I was looking at one of the wikis, and it says these are the number of cannons in an artillery unit at each Unit Size setting (Small-Medium-Large-Ultra):

1/2/3/4 (6 men each)

This tallies with the proportions of soldier numbers for infantry and cavalry at different Unit Sizes, e.g.


However, in the actual game - I have the Definitive Edition on Steam - the number of guns in an artillery unit at each unit size is:


So, with Large Unit Size, which I've been using, there are four cannons to an artillery unit, rather than three as stated in the wiki (and which makes logical sense). The crew size is correct, though, at 18 soldiers.

It's a bit strange, and I couldn't find any mention of this in an internet search.

I'd been thinking artillery were a bit overpowered, anyway, so I'd like to fix it so that the number of cannons is 1/2/3/4, rather than 1/3/4/4.

Any idea how to do this?