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Thread: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

  1. #1

    Default Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    Chapter 0


    Hello friends! My name is Icarus and welcome to my first AAR! I'll start with some background: I'm pretty new to Total War (roughly 18 months) though have been playing other strategy games (primarily Paradox and Civilisation) for many years. One thing I've always enjoyed is sending my friends lengthy narrative updates on my campaigns. However, while they've always been supportive and feigned enjoyment, I've decided to stop bothering just them with my updates and to now bother you all. (Not to worry, I'll be bothering them as well.) I've always known about AARs, but for the past few years the community has seemed rather lifeless, so I never put much consideration into it. However, recently I thought about it again and I decided to check these forums, and it seems to me that, while somewhat inactive, there's a dedicated and consistent group here. So I've decided to try my hand at it! Following this post will be a mid-campaign AAR as Karl Franz. The first chapter will be a summary of the history of the Empire of Man up until this point. Will there ever be a Chapter 2? Not sure! I'd like to say yes as I really do enjoy writing these, but I can't make any promises. With that, I hope you enjoy!


    • I am new and therefore not very good at Total War games. I also prefer a more relaxed, slow paced feel out of my strategy games. On top of that, I make roleplay oriented choices more than gameplay oriented ones. That all said: I play on easy and still perform sub-optimally. As this won't be video playthrough that shouldn't get in the way too much, but if you notice any points where I lose a battle I should have won, or let another faction do something I shouldn't have, or anything like that. Please know that one of the above reasons is why and go easy on me!
    • I am running a handful of mods, almost all visual but a handful of gameplay ones. No new units or anything extreme like that, just some balancing tweaks.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    Good luck with your AAR, mate! Looking forward to reading it.

  3. #3
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    Welcome to TWC and the Writers' Study! I played Civilisation before discovering Total War too, and I look forward to reading your AAR.

    I like the sound of your reporting being based on roleplay oriented choices - and losing an occasional battle can be great for the development of your characters!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor


  5. #5

    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    Welcome to TWC and the Writers' Study! I played Civilisation before discovering Total War too, and I look forward to reading your AAR.

    I like the sound of your reporting being based on roleplay oriented choices - and losing an occasional battle can be great for the development of your characters!
    Thanks! Agreed! And don't worry there will be lots of character development in that way haha. Should have the first chapter ready to post later today!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    Chapter 1

    Background on the Empire of Man
    2500 years ago, the centre of the Old World was little more than a collection of human tribes who found themselves perpetually at odds. This was until one man, Sigmar Heldenhammer, led the tribes in an alliance with the Dwarfen realms against a coming Greenskin invasion. This culminated with the triumph at the Battle of Black Fire Pass and the formation of the Empire of Man, with Sigmar himself as Emperor. He knew that he could not control the Empire alone, however, and delegated his reign by granting each human lord the title of Count. The Dwarfs, grateful for the human assistance in stopping the great Waaagh!, created a series of legendary swords, the Runefangs, and gifted one to each Count. As well, they gifted Sigmar with the legendary hammer, Ghal Maraz. Upon Sigmar’s passing, it was discovered that he did not have an heir. Thus, the Counts got together and devised an electoral system for selecting the Emperor’s successor. Each of the thirteen Counts was given one vote, now designating them Elector Counts. In the centuries to come, Sigmar’s legacy continued to persevere and, eventually, he became venerated as a god.

    The Election of Karl Franz I
    In the election following the death of Emperor Luitpold I, there were two prominent candidates for the throne. The first was Boris Todbringer, Elector Count of Middenland. Boris was a wise and experienced leader, and was known for his many victories over the Beastmen in Drakwald Forest. The second candidate was Luitpold’s son, Prince Karl Franz I of Altdorf. Franz was competent, but many in the Empire saw him as weak and inexperienced.

    Franz’ home city and capital: Altdorf

    Now, there are only eleven Elector Counts. Centuries ago, Drakwald was dissolved and its land divided between the Provinces of Middenland and Nordland. 70 years ago, The Wasteland seceded from the Empire. Of the eleven remaining votes, only four were initially cast for Franz. However, four votes had been granted to the Church of Sigmar, all of which were cast for Franz, whom they saw as being of a more Royal bloodline. This was enough to win Franz the election, and he became Emperor Karl Franz I.

