The life of a winemaker - Part 2 Let's start from a basic concept: what does Bio means? In theory, everything that is grown up in a 100% natural way, is biologic. Unfortunately, nowadays it's impossible to have a 100% bio product, even if it's home made. First, land is polluted in any case, it's not nearly as bio as it was 50 years ago, this because even if my own land has no poisons ...
Updated October 10, 2019 at 07:07 AM by Flinn
Part 4 - The Grim Reality. Truth be told, I was not really sure if to post about this or not, because the topic is incredibly boring, to me at the least: bureaucracy. Have you ever had a nightmare, where a black indefinite monster pursue you till you cannot escape it and you eventually wake up screaming? Well, that's what bureaucracy is to me: a ugly ...
Updated September 16, 2019 at 09:47 AM by Flinn
Part 3 - The Dude's Plan! Let's make it short; to make money, you need money. Or, in our case, to spend money, you need money. As I mentioned in the previous chapter, on papers there's a lot of potential to develop, but in order to do that one needs enough money to fully pursue a project, otherwise it makes little sense to do small things "just because you can".. don't ...
Updated September 17, 2019 at 07:09 AM by Flinn
The life of a winemaker - Part 1 Ok so now that you know how it all started, you might be asking yourself.. "Why are you still doing that, dude?".. the reason is simple, because it helps me to abide, a lot. I don't know how many of you are used to live in and from the fields, I guess not much in our modern times, ...
Part 2 - The road to the Elections! So, why did I decide to do this crazy thing? Because I love the place where I live, as simple as that. But it's not really just that: I hate to see good opportunities to be wasted... as I mentioned in Part 1, the touristic potential of my municipality is simply huge, but it has been badly, if at all, exploited so far. I've traveled around the world ...
Updated September 11, 2019 at 07:23 AM by Flinn