With build queue badly stalled, it can be extremely difficult to get anything built in any province other than the first dozen or so that you control.

Reason for this, is that M2TW has no build queue at all, really. Every turn, it simply goes through your list of provinces in the order that you acquired them, checking to see if a building needs to be paid for and if you have the cash to pay for it. There's no attempt at all to pay for buildings in the order of how long they've been waiting to be financed, no check to pay for the most expensive buildings first, etc. And, of course, there's no way for the player to specify the order that buildings are to be payed for when they've got 30+ cities waiting in a stalled queue.

Given the way finances work in TLR, where its often all you can do to get 6-10k per turn alotted to new buildings, which cost a minimum of 3k each, even with a substantial empire its hard to keep more than 10-12 buildings under construction at a time, with the remaining cities in your empire waiting indefinitely for financing. This is bad enough, but with the same cities always at the top of the list for fresh money whenever they need it, later conquests may well never get a single building constructed.