    Frankenwurter’s Rebellion
    Suffice to say, the new Emperor’s early rule was filled with strife. Soon, his first source of open conflict came from his own home Province, Reikland. Dissatisfied with what he saw as a weak and obsolete coalition of states, Hans Frankenwurter, a rival politician in Reikland and a supporter of Todbringer, led a faction of Imperial secessionists who declared themselves a breakaway state, independent from Reikland and the Empire at large. This came mere days after the election.
    Franz immediately set about crushing these rebels, as he was eager to not repeat the mistakes of his predecessor, Dieter IV, who had been the Emperor to allow Marienburg’s secession— an act which had begun the downward trajectory that led to the Empire’s decay into the quagmire of ineffectiveness and disloyal Elector Counts that it had become.
    Luckily for the fledgling Emperor, this was easy work; the rebels were disorganised and underequipped. He was able to quickly capture the cities of Grunburg and Ubersreik, as well as the fort of Helmgart— the battle for which claimed the life of Frankenwurter himself.

    The Empire demonstrating its superior firepower during the battles of Grunburg and Ubersreik

    Von Korden’s Gambit
    The rebels having been dealt with left one of Reikland’s major cities, Eilhart, in a precarious situation. While the secessionists had been defeated and their rebellion stopped, control had never been properly restored in Eilhart, and the people there continued to rebel. While Franz immediately began marching onwards to the city, the treacherous Director Emil von Korden of The Wasteland swooped in and occupied it, promising the people the riches and independence that could be found in his Directorate. While not an outright act of war, this placed Franz into a dilemma: on the one hand, he knew he didn’t have the military might to beat The Wasteland in a war, but on the other hand, he didn’t want to appear weak by allowing them to hold de jure Reikland territory.

    Federalising Stirland
    Franz chose to bide his time, and focus on matters of diplomacy. He had a grand vision for his Empire and a vital part of it was the federalisation of its provinces. He believed that if the Empire was going to withstand, it would have to become one unified state. To this end, he engaged in diplomacy with the most loyal of Electors. It was in many respects, dirty work. Convincing rulers to give up their sovereignty to a seat of power that was archaic and fraught was no simple task, but Franz was as determined as he was shrewd. Riding the laurels of his success against the Rebels, he convinced the Elector Count of Stirland, Alberich Haupt-Anderssen, to allow his land to be annexed by Reikland. As Glorious Sigmar knew in times of old, Karl Franz knew that to manage his realm effectively he’d need to delegate his rule over each new province. And so, he devised a new system of governance. He allowed Anderssen to remain as the Count of Stirland, but instead of the distinct but loosely aligned nations of old, Anderssen was now a governor, wholly subservient to the will of the Emperor.

    The One-Eyed Brayherd
    To the north, in territory belonging to Middenland, Khazrak The One-Eye, a Beastlord in command of a mighty Brayherd, had been raiding and vandalising Drakwald Forest for many years. While much Boris Todbringer’s support had come from his ability to hold Khazrak back, he had never expunged the Brayherd. Hoping to win favour from those who were in support of Todbringer, Franz appointed a newly risen general, Luthor Valdorf, to the task of claiming Khazrak’s pelt in battle. Valdorf performed this task with flying colours, slaughtering the Brayherd to the last beast in only a single battle. This further solidified the might of the Empire within the eyes of its Counts.

    Imperial pistoliers narrowly avoiding the wrath of Khazrak’s harpies

    War With The Wasteland
    At this point, Karl knew that he could no longer allow The Wasteland to hold Eilhart. He sent them an ultimatum: Return Eilhart to Reikland, or face war. Von Korden chose his own annihilation.
    Franz and Luthor began a joint campaign westward. Luthor moved quickly into the city of Marienburg, where the majority of von Korden’s force was garrisoned, and laid siege. Meanwhile, Franz marched on Eilhart, swiftly uniting the province of Reikland and quelling those who would remain independent of the Empire. After this, Franz marched on towards Marienburg to join Valdorf, and the two launched a joint assault. Ultimately, the garrison fell and the city, with its glittering tradeports, fell to Reiklander control. The treacherous Count von Korden was killed in the fight. With The Wasteland in need of a new leader, Franz appointed its conqueror, Luthor Valdorf— thus projecting a clear message to the other Counts: fall in, or be replaced.

    Emil von Korden standing alone against the might of Reikland

    Franz then marched into the Gisoreux Gap, and occupied Fort Bergbres, thus consolidating the Imperial side of the Grey Mountains.

    It was these conquests that set the stage for the next Elector Count to offer their Province for confederation: Helmut Feuerbach of Talabecland. With Talabecland now federalised and Helmut assigned as its governor and general, the centre of the Empire was united under Karl’s rule.

