all ...
  2. A Year In Review

    Man what a year.

    Since the last time I have written a blog my life has changed a lot. The biggest change was being told I was not being invited back to teach at the school that hired me a year ago. While I never found out the reason, I suspect they just did not feel I could improve enough to justify another year. I disagree immensely, as by the end I felt I really had a good handle on the classes that actually tried and just had a couple of problems. But I do, truly, believe that there ...
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