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  1. GW's Monthly Competitions Results & News - February 2016

    Good day TWC fellows!!!

    It took me a while to set the next GW competition, the #223. First, I've been busy on some other stuff. Second, I wasn't sure what theme to choose for that one. What means February for most of the people? Winter sports? Well it's also summer time in the South emisphere. Valentine day? Too commercial from my point a view (but that's just my own :tongue:).
    After a while, I realized that it was also the carnival season, not only in my place, Dunkirk, where ...

    Updated February 27, 2016 at 06:31 PM by Lifthrasir

  2. Monthly Graphics Competition #222 is now open for vote!!!

    Good day TWC fellows!!!!

    The Monthly Graphics Competition #222 is now closed for submissions but is open for vote until the 12th of February.
    There are 4 great quality submissions:


    Submission 1

    Submission 2


    Updated February 08, 2016 at 08:42 AM by Lifthrasir

  3. GW's Monthly Competitions Results & News - Jan. 2016

    GC #222 - Jan. 2016

    Good day TWC Fellows!!!

    First of all and despite that recent issue among the TWC forums (which has doubled my amount of work by the way :tongue2:), I wish you all the best for this coming year 2016.

    As some you have probably already noticed, the GW's Monthly Graphics Competition #222 is now open for submissions. ...

    Updated February 27, 2016 at 06:33 PM by Lifthrasir

  4. GW's Monthly Competitions - Results and News!!!

    Miss GW - December 2015

    Good day TWC Fellows!!!

    There was a time, not long ago, when the Graphic Workshop and its GW's Monthly Competitons were very popular to say the least. The oldest members probably remember that :tongue:

    A bit of history for the new comers: the GWC, short for Graphic Workshop Competition, was a ...

    Updated February 27, 2016 at 06:36 PM by Lifthrasir