    Beset on All Sides
    While still at war with The Wasteland in the west, Karl Franz recognised another important directive for The Empire: alliances with non-Imperial humans. To that end, he had pursued a defensive pact with Tzarina Katarin Bokha of The Tsardom of Kislev. It was through this alliance that Franz was dragged into a second war, now on his far eastern border against the Vampire Count Vlad von Carstein of Sylvania. The early days of this war went poorly, with Alberich Haupt-Anderssen killed and his army wiped out in the opening volleys. The Mootland, home to the peace-loving Halflings, was occupied by Vampires. The current Halfling Elder, Hisme Stoutheart, pleaded for The Empire’s assistance.

    Shortly thereafter, yet another threat arose from across the River Reik, now the Empire’s northern border after the federalisation of Talabecland. There rested the lands of Doctor Festus. A former Imperial physician who became so obsessed with curing disease that he allowed himself to be corrupted by a Chaos God, the Plague Lord Nurgle. Festus, now donning the title of Leechlord, had returned to the Empire. Laying waste to the Province of Hochland and murdering its Count, Aldebrand Ludenhof, all the while gleefully spreading the same plague he once sought to cure. Festus laid siege to Talabheim and quickly killed Helmut Feuerbach in battle.

    Vlad von Carstein (left) and Festus the Leechlord (right)

    Author’s Note:
    I got a little discouraged by how badly things were going and forgot to take pretty screenshots in most of my fights. In my defence I had no intention of making an AAR. I will make sure to take plenty going forward.

    Yet more war was on the horizon for Emperor Franz as Supreme Patriarch Balthasar Gelt, the Imperial Arch Lector and loyal Elector Count of Solland, declared war against Count Valmir von Raukov of Ostland. Wanting to appease Gelt in hopes of future annexation, Franz joined this war on Solland’s side. Luckily, this paid off, and Solland was soon folded into the banner of Reikland.
    Marching west, Festus assaulted and captured Middenheim, the capital city of Middenland. Boris Todbringer barely escaped with his life. Despite having been Franz’ opponent, he fled to Altdorf as a refugee, and begged Karl to allow him to help in the war against the Leechlord. Franz agreed, and a new army was put into commission under Todbringer’s command.
    On the eastern front, the Vampires and their undead hordes marched across Stirland, laying waste to city after city until they were in control of the entire Province, and perched on the borders of Reikland proper.
    Naturally, war on three fronts wasn’t good enough and a fourth front opened up in the south, with the Bretonnian Vampires of Mousillon marching through Gisoreux Gap and beginning to raid Reikland itself.

    From the Brink
    Franz knew things were dire, but he was never one to give up. He called all of his armies, under the commands of Valdorf, Gelt, Todbringer, and himself to the defence of Reikland. The four armies replenished their ranks and steeled themselves for the fight to come.
    Soon, Todbringer began to march north, bringing the fight to Festus as he had desired. Against him, Festus suffered defeat after defeat, culminating in his death during the Second Battle of Middenheim. The Provinces of Hochland and Middenland were reclaimed for the Empire. Todbringer, remaining loyal to Franz, was awarded the seat of Governor of Middenland.
    Likewise, Gelt travelled east, pushing the vampires back to the border of Sylvania. Soon, he marched into Sylvania itself, cutting into their heartland.
    Valdorf, fresh off of his lengthy campaign against the remaining cities of The Wasteland, joined Franz and the two armies marched across Gisoreux Gap. If King Leoncoeur couldn’t be trusted to keep the vampires of Mousillon at bay, Franz would do it himself.
    Soon, the Vampires of Mousillon had been wiped out, and to preempt trouble with the Barrow Legion, Franz marched into the Grey Mountains and wiped the stench of undeath from their cities as well. Much of the conquered Bretonnian land was returned to King Leoncoeur of Couronne in exchange for an alliance.
    Von Raukov of Ostland accepted a mutually beneficial peace treaty, and reopened diplomacy with the Empire.

    The State of Play
    While its capital was firmly under Imperial control, much of Middenland had been colonised by the Wood Elves of Laurelorn in the aftermath of Festus’ razing.
    In the south, half of Solland was lost to the savage Greenskin tribe, The Red Handz. Never having been annexed by Reikland, Elector Count Marius Leitdorf the Mad of Averland found himself killed at the hands of the Treeman, Durthu of Argwylon, with much of Averland also conquered by The Red Handz. Similarly, Ostermark and its Count, Wolfram Hertwig, were decimated by the Treewoman, Drycha.
    Wissenland, Ostland, and Nordland all retain their status as semi-autonomousElector Counts of the Empire.
    Today, Gelt finds himself trapped in his main Sylvanian stronghold, Castle Templehof. While he has enough forces to hold the Castle’s gates, he does not have enough to march onwards towards Castle Drakenhof. He waits for reinforcements from Boris Todbringer.
    In Altdorf, Karl Franz and Luthor Valdorf ponder their best course of action regarding the vast swathes of Imperial land currently under wood elf control.

    Current map of the Empire of Man

    And there it is! The first (and possibly last) chapter of my Karl Franz AAR! I hope you all enjoy it! If I get positive responses I'll most likely keep going, I have some ideas cooked up for how to approach this going forward. I like the textbook/wiki style of main entries but since some interesting character development is happening and I am a fiction writer by calling, I have some ideas for short stories about Todbringer, Gelt, and the Prince himself that could serve as chapters 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. I have yet to continue this campaign but will probably play some more today so, stay tuned!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    Your first attempt at writing an AAR is great! Some short stories about the aforementioned characters interwoven with the main AAR would definitely fit in nicely, just for the flavour. Right now I'm reading a Gotrek and Felix novel, so I'm definitely up for reading more Warhammer Fantasy fiction.

  8. #8
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    An excellent start to your story, and impressive screenshots!

    It's interesting that the new Emperor relied on the Church of Sigmar to gain power (I wonder if they will want anything from him in return). The Vampire Counts sound like a serious threat. After Hisme Stoutheart called for the Empire's aid, I wonder if anyone was sent (or if this might still happen). I hope you'll continue this AAR.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    Quote Originally Posted by Maximinus Thrax View Post
    Your first attempt at writing an AAR is great! Some short stories about the aforementioned characters interwoven with the main AAR would definitely fit in nicely, just for the flavour. Right now I'm reading a Gotrek and Felix novel, so I'm definitely up for reading more Warhammer Fantasy fiction.
    Thank you so much! Yeah I'm still experimenting with the style and format I wanna go with for them, so definitely some more overtly prosaic pieces of fiction are in the works.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    An excellent start to your story, and impressive screenshots!

    It's interesting that the new Emperor relied on the Church of Sigmar to gain power (I wonder if they will want anything from him in return). The Vampire Counts sound like a serious threat. After Hisme Stoutheart called for the Empire's aid, I wonder if anyone was sent (or if this might still happen). I hope you'll continue this AAR.
    Thank you!! You guys are so nice, I'm liking it here so far.

    That's rather a good question, I'm sure the Church expects some kind of repayment from the new Emperor- and I'm doubly sure that they're getting restless waiting for it. As for the Halflings, unfortunately their plight continues to go unanswered. Franz is keen on currying their favour, but Gelt is in charge of the Sylvanian front and he's chosen an approach that bypasses The Moot in favour of capturing Fort Oberstyre. Perhaps some sort of writing will come out detailing what life is like for Halflings under Vampiric occupation.

    I've already started working on the next entry! Look out for any journals threaded with golden seams...

  11. #11

    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    Chapter 1.1 - Blood of Gold, The Journal of Balthasar Gelt

    The Empire has been at war for many months, beset on all sides by those who would see humanity crumble. Our armies have been pushed all the way back to Reikland. Although my force is garrisoned in Grunburg, I travel to Altdorf to draw plans with the Emperor. They are under the command of Captain Warner, and there is no man I would more thoroughly trust to command in my stead. Truthfully, Simon does most of the commanding even when I am present, so it should be no different to the men. I’ve never found military command to my taste– there is no beauty in it, as there is in magic. Regardless, as Governor of Solland I am expected to lead its army into battle, and I am committed to my duty.

    I have only spoken to the Emperor a handful of times. I have been skeptical, to say the least, about his rule; unsure if he is the strong hand who has deftly united much of the Empire, or the headstrong fool who has allowed it to become surrounded by foes. It has been these past few days which have shown me that he is no fool. His planning has been clear, calculated, and efficient. There now exists a comprehensive stratagem for the liberation of Imperial lands. Unfortunately this plan does not, for the moment, include the liberation of Solland from the Greenskins. It has been reasoned that, though so much of my charge is lost, the Vampires pose the more immediate threat now that Morglus of the Bloody Handz has taken his so-called ‘Waaagh!’ back through Black Fire Pass into the Badlands. If the occupying Greenskin army in Steingart does decide to push further on its own, the garrisons in nearby cities can hold. And so, I am on the way to reunite with my army at Grunburg. Tomorrow, we will march into Stirland and push the Sigmar-forsaken Undead Counts back into the hellish province they hail from. As always, I am reluctant to command. But, Sigmar will honour me for cleansing the pestilence of undeath, and Emperor Franz has instilled in me a certain revanchism towards the Vampires.

    After months of bloody war we have arrived at the border of Sylvania. It has been a long and difficult campaign. Their hordes of zombies and skeletons, resurrected straight off the fields of battle, are a more capable force than I had imagined. Furthermore, the dark magicks that allow for their unnatural life prove potent and corrosive; the lands they had occupied were nigh on ruined by it. Being surrounded by so much Vampiric Corruption has made my skin crawl and I can feel tendrils of dark magic trying to invade my very soul. I fear to think what life must be like for the Halflings of the Mootland— their home was the first region to fall. Unfortunately, as I’ve pushed ever further east, the Vampires have retreated into the Moot, and made it their stronghold. I have no hope of assaulting it. In their haste, however, they’ve left a path into their own homeland unguarded. With this goal firmly in mind, we make camp overlooking Fort Oberstyre. After a long day’s march, the men deserve some rest. Tomorrow, we bring the fight to von Carstein’s home. Perhaps I am… excited? Leading this army, seeing the enemies fall to my blade… It turns out this is intoxicating. And I will see this task complete.

    Trapped. I am incensed to say that this is the condition which my army finds itself in. Trapped in Castle Templehof. After two vicious battles, watching so many of their number collapse, we are stranded. Luckily our force is well enough to hold, but the Vampires have moved into Drakenhof to the South and Waldenhof to the North- preventing us from marching any further. I have sent a communique to the Emperor, and he responded by instructing me to hold as he sends Todbringer to reinforce. I find this… unsatisfactory. I thirst for more conquest, I crave the release I feel each and every time I send one of these abominations back to the afterlife it belongs in.

    I hope you all enjoy this update! A little different from the last one but I had a lot of fun writing it. Next will either be Chapter 1.2 or Chapter 2 itself, whichever I have more inspiration for. Don't worry, this is only the first part of the Gelt plotline, I have big plans for him. All of this is set during Chapter 1, but I've played a lot more of this campaign so... just wait and see what's coming!


  12. #12

    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    Great update! Gelt's personal journal entry is excellently written. This style suits you well.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    Thanks!! I had a lot of fun writing it, I definitely want to write some more character pieces in the AAR.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    Hi friends! I'm very sorry for the lack of updates. A quick explanation: basically after the 3.0 patch for WH3 the game was virtually unplayable on my PC due to new crashes, so I couldn't continue. I have gotten back into the game since 3.1, however unfortunately I mistakenly deleted the save for this campaign. That being said, I had a great time writing it, and I would love to do more AARs in future! Perhaps for older games to mitigate the risk of something like this happening again, but as a huge Warhammer nerd it's likely this is what will grab me the most. So we'll see, not sure exactly what the next AAR will be, but don't think you've heard the last of me!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    No problem, mate! Your next AAR should definitely be Warhammer-related as well.

  16. #16
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    I agree, this is very good. It sounds frustrating to have had crashes and then to have mistakenly deleted the save. It's be possible to continue an AAR with a new campaign (even though it can be a bit awkward when things happen differently) - or, of course, you might prefer to start a new AAR. Either way, I'm happy to hear that we haven't heard the last from you.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    An absolute shame that this thread is still the most recent AAR on this forum, AND all of the screenshots are gone now

    Oh well, just means I'll have to try and liven things up with a new one! If anyone sees this, any suggestions for ways to prevent the screenshots vanishing? I'm guessing maybe posting them on Imgur or something and embedding them here.

  18. #18
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
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    Default Re: Karl Franz: Prince and Emperor

    Hey welcome back, unfortunately things aren't that lively these days; at least you don't have to worry about being buried...

    Your images link to the googleusercontent domain which says to me they were some sort of temporary storage. I do not trust google for long-term file hosting especially not with that domain. Imgur would be more advisable, other options are mentioned here (still a bit sparse I'm afraid). Notably the albums feature in your profile is an option if you'd like to go right through TWC.
    With great power, comes great chonky dragons to feed enemies of the state. --Targaryens?
    Spoiler for wait what dragons?

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