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  1. The fine art of Wild Camping - how to make yourself fully comfortable!

    A 180° panoramic pic of "my" mountains

    And here we are again, time to see how to really enjoy wild camping.

    In the previous chapter we have seen how to properly set up a camp, now we'll see how to make yourself comfortable and how to add various elements that will make your stay something to remember.

    Let's start from recalling what are the basics of every camp: fire, sleeping tent, kitchen/storage ...

    Updated April 27, 2023 at 06:14 AM by Flinn

    Hobbies & Interests , Entertainment , Travel
  2. The Dude's thoughts - Memento Mori

    There's a saying in modern Taoism:

    "We live like if we never die, we die like if we never lived"

    Sadly, this is a big truth about humanity in general, and it's even more true in modern times, at the least in "developed" countries. Since we have lost the daily contact with death, we have started to believe that we are immortal, while death is the only certain thing in life.

    I really don't question the fact that someone cannot cope ...

    Updated March 09, 2020 at 10:02 AM by Flinn

    Hobbies & Interests
  3. The Dude goes into politics! - The story so far!

    Above is a picture of the Presepe Subacqueo (Underwater Nativity) which is a 25 years old attraction we set up around Xmas time.

    Time for an update

    In the last chapter I hinted about the title for the next one as "What will I be remembered for?".. well I was too optimistic to be honest.. there's so much still to do and to tell that it's really too early to draw a line on my (and our) deeds as ...

    Updated January 09, 2020 at 04:26 AM by Flinn

    Hobbies & Interests
  4. The fine art of Wild Camping - Setting up the camp!

    That's where we usually camp...

    And here we are again!

    In Chapter 2 we defined what the basics of wild camping are, so it's now time to learn how to properly set up your camp.

    Let's go by steps: we have found the right spot and we have gathered the stuff we need to build up and maintain the camp, how do we actually organize it then? In order to so do, we need to define what are the basic elements ...

    Updated February 04, 2020 at 09:04 AM by Flinn

    Entertainment , Travel , Hobbies & Interests
  5. The Lensation - December Part One

    Greetings all, and happy December!

    As the year approaches its close, the Lensation will return for two posts! For those who haven't read this before, the Lensation is my own commentary on the Picture of the Week (POTW) and Game Picture of the Week (GPOTW) competitions that run weekly here on TWC. Aside from the core gameplay, I usually very much enjoy admiring the graphics