I tried adding a song for the main menu but it won't work. When I try, it still just goes to the default song.

For context, I used the unpacking tool on the music, which would bring me to a music folder in the directory Rome Total War Gold/data/sounds/data/sounds, there I put my MP3 file (Highlighted):

Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

And I edited the descr_sounds_music text file:

Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

(I wasn't sure if this was the main menu instance so I actually changed any instance with Frontend2-Rome_HQ.mp3 to Frontend1-Attila_Hun.mp3; I want Rome_Total_War, just not Rome_HQ)

Above is my second rendition, originally I tried something differently and it would always play Rome_HQ and Rome_Total_War, but I changed the text to look like ^

Usually I will start with the game playing Rome_HQ and after playing a game, the menu will go to Rome_Total_War. However, now, it will only ever play Rome_Total_War, and not play Attila_Hun, not playing Rome_HQ at all. It seems to just completely ignore the file. I tried changing the bitrate of the song to be suitable as I read that might help. Doesn't work. Any suggestions?