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Aik's Corner

This is Aik's Life on TWC blog.

  1. Torreon not a Torero, sadly.

    Today was a very busy Easter Saturday. I got up at 6 A.M.. After the usual morning routine and a quick breakfast I had to do the shopping for the Easter weekend, which was sort of okay since the shops were not too crowded early in the morning. Then I had to pick up parts of the family from the train station - after all Easter is a family fest and this time around, we're on the line, go figure.

    After two successive drives to and from the train station and all the "Please do pick ...

    Updated April 04, 2015 at 12:42 PM by Aikanár

    Life on TWC , Product Reviews
  2. Easter's Rising

    A busy week is heading towards its end. And what a week it was. In the Den [Administrative notification: due to an imminent break of SND only none-staff can read from here. To make sure this will never get out, this message is now magically encrypted in a way that while none-staff members can read the plain text, all staff members can read is a copy&paste from Cicero's de finibus malorum et bonorum.] all hell broke loose when Garb announced that he will prepare a special Good Friday dinner for ...

    Updated April 02, 2015 at 06:05 PM by Aikanár

    Life on TWC