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  1. The Dude's thoughts - Memento Mori

    There's a saying in modern Taoism:

    "We live like if we never die, we die like if we never lived"

    Sadly, this is a big truth about humanity in general, and it's even more true in modern times, at the least in "developed" countries. Since we have lost the daily contact with death, we have started to believe that we are immortal, while death is the only certain thing in life.

    I really don't question the fact that someone cannot cope ...

    Updated March 09, 2020 at 10:02 AM by Flinn

    Hobbies & Interests
  2. The Dude goes into politics! - The story so far!

    Above is a picture of the Presepe Subacqueo (Underwater Nativity) which is a 25 years old attraction we set up around Xmas time.

    Time for an update

    In the last chapter I hinted about the title for the next one as "What will I be remembered for?".. well I was too optimistic to be honest.. there's so much still to do and to tell that it's really too early to draw a line on my (and our) deeds as ...

    Updated January 09, 2020 at 04:26 AM by Flinn

    Hobbies & Interests
  3. The fine art of Wild Camping - Setting up the camp!

    That's where we usually camp...

    And here we are again!

    In Chapter 2 we defined what the basics of wild camping are, so it's now time to learn how to properly set up your camp.

    Let's go by steps: we have found the right spot and we have gathered the stuff we need to build up and maintain the camp, how do we actually organize it then? In order to so do, we need to define what are the basic elements ...

    Updated February 04, 2020 at 09:04 AM by Flinn

    Hobbies & Interests , Entertainment , Travel
  4. The fine art of Wild Camping - the basics!

    Some woods are magic, mystic and ancestral

    So, in Chapter 1 we have seen what "wild camping" means and why I like it so much, therefore is now time to see how to organize the camping, starting from listing the main points of it:

    1. pick the spot
    2. decide how long and when you'll be there
    3. think on what you need and decide what to bring
    4. plan forward for possible troubles
  5. The Dude's thoughts - To fall in love vs to love...

    This is not really my typical blog, and I'm not going to talk about myself specifically (I've done so enough in the Personal Help & Advice forum), but I wanted to share few thoughts I made about "love" during the last few months, in the hope that they will help other people to clarify their minds and/or stimulate them to discuss about love in general.
    I could have posted this in the PH&A, but it's not really about asking for help, but rather about sharing what I learnt on ...

    Updated February 26, 2020 at 04:31 AM by Flinn

    Hobbies & Interests