Good day TWC fellows!!! It took me a while to set the next GW competition, the #223. First, I've been busy on some other stuff. Second, I wasn't sure what theme to choose for that one. What means February for most of the people? Winter sports? Well it's also summer time in the South emisphere. Valentine day? Too commercial from my point a view (but that's just my own :tongue:). After a while, I realized that it was also the carnival season, not only in my place, Dunkirk, where ...
Updated February 27, 2016 at 07:31 PM by Lifthrasir
I am not sure if being the hottest year on record had anything to do with the harsh winter that preceded it, but it surely was memorable as a friend of mine told me later: On a bitterly cold winter's morning him and his wife were listening to the radio during breakfast. They heard the announcer say, “We are going to have 8 to 10 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the even-numbered side of the street, so the snowplows can get through.” So the ...
Ohayou! I'm Hitai, Total War Center's worst writer and most boring member of Content staff. I sense this blog isn't going to be very interesting at all, but thankfully it's far prettier than Aik's, so every cloud! I used to have another blog here, but I guess now it's better to move over here; if only to help promote the new features GED's been working hard to implement recently. So, I usually talk about writing, which I find very interesting, since, you know, I'm a writer. ...
Updated March 29, 2015 at 05:07 PM by Hitai de Bodemloze
Welcome back to my 'Of Souls - Behind the Scenes' blog, where I plan to dig deeper into the individual chapters of my creative writing serial 'Of Souls' and look at the writing and world-building that went into each chapter, as well as offering some of my own thoughts on the posted work. I have already failed miserably at my assertion to update this blog every couple of days or so, but as I was sitting round twiddling my thumbs during what can only be described as an uneventful ...
This year I had the pleasure of chaperone the Year 11 (In the British system year 12) on their trip to a small village in the mountains in the Northeast part of Java Island. The fact I was a former Peace Corps Volunteer helped with being selected for the honor. The trip is also the most service oriented trip of the three, which I am much more keen to be part of. Both the students and teachers are hosted by local families. Since this is a village, many of the homes do not have ...