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  1. GW's Monthly Competitions Results & News - Jan. 2016

    GC #222 - Jan. 2016

    Good day TWC Fellows!!!

    First of all and despite that recent issue among the TWC forums (which has doubled my amount of work by the way :tongue2:), I wish you all the best for this coming year 2016.

    As some you have probably already noticed, the GW's Monthly Graphics Competition #222 is now open for submissions. ...

    Updated February 27, 2016 at 06:33 PM by Lifthrasir

  2. GW's Monthly Competitions - Results and News!!!

    Miss GW - December 2015

    Good day TWC Fellows!!!

    There was a time, not long ago, when the Graphic Workshop and its GW's Monthly Competitons were very popular to say the least. The oldest members probably remember that :tongue:

    A bit of history for the new comers: the GWC, short for Graphic Workshop Competition, was a ...

    Updated February 27, 2016 at 06:36 PM by Lifthrasir

  3. MAARC LXI Winners!!!

    by , November 29, 2015 at 12:51 AM (The Official (and Unofficial) Writer's Study Blog)
    Congratulations to the winners!

    MAARC LXI was a bloodbath, a competition for only the most brave. With the most submissions recorded in living memory (read: how long I can remember because I can’t be bothered going through the archives) it was a fierce competition to say the least. But while 9 went in, inevitably only 3 could come out and so, here

    Updated November 29, 2015 at 12:54 AM by Merchant of Venice

  4. MCWC XII Winners!

    by , November 21, 2015 at 06:04 AM (The Official (and Unofficial) Writer's Study Blog)

    Congratulations to the winners!
    After a couple of months languishing with not enough submissions to trigger a vote, MCWC XII finally got to a vote two weeks ago and at last I am here to present the winners.

    Napoleon is fighting wars on all sides as a coalition of enemies tries to prevent French hegemony over Europe. In the heart of France, Paris, a young man, once the heir of

    Updated November 21, 2015 at 06:13 AM by Merchant of Venice

    Life on TWC , Creative Writing
  5. Another life update

    It's been a few months.

    Life sucks, pretty badly.

    In the midst of family tragedy as well as constantly feeling down, I'm in the middle of the most complicated semester of my life. For whatever reason, the credential program has been more difficult than I imagined. I'm not sure if it is the fact that the work is more constant or its just my low motivation, but I'm having incredible difficulty in working through this semester. I'm weeks behind, in both work and mentally, ...