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  1. Reading Goal Surpassed Again and other things.

    Since my last update I have once again passed my reading goal. I am now hovering at 72 books. The return to school has been drain on my time and energy so unfortunately a lot of them are shorter than normal, but I feel that given the time constraints it is a reasonable thing to continue counting.

    Books Read

    The North Water
    The Black Ice
    The Lost Hero
    Call of the Wild
    SW Death Troopers
    SW Out of the Shadows (60)
    The Golden Compass
    War of the Worlds
  2. EA Is Giving Away Its Accessibility-Related Patents

    Original article here.

    EA is giving away accessibility-related patents used in some of its biggest games, including Apex Legends' popular Ping system, in the hope that they will be used and expanded upon by other developers to help make video games more inclusive.
    There are currently five patents covered under EA's "Patent Pledge," which involves EA making pledged patents available for public use alongside a legally binding promise to not file a lawsuit against ...
  3. Goals met, goals surpassed.

    Four and a half months ahead of schedule, I have finished reading my 52 book goal...Really 54 because I had the time today.

    Sort of. Three of the books are repeats, but they were 2-3 years ago and I read them (and appreciate them) much more a second time around. So I guess technically I still have more work to do.

    Since my last blog:


    The Wolf On The Run
    The Wolf At War
    Childhood’s End
    SW HR Rising Storm
    SW HR A Test of Courage

    Updated August 15, 2021 at 11:36 PM by TheDarkKnight

  4. Then the Birds Began to Die

    An article by Elizabeth Bruenig, staff writer at the Atlantic

    After the end of the world, there will be birdsong. I used to imagine this when everything was going awry. I would lie in bed in my college dorm room and listen to the lone mockingbird who sang all night outside my window in the spring months. I was worried about something or other; he was getting on with things. It’s what birds do. They have a knack for it. In the Book of Genesis, after the devastation of the Earth ...
    Around the House
  5. Elfurr Hegemony questions in my universe. Why i created the superior race in galaxy.

    Elfurr Hegemony questions in my universe.
    Why i created the superior race in galaxy.

    All information about my Universe development you can find in the Creative Writing section in this forum. - here you can find all articles about history and development process.

    I started to work ...
    Creative Writing