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  1. The Dude goes into politics! - The road to the Elections!

    PART 1 - Introduction

    And here we are again I've already introduced you on what was the situation before of the campaign and how it ended, so no surprises on that side, still I think it would be interesting, if not funny, to learn about details and "peculiarities" of people's insanity.

    Let's start again ...

    Updated August 06, 2019 at 08:18 AM by Flinn

    Hobbies & Interests
  2. The Dude goes into politics!

    First things first, this is not a blog about politics or even about the life of a "politician" (I'll talk about being a public admin, though), but rather a blog about how people behave when they interact with public administrators and how their stance changes as soon as they know that you are going to "go into politics". I'm not going to talk about ideologies, alliances or whatnot, I was ...

    Updated October 22, 2019 at 07:53 AM by Flinn

    Hobbies & Interests
  3. On deaf people.

    On deaf people,

    So I know this title is somewhat controversial perhaps. I mean what could could come from an opinion peace titled "on deaf people"? I don't blame you. I assure you though that it won't be bad, or at least it wont be for me. So my woman's father and brother are both deaf. Both from birth although her father now uses a Cochlear Implant. So you might imagine that after a year and spending some decent amount of time together with her family I've learned a thing ...

    Updated June 17, 2019 at 03:53 PM by General Brewster

    Hobbies & Interests
  4. Anger sells. It sells big. On the back of games.

    It's not exactly a new principle, but in the last years it has started to overshadow reason and it certainly didn't leave out the gaming industry as this article by Cnet illustrates.

    Quote Originally Posted by article
    Welcome to 2019, where some influential gamers on YouTube have learned what many others, including the president of the United States, have figured out: Anger sells. It sells big.
    If the article gets only one person to think first instead of reflexively 'liking' videos of that nature because ...

    Updated June 07, 2019 at 11:51 PM by Gigantus

    Life on TWC
  5. Game News - how to fix the buggy Steam launcher

    The new BETA launcher appears to be rather buggy and takes a long time to get it's act together, so much so that CA is asking for testers.

    Just as well there is a rather simple solution via the Beta setting in the game's properties setting. See video below.

    Updated May 11, 2019 at 03:48 AM by Gigantus
