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  1. MAARC LX Winners, Gold Medals and ToTW

    by , October 14, 2015 at 12:49 AM (The Official (and Unofficial) Writer's Study Blog)
    Hey TWC,

    Merchant here again. So I never did post another blog post for that third day (many in the WS know I’m kind of lazy) but here is the amazing, spectacular, engrossing third instalment of the Writer’s Study Blog.

    Alwyn, our commander-in-chief, took out first spot with his intriguing new tale set in Haiti. With rebellion brewing on this rich French colonial outpost and family feuds not helping the situation, Alwyn is at his usual brilliant self again. Second place
  2. Perks of passing 50

    by , October 02, 2015 at 11:44 PM (Tall an' handsome)
    It's been a while since I passed the magic five-zero and in looking back I could not help but list the advantages that have opened up to folks like me:

    • In a hostage situation, you are likely to be released first.
    • Kidnappers are not very interested in you.
    • No one expects you to run - anywhere.
    • People call at 9 PM and ask, "Did I wake you?"
    • People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.
    • There is nothing left to learn the hard way.
    • Things
    Life on TWC
  3. The United Crowns of the Critic's Quill and the Writer's Study

    by , September 22, 2015 at 08:03 AM (The Official (and Unofficial) Writer's Study Blog)
    Wassup TWC!

    “Woah another blog post” I here you say. Yep your eyes do not deceive. With all the wonder of two posts in two days dealt with lets get to the matter at hand.

    The Wrtier’s Study and the Critic’s Quill have both recently gone through some pretty big changes. Firstly, Hitai de Bodemloze resigned from the post of editor of the Quill. He is currently a Content Emeritus at the Quill as currently I believe real life commitments have drawn him away. Hitai oversaw

    Updated October 09, 2015 at 05:15 PM by Merchant of Venice (Some rather embarrassing grammatical mistakes)

    Creative Writing , Life on TWC
  4. Intros (We don't bite)

    by , September 21, 2015 at 05:14 AM (The Official (and Unofficial) Writer's Study Blog)
    The Writer’s Study is dark and full of stories”

    Bonjour, ciao, hola, hallo, svieki, हेलो, merhaba, kaixo!!!

    Awful aSoIaF references aside (yes, I’m a books man), hello to the newly-created, freshly-polished, recently-patented, parent-approved, vaccinated and heavily drugged, royally-endorsed (or Jacobin-endorsed, whatever side you’re on) Writer’s Study Blog!!!

    I can already tell through this screen how excited you all are.

    “But what the ...

    Updated September 21, 2015 at 08:13 AM by Merchant of Venice

    Life on TWC , Creative Writing
  5. Tag Team Tournament Day 11 (9-10-2015)

    * clears out cobwebs*

    Hello there everyone! I'm pretty inconsistent with these aren't I? I'll try to work on that :whistling

    Let's get right into it.


    All Quarterfinals have ended and the Semi-Finals have begun. Riverknight and Guy managed to wrap things up nicely in the 3rd Quarterfinal, defeating myself and the other contenders in what I believe was the closest match of the Quarters.

    Silenced Ape and Themzr won a crushing ...

    Updated September 10, 2015 at 11:57 AM by FrostySOTF
