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Thread: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

  1. #1

    Default Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan


    House Rowan
    Honor does not Wither

    Named after its wondrous colour in the setting sun and the beautiful fields surrounding it in Autumn, it is a hall unlike many others.
    The Golden Hall is large enough to seat a hundred men, with the high table with capacity for 20 men. Men feast here, but it is also where Lord Rowan holds court.
    The Oaken Court is a large furnished room, comprised of maps and a ornate ten man seating arrangement. it is from here House Rowan deals with its more sensitive matters.
    There are guest towers with all the amenities, stables well enough to secure the levy horses and guests in the event of a tournament.

    Strength at arms
    Levy 3,000
    300 Knights
    300 Light Cavalry
    1,200 Light Infantry
    600 Archers
    600 Men-at-arms

    Lord Thaddeus Rowan: Lord of Goldengrove and Lord of the Northmarch, 56

    Lord Thaddeus Rowan is older but in good health. He is a man of strength and poise. He is well respected in the Reach and beyond. He was devastated publicly at the death of his first wife, but to those close to him utility is key. Having many sons to see to the prosperity of his House was a plan from his youth. Now, with more sons than he pays heed to, he must decide which direction his House will go.

    Temperament: Melancholic (Meticulous) +1 detection rolls -5% for Movement Speed
    +2 Wealth
    +2 Logistician
    +2 Charisma

    Alyson Tarley, First Wife of Thaddeus

    Heir Robert Rowan, 38

    Diplomatic and Even keeled. He is the heir to Goldengrove. Some believe that he is only heir by name however, that Mace is the true heir. Roberts demeanor is not brash but lax. He has several good relationships in the Reach but many prefer Mace over him.

    Temperament: Phlegmatic (Reserved) +1 battle Rolls -1 Charisma

    +2 Wealth
    +2 Logistician
    +2 Rearguard

    Nyles Rowan, 34

    His mantra is more to let bygones be bygones. He is personable enough and enjoys court. He doesn't care for the backstabbing of politics though which has driven a wedge between him and his brother. Robert has repeatedly mentioned that he would need Nyles' help if he was to rule well but Nyles chronically shrugs him off. Likes his bow for far ranging ability but doesn't like fighting.

    Vassals of Goldengrove
    House Kidwell of Ivy Hall :
    100 Knights
    100 Light Cavalry
    200 Men-at-Arms
    200 Archers
    400 Light Infantry

    House Shermer of Smithyton :
    100 Knights
    100 Light Cavalry
    200 Men-at-Arms
    200 Archers
    400 Light Infantry

    House Webber of Coldmoat :
    100 Knights
    100 Light Cavalry
    200 Men-at-Arms
    200 Archers
    400 Light Infantry

    House Durwell of Dosk :
    100 Knights
    100 Light Cavalry
    200 Men-at-Arms
    200 Archers
    400 Light Infantry

    House Osgrey of Standfast :
    100 Knights
    100 Light Cavalry
    200 Men-at-Arms
    200 Archers
    400 Light Infantry

    House Rowan of Derring Downs :
    100 Knights
    100 Light Cavalry
    200 Men-at-Arms
    200 Archers
    400 Light Infantry

    Courtiers, Retainers, and Vassals

    Jyscal, Maester of Goldengrove
    Maynard, Septon
    Mordane, Septa
    Jon Peake, Steward of Goldengrove
    Adam Webber, Captain of the Guard
    Derik Durwell, Master at Arms

    Lord Kidwell, Lord of Ivy Hall
    Lord Shermer, Lord of Smithyton
    Lord Webber, Lord of Coldmoat
    Lord Durwell, Lord of Dosk
    Lord Osgrey, Lord of Standfast

    The Rowan family

    • Lord Hobber Rowan, former Lord of Goldengrove, died in 110 AC
      • His son Lord Thaddeus Rowan (Born in 73 AC: 56 at start), Lord of Goldengrove
        • Ser Robert Rowan (Born 91 AC: 38 at start), Heir of Goldengrove, married with Lady Marissa Tully (born 95 AC: 34 at start)
          • Jonothor Rowan, born in 113 AC: 16 at start
          • Hosteen Rowan, born in 115 AC: 14 at start
          • Lara Rowan, born in 117 AC: 12 at start

        • Ser Nyles Rowan, born in 95 AC: 34 at start
          • Gareth Flowers, born in 116 A: 13 at start
          • Gyles Flowers, born in 116 AC: 13 at start

        • Ser Gerold Rowan (Born in 101 AC: 28 at start), Lord of Derring Downs, Married to Gwen Merryweather
          • Meryn Rowan, born in 118 AC: 11 at start
          • Rohanna Rowan born in 121 AC: 8 at start

        • Ser Mace Rowan, Born in 106 AC: 23 at start
        • Ser Luthor Rowan, Born in 111: 18 at start

    • Ser Lancel Rowan, born in 75 AC: 54 at start
      • ??, born in 94 AC
      • ??, born in 96 AC

    • Ser Reynard Rowan, born in 78 AC: 51 at start

    Olenna Redwyne
    Second Wife of Thaddeus

    Derring Downs Branch of House Rowan
    