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  1. The life of a winemaker: the patience of a Saint

    Look, if I wasn't so well educated, I would be swearing by now.. wait, I'M NOT well educated, so .. *runs to a window, a stream of foul words can be heard, dispersing in the thin air*..

    As you can imagine, I don't have good news. I spare you the pictures because I'd rather blind myself than conserve any memory of this year. Basically, it's not even July, and I'm already sure I'm not going to make my own wine, because 80% of the possible production is gone.

    But let me ...

    Updated June 28, 2023 at 09:30 AM by Flinn

    Hobbies & Interests , Around the House
  2. The life of a winemaker: it keeps going

    Last chapter here.

    It's been 2 years since the last post, and with a good reason: there aren't many news in the life of a winemaker, and the working years repeat themselves over and over. It is certainly entertaining and satisfying for me to grow my grapes and taste the new wine every year (not to mention drinking it all the year long ), but I guess it to not to be very interesting for those who cannot even get a sip of that ...
  3. Then the Birds Began to Die

    An article by Elizabeth Bruenig, staff writer at the Atlantic

    After the end of the world, there will be birdsong. I used to imagine this when everything was going awry. I would lie in bed in my college dorm room and listen to the lone mockingbird who sang all night outside my window in the spring months. I was worried about something or other; he was getting on with things. It’s what birds do. They have a knack for it. In the Book of Genesis, after the devastation of the Earth ...
    Around the House
  4. The life of a winemaker - there we go again!

    A triple grape, quite rare but a sign of abundance at harvest

    It's been six months since my last post on this series, but that's quite normal when it comes to wine-making, since things usually take months to develop. Last time I posted it was about the bad outcome of the last year's red wine.. actually not much happened of very interesting, for the most it's a boring and tiring job along the many months is takes between the first works ...
  5. The Dude's Kitchen - A nightmare made of Pizza!

    Previous chapter here!

    Now you will pardon me, but I'm Italian and when it comes to Pizza I become "uppish" .. I mean, if we are talking about porridge or bouillabaisse I'll be sitting in one corner and listen, but since Pizza is the most Italian of all foods (even more than Pasta) I can't just ...

    Updated October 28, 2020 at 09:40 AM by Flinn

    Around the House , Entertainment , Hobbies & Interests
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