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  1. The Lensation - December Part One

    Greetings all, and happy December!

    As the year approaches its close, the Lensation will return for two posts! For those who haven't read this before, the Lensation is my own commentary on the Picture of the Week (POTW) and Game Picture of the Week (GPOTW) competitions that run weekly here on TWC. Aside from the core gameplay, I usually very much enjoy admiring the graphics
  2. Last Week's Lensation - 10/04/19 - 17/04/19

    So, after a bit of site trouble the POTWs are back, and with them, the Lensation! We've had a lot of winners this past week, which is always good to see. Here's coverage for the GPOTW and the POTW.

    GPOTW 117 Commentary

    The thread where you can see the submissions and the results
  3. Last Week's Lensation - 13/03/19 - 20/03/19

    It's been a while since the last update, (almost a month, I believe) and some things have changed in the meantime. I won't be doing "live" commentary, I will only be doing commentary for POTWs that have just ended (hence the name change of the blog). This is so I don't inadvertently influence the vote. This also means I can be a little more liberal in expressing my admiration for ...
  4. This Week's Lensation - 25/02/19 - 04/03/19

    Hello again and welcome back to another week of the Lensation. This was how the blog was originally conceived to be - coming out a day or two after the polls are up. This week in addition to the weekly wrap-up, I'd like to thank the regular voters as well. *Insert Jeff Probst voice here* Let's get to it!


    Updated February 28, 2019 at 12:24 PM by Swaeft

  5. This Week's Lensation - 17/02/19 - 24/02/19

    Welcome back to the Lensation! I'm in the process of working out a few things - there will be no more interviews posted here as interviews should be posted in Content Publications. I am looking to replace it with something else, but I am also thinking of simply sticking to commentary. Anyway, you let me worry about that, for now let's get down to the Weekly Wrap-up!


    Updated February 24, 2019 at 07:02 AM by Swaeft

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