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  1. Farewell TWC

    I'm making this post just to say that i will no longer be doing any of my duties here on TWC. I have to move to greener pastures, and unfortunately i am unable to continue on doing stuff for the TWC youtube channel. I will, tough, continue working on Rise of Persia from time to time, but the rest i will relinquish of such duties.
  2. My "Retirement"

    Enough people have asked so....Let's try to keep this as un-dramatic as possible.

    To make a long story really short...Recent developments in my life has made it really difficult to continue being a staffer. I was recently hired in a teaching job (hooray!) but coming into it halfway in the year has given me a great deal of anxiety, which has led to some health issues popping up. I was already suffering some issues in the month prior to being hired (and I "felt" they were coming ...
  3. A Year In Review

    Man what a year.

    Since the last time I have written a blog my life has changed a lot. The biggest change was being told I was not being invited back to teach at the school that hired me a year ago. While I never found out the reason, I suspect they just did not feel I could improve enough to justify another year. I disagree immensely, as by the end I felt I really had a good handle on the classes that actually tried and just had a couple of problems. But I do, truly, believe that there ...
    Life on TWC
  4. Anarchy in the workplace

    So yesterday i was told to come in nearly before my shift started for my yearly performance review, to sign some paperwork for a promotion and to discuss some future changes happening to the store.
    Normally this is done by the Area Manager, but as the new Area Manager was my former employer who i left with bad terms, they sent the regional manager down instead.
    All is rather mundane and just basic company procedures, until he went on to customer complaints and "incidents". ...
    Hobbies & Interests
  5. The Educational Opportunities of Total War

    I always tought that total war could be an amazing tool in schools for children to learn about history; but only a few examples in the modding community can actually achieve that; but still they are to heavy on lore for many people to get interested in learning. I think that total war greatest strenght can be it's simplicity; so i always desired to help or create a modding series focused exclusively for teaching people in what could be school enviroments.

    Obviosly i think such mods ...

    Updated May 04, 2017 at 06:07 AM by The Wise Coffin

    Hobbies & Interests