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Life on TWC

  1. Times are a'changing

    by , March 29, 2015 at 03:38 PM (The Other End of the Quill)
    Ohayou! I'm Hitai, Total War Center's worst writer and most boring member of Content staff. I sense this blog isn't going to be very interesting at all, but thankfully it's far prettier than Aik's, so every cloud!

    I used to have another blog here, but I guess now it's better to move over here; if only to help promote the new features GED's been working hard to implement recently.

    So, I usually talk about writing, which I find very interesting, since, you know, I'm a writer.

    Updated March 29, 2015 at 04:07 PM by Hitai de Bodemloze

    Life on TWC