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  1. Britannia

    Something I wrote for a school thing many years ago, as the prologue to a longer story. Unfortunately, this is all I have left, as the full thing was written by hand in my old books we threw away, and I just found this sitting on my computer.

    Seemed a shame not to share it, hope you enjoy it!


    Tiny dust clouds floated on the air, disturbed only by the occasional javelin shaft and a pathetic cry of pain. Spear armed warriors covered in
    Creative Writing
  2. DC Animated: The Dark Knight Returns is Overrated, and Under the Red Hood is a Superior Film.

    I recently watched Under the Red Hood recently, and despite TDKR being the film that got me into animated movies, I found Red Hood to be a better film. I should point out I’ve not read the comics both are based on, them being Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns, A Death in the Family, and Under the Hood. I’ll also be treating the two TDKR parts as one block.

    If the continuity doesn’t make any sense between the two films with Batman retiring for 10 years after Jasons death, and the ...