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Building a guitar. Pt 2..

Ebay snipers and making a compromise...


How I've never killed any one is a mystery to me.

  1. Building a guitar.

    by , May 20, 2015 at 01:18 PM (Building a guitar. Pt 2..)
    Not from scratch but by sourcing the parts and putting them together.

    However, that is only part of the story. The intent is buy cheap parts (where possible) and age them so they look like a 1962 Fender Stratocaster. The process is known as 'relicing.' Relicing isn't just making something look old, it's has to look used. There's a lot of opinions on whether most reliced guitars are over done and look unrealistic. In that sense I have an advantage being the owner of a late 80's strat ...

    Updated June 12, 2015 at 09:39 AM by Halie Satanus

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