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  1. The Lensation - December Part One

    Greetings all, and happy December!

    As the year approaches its close, the Lensation will return for two posts! For those who haven't read this before, the Lensation is my own commentary on the Picture of the Week (POTW) and Game Picture of the Week (GPOTW) competitions that run weekly here on TWC. Aside from the core gameplay, I usually very much enjoy admiring the graphics
  2. Martin Scorsese is a fake and I will fight him

    Martin Scorsese is a famous and talented director of many highly acclaimed movies. He's widely regarded as one of the greatest directors of all time. His 24 films have grossed nearly two billion dollars. He's won numerous awards and nominations for his works, including a Prime Time Emmy award for Boardwalk Empire and an Academy award for Goodfellas. However, in spite of all these accomplishments, why does Martin Scorsese still wish he was Al Pacino and Robert De Niro? That's right, folks. Famed ...
  3. The fine art of Wild Camping - the basics!

    Some woods are magic, mystic and ancestral

    So, in Chapter 1 we have seen what "wild camping" means and why I like it so much, therefore is now time to see how to organize the camping, starting from listing the main points of it:

    1. pick the spot
    2. decide how long and when you'll be there
    3. think on what you need and decide what to bring
    4. plan forward for possible troubles
  4. The best books this Holiday Season.

    Everyone here knows that reading is a grand tradition passed down from wandering nomadic tribes of oriental orators. We don't really know where the first book came from, but we also don't know when the last book will come from either, so that's okay. A lot of people say that the first book ever written was the Bible, but even more people say that it wasn't. Now that the Hanukah and Christmas seasons are here it's the perfect time to give someone you know and love the perfect gift: the gift of knowledge. ...

    Updated January 03, 2020 at 02:58 AM by Flinn

  5. Storage Now

    Recently my family went through a traumatic period that was precipitated by the sudden death of a family member. In the aftermath of this event I was tasked with organizing and determine the eventual distribution of some of the personal effects. It was during this activity I stumbled across a blue plastic storage tub of mine that had been placed and forgotten in a back bedroom for several years. Opening up I rediscovered my collection of Total War installation CD's from the various early versions ...