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  1. Update on the IRS situation

    This is too long to put in the comments section, so I will post some info and reply to comments as well.

    I managed to eliminate $24,800 of that $52,000 number by faxing them a ton of paperwork, after I went and bought a damned FAX machine. They haven't confirmed that yet (they need 30 days....) and then I will get another letter telling me what they think.

    They are still probably going to bang me on $6,000 worth of donations that got reclassified from "Personal ...
  2. Why I cannot stand the IRS

    I do not usually vent about problems like this on TWC, but today I got a letter from the IRS regarding tax year 2013 and how it relates to TWC. They are now claiming I owe them $13,319 in taxes for calendar year 2013 plus a tax underpayment penalty of $2,664 and interest of $472 for a total of $16,466 and gave me two freaking days to respond! Needless to say I am a bit bent over this.

    To start off with there are a few things you need to know about how TWC is run for you to understand ...
    Life on TWC , Managing TWC
  3. "I demand that you conclude and sign all of the market development department's contracts"

    by , April 10, 2015 at 11:27 PM (The Other End of the Quill)
    It's five o clock on a Saturday morning and I'm at university studying, as I have been for the past six hours, along with two other people in a four storey building that can probably fit thousands. Do I have any pressing assignments due in? No. I'm just a night owl with a few week's worth of work to catch up on. It's very tranquil though and I love the feeling of being awake and active when everyone else is asleep.

    From my textbook, I just learnt the Chinese for 'market development ...

    Updated April 10, 2015 at 11:35 PM by Hitai de Bodemloze

  4. Students Independent Study; A Bad idea?

    Below is an email sent to all teachers with IBDP classes. (please see side bar for additional information.
    [Note: The name of the student was changed]

    Dear DP teachers,
    We just had meeting with the parent of Nico DP1 and Effie DP2 separately. For your information only (please don’t share this with others especially the students)

    1. BeBop

    It was requested on Friday 3rd April 2015 that BeBOP through her father wants a special
  5. Wooden Pens Part 2

    A few years ago when I was planning my first trip to NYC for a Creative Assembly event, I got together with Garbarsardar who owned the site at the time and we decided to do something nice for Simetrical for all the work he has done on the site. I mentioned that I made pens like the one above, so we started looking at different kits to make one for Sim when I ran across this one at Rockler. This is cheating a bit since the parts are already laser cut but you can really screw it up if you catch your ...