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  1. Toxic leadership

    "The culture of any organization is shaped by the worst behavior the leaders are willing to tolerate."

    You see, I've come across this quote a couple times over the years. It always rang true. Leadership comes in many shapes, sizes and cultural idea's. This is a given and not something that is wrong in and on itself. I say this because the cultural divide among the internet is significant enough to appreciate different styles of leadership. Myself I've always been someone ...
  2. Brewster's final thoughts on his TWC participation through the years.

    Long have I aspired writing something that detailed my great deeds upon this website. Like how HorseArcher told the tale of the last Emperor. Fact remains I never did great deeds on this website so you cannot write about your great deeds if you didn't commit them. So maybe I'll write a bit about my mediocre participation on this board. As now more than ever and yes, I'm aware that I often announced my retirement from the site, the end of my time here really comes near.

    I've had ...
  3. Bittersweet

    Well, grab a cold one and a cookie. You might be here a while. Or not. Really depends on how far I'm going with this blog.

    So, for quite some people it's not a secret that I lost my brother in 2017. Leaving a wife and son behind. I don't really want to delve into that further but I suppose it's quite important context for what's next. 2017 and part of 2018 were really centered about a personal journey that I very much shared with my sister in law. She lost her husband, I lost my brother ...
  4. "I'm fine, just busy"

    I think this is a phrase that we all, one way or another hear aplenty. Looking at my own situation, my friends would all say it, my parents will say it and frankly, I caught myself doing it a lot as well. Caught I must underline. I have always been one to judge other people when they said it. I would often think on how their days are going and how they waste the time that they have on needless things. Then I noticed that when I don’t want to tell people how or what I feel I’ll just say I’m busy, ...