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  1. Hands on Integration

    The other week I went to a Inter-Religion Integration Seminar.

    The Bishop came, laid his hands on my hand and said, “By the will of Jesus Christ, you will walk today!”

    I smiled and told him I was not paralyzed.

    The Rabbi came, laid his hands on my hand and said, “By the will of God Almighty, you will walk today!

    I was less amused when I told him there was nothing wrong with me.

    The Mullah came, took my hands and said, “Insha Allah, ...
    Life on TWC
  2. Squid's Adventures In Home Renovation Part I

    by , April 08, 2015 at 04:53 PM (The Kraken of TWC)
    From the title you can probably guess this will turn out to be a multi-part blog as I try to achieve a bit of catharsis through writing about this wonderful amazing eventful, lets stick with that so I can avoid the censor, experience in my life. My wife and I bought a new house last year just before summer, its an older place having been built in the late 50s but the location was perfect. We knew there were a couple of things we wanted to do, the cupboards in the bedrooms looked old and could do ...

    Updated April 09, 2015 at 02:18 PM by Squid

    Life on TWC
  3. Loving my Dog and loosing Weight

    Yesterday I was at my local Woolworth store buying a large bag of “My Dog” dog food for my loyal pet and was in the checkout queue when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog.

    What did she think I had an elephant? So, since I'm retired and have little to do, on impulse I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Dog Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn’t, because I ended up in hospital last time, but I'd lost 10 kilograms before I woke up in intensive care with ...

    Updated May 09, 2015 at 07:04 AM by Gigantus

    Life on TWC
  4. Torreon not a Torero, sadly.

    Today was a very busy Easter Saturday. I got up at 6 A.M.. After the usual morning routine and a quick breakfast I had to do the shopping for the Easter weekend, which was sort of okay since the shops were not too crowded early in the morning. Then I had to pick up parts of the family from the train station - after all Easter is a family fest and this time around, we're on the line, go figure.

    After two successive drives to and from the train station and all the "Please do pick ...

    Updated April 04, 2015 at 11:42 AM by Aikanár

    Product Reviews , Life on TWC
  5. Part III: The Pains of Loss & Sacrifice (THEN AND NOW)

    Part III: The Pains of Loss & Sacrifice

    There were to important women I dated/ married thus far.
    The first person I was in a serious relationship with was 9 years my senior. I was 25 at the time. She also had a young daughter. She was 6-7 years old.
    I dated this women for a year, but it was a very close relationship. She was a newly divorced women who's husband cheated. He would married that same women. At 25 I was a little experience

    Updated April 07, 2015 at 08:54 PM by PikeStance
