Blog Comments

  1. PikeStance's Avatar
    I Totally disagree with their advice. You should definitely reenact a time period you are interested in. When I started I like Napoleonic and ACW. However, in the US, Napoleonic was nowhere close (LOL). My father is a Civil War dealer and one of his clients was a collector and reenactor. When you reneact, you are "living history" so you will have to be able to answer questions regarding anything about the period, especially the the typical soldier of the period. If you do not have an interest, you will look silly not being able to answer questions. This is good advice for anyone thinking of doing this. Even if the time period as a small group of people, you will enjoy your time better. The best ACW events were always the smaller ones. (I have reenactor in many large anniversary events, and the best one's were always the "mom and pops" ones).
    Port Hudson, Louisiana.
    One of our members made Civil War era hand grenades. That's me in the Artlleryman's jacket.
  2. IlluminatiRex's Avatar
    [QUOTE=Halie Satanus;bt188]Sounds interesting. I imagine 'kit' costs a lot of money, which side would you be on?[/QUOTE]
    British Army, and yeah the kit is expensive. I've been looking at the regimental shopping list and the prices for some of this stuff is making my stomach do somersaults.

    @Pike, yeah a couple guys have told me to start with the ACW, but overall I'm not all that interested in the period - not nearly in the same way I am WWI.
  3. PikeStance's Avatar
    It was more fun to play the bad guys,... you know those dirty carpetbagging Yankees. The same people the Canadians can't stand.

    [Small note: Did you know when I was in school a carpetbagger was a profiteering Yankee.]
  4. Derpy Hooves's Avatar
    It better not have been the filthy traitorous treacherous rebels
  5. PikeStance's Avatar
    I was a American Civil War Reenactor for about 5 years in the 90s. I joined at a good time; the heyday of Civil War crazed. In the old days you had to make your own clothing and equipment, but when I was involved they had people that did that for you. The cool thing is I was able to reenact in the same unit my ancestors (brothers) fought in.

    Reenacting was always fun. I met a lot of great and some very interesting people.
  6. Halie Satanus's Avatar
    Sounds interesting. I imagine 'kit' costs a lot of money, which side would you be on?
  7. Gigantus's Avatar
    Primarily strategy games like Age of Empires III, Empire Earth, and Age of Mythology. Put countless hours into those, of course I didn't have a very exceptional computer at the time and could barely run a game like Napoleon: Total War on low.
    That sounds exactly like a paragraph in my (never to be published) 'Embarrassments of an Adult' autobiography
  8. Hitai de Bodemloze's Avatar
    I was much the same in first year. However, the best piece of advice I ever received about college/university, was to treat it like a job. Go in at 9am and leave at 5pm, even if you don't have lectures. Last year was full of last minute deadlines, stress and general tearing out of hair. This year has been busy, still stressful at times, but a lot easier and a lot more fulfilling
  9. IlluminatiRex's Avatar
    Only further proving my hypothesis about procrastination there Shankbot :P
  10. Shankbot de Bodemloze's Avatar
    Procrastination, the bane of my life. :laughter:

    Glad to hear you've enjoyed it. :)