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Life on TWC

  1. A Year In Review

    Man what a year.

    Since the last time I have written a blog my life has changed a lot. The biggest change was being told I was not being invited back to teach at the school that hired me a year ago. While I never found out the reason, I suspect they just did not feel I could improve enough to justify another year. I disagree immensely, as by the end I felt I really had a good handle on the classes that actually tried and just had a couple of problems. But I do, truly, believe that there ...
    Life on TWC
  2. Everything writing

    In my years here on Total War Center, I have done a lot of writing. In game reviews alone I have done at least twenty five reviews, a good chunk of them being from my favorite franchise, Assassins Creed. I also have a further twenty two reviews of movies and TV shows in the Arts section, though some of those reviews are substantially lesser in quality compared to later ones. And if that was not enough I have two long stories and three or four short stories in the Creative Writing section of the ...

    Updated September 18, 2016 at 12:29 PM by TheDarkKnight

    Life on TWC
  3. Batman's Blog

    Well hello Total War Center. I suppose now is the time to bore you with stuff about me. Why not start with stuff about my time here on the site?

    I actually found this site and Total War in general quite by accident after stumbling across a picture of Third Age Total War. After doing some research I found the site, and being a fan of Lord of the Rings I pretty much stayed in that section for months, never really caring about anything else on the site. I could not play it at the time ...

    Updated March 30, 2015 at 03:46 PM by TheDarkKnight

    Life on TWC