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  1. Bittersweet

    Well, grab a cold one and a cookie. You might be here a while. Or not. Really depends on how far I'm going with this blog.

    So, for quite some people it's not a secret that I lost my brother in 2017. Leaving a wife and son behind. I don't really want to delve into that further but I suppose it's quite important context for what's next. 2017 and part of 2018 were really centered about a personal journey that I very much shared with my sister in law. She lost her husband, I lost my brother ...
  2. The Dude's thoughts - To fall in love vs to love...

    This is not really my typical blog, and I'm not going to talk about myself specifically (I've done so enough in the Personal Help & Advice forum), but I wanted to share few thoughts I made about "love" during the last few months, in the hope that they will help other people to clarify their minds and/or stimulate them to discuss about love in general.
    I could have posted this in the PH&A, but it's not really about asking for help, but rather about sharing what I learnt on ...

    Updated February 26, 2020 at 04:31 AM by Flinn

    Hobbies & Interests
  3. The fine art of Wild Camping - abiding in the middle of nowhere

    Above: the fireplace and the oven (left) that we built some years ago in the place we usually camp at

    A due introduction: this is not about survivalism, but about how to make yourself comfortable and fully enjoy wild camping. It's gonna be a sort of guide, where I'll share with you my 25 years old experience in this, in the hope that this will stimulate you to try it and of course enjoy it.

    What is wild camping, then? ...
  4. "I'm fine, just busy"

    I think this is a phrase that we all, one way or another hear aplenty. Looking at my own situation, my friends would all say it, my parents will say it and frankly, I caught myself doing it a lot as well. Caught I must underline. I have always been one to judge other people when they said it. I would often think on how their days are going and how they waste the time that they have on needless things. Then I noticed that when I don’t want to tell people how or what I feel I’ll just say I’m busy, ...
  5. The life of a winemaker - let's do the magic!

    If you wonder, yes, that's my hand. I always loved the texture and the smell of fresh marc, especially that from red grapes.

    The life of a winemaker - part 4

    The time of making wine has come... the cellar is where you do the magic and turn a silly fruit into a mystic liquid that can enliven your day, or your life

    Let's start from a point: my method of making wine it's really mine, in the sense ...