What he said!
Very very impressive!!! Happy tidings on your wedding! I'm pleased to see you going through his dark materials, they're my favourite books of all time. Recently Ive Read the Dresden Files, the Wheel of Time series and The Jurassic Park books. I too was a bit miffed at the Narnia Chronicles, which as you say the His Dark Materials are the Antithesis of in storytelling. As you are rerading them, rememeber the four short stories and The Books of dust. Part way through The Winter King, Gideon of the Ninth, The Richest man I Babylon and The Way of Kings. Also starting on The Expanse series. Soon I'll plow through the Dune Books aswell I think. Thanks for sharing progress! I thought I was a prolific reader, but you supass me. 52 is A LOT. Well done!
20 books in eight weeks is seriously impressive stuff dude, nice to see your thoughts!
My best wishes to you Gen. Chris and thanks a lot for all your work on TWC! :thumbsup2
Best of luck bats. The only thing I regret is that I joined the script just as you were leaving
Life is about striking a good balance. The first few years of teaching are tough. Thanks for your service and Good Luck.... and never be a stranger, "Brother!" Sincerely, Pike
Good luck with everything Chris, and thanks for all the [COLOR="#FF0000"][s]fish[/s][/COLOR] help with learning the ropes of the various parts of Content and how not to be a noob. Get well Batman, [COLOR="#FF0000"][s]Gotham City[/s][/COLOR] TWC is awaiting your return. Feel free to contact me on Steam if you want utterly useless advice, some proof reading or to talk.
As already said, wish you all the best in RL. Regarding your TWC retirement, I'm sure that it's temporary. Your contributions show that you've got the virus Mate, and soon or later you'll come back :tongue2:
good luck in real life chris and thanks for the work and the update
Originally Posted by Alwyn Oh man! It sounds like one unexpected - and unfair, stressful or expensive - thing after another. Hope you get some normal days ahead! It really was. My friends used to joke about me living frugally even while making good money but they haven't seen anything yet. I've pretty much stockpiled on rice and beans for a few weeks at a time just because they are so cheap and filling. I've also managed to lose twenty pounds (about 9kg for those that don't use Freedom Units) which I'd like to say is from me exercising but is realistically from stress.
God bless you Gen Chris I will pray for you and wish you all the best
Oh man! It sounds like one unexpected - and unfair, stressful or expensive - thing after another. Hope you get some normal days ahead!
yup sadly, as I said, they are animals, not persons; just imagine your dog is like a gun.. potentially it should not do any harm to anyone, but if you are not careful and lose control of it, then it can become a trouble. I know I sound dramatic, but I have a 35 years exp with dogs and other animals (since when I can remember, actually) and every dog, at least once in its life, did something troubling/stupid. However, once you'll have childs, you will see that dogs, in comparison, are angels best of luck with the cat!
Enjoy your time with the dog and the kitties, but be careful about how you treat them: they are animals, not persons, and recently I have seen too many persons forgetting this fact... as animals they are subject to reactions which goes beyond our normal comprehension, so treat them accordingly. I'm assuming this is how I described the part about the dog reacting once to cat ran? It was weird. He didn't try to pursue it, growl at it, nothing...He just watched it run away while sitting once the fight was stopped. I have no idea what that means. It was scary either way. I was legitimately worried they would take my dog away. As for the cat...It looks like he will likely be fine...kind of. They are running more tests. They might be able to cure the infection but they are worried that there may be severe damage to the liver. If that's the case I don't want the poor thing to suffer.
Dude, life is unfair, isn't it? I think I already told this to you, but all you really need to do is to take it easy; after all is life, good times and bad times, and believe me, there's nothing we can do to change this state of things Enjoy your time with the dog and the kitties, but be careful about how you treat them: they are animals, not persons, and recently I have seen too many persons forgetting this fact... as animals they are subject to reactions which goes beyond our normal comprehension, so treat them accordingly. I have 5 dogs and I learnt on my skin that you cannot assume what they will do and that even the best dog can have unexpected reactions; personally, I ended up dividing them into 4 different enclosures and only allow them one or two per time to roam free in our main garden. However, I know how hard is to deal with passing animal friends, good that there's hope they can cure it (about feline HIV, I had a cat who got it when it was 1 and actually managed to live up to above 10 years, so hope never dies )
What a betrayal. Not a single mention of the great and glorious Caligula having come into your life and brightened up your TWC experiences.
That sucks, really. It is evident from your words that you love to be a teacher, so, whatever it might be in the future, don't give up. I'm thinking that those two classes have a problem that goes beyond your responsibilities, so IMO the important is that you have done your best for them and that you are convinced that all that you could give was given. That said, no one is good to solve all the problems, so if you can't help them out, focus yourself on those who seem to be following you better; this way you can show to the admins what you are worth .
Congrats man, best of luck! :D
I'm very happy for you my friend. If teacher assessments are as much of a pain over there as they are here I feel for you deeply. Either way I wish you luck, as you will be literally molding the future, and welcome to the profession. Ad astera per aspera as they used to say.
Welcome to the teaching profession. It has been awhile, but I do not remember "writing" anything except for a reflective paper on my internship. The only test I took was something called a Core Battery. For grade 7 and 8 the most important thing is skills! Quality feedback is more important than the "grade" and the most important thing you can do is to connect with your students. Be friendly, engaging, but never naive. If you see a teacher do something you li,e, shamefully and unrepentant-ly steal it. Again congrats and my door is always open if you have any questions.