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Thread: Possible to add swords to musketeer units that don't have them?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    AEnima City, USA

    Default Possible to add swords to musketeer units that don't have them?

    I'd love to have all musketeer units like regiment of foot musketeers, and the blue/yellow/red regiments, have and use swords as secondary weapons for melee. They currently use their muskets as clubbing weapons, but other musketeers units, like dragoon irregulars or Uppland regiment, do use swords.

    From what I could tell in the EDU, they're maybe actually set to use secondary sword weapons? The blau/gelbe/rote brigades have the same type of secondary weapon info as other units with swords. But they don't actually use them in game. stat_sec has info for swords, but stat_sec_attr says no, maybe that's what's determining it? But when I added ap, spear_bonus_12 to that line, copying from the dragoon entry, game crashed when trying to start custom battle to check.

    Would it be possible to mod something to make it work? Any chance such a change would be save compatible?

    Edit: nevermind. Turns out it's a job for modeling software, which I fear is above my head. I shall suffer the wrath of OCD.

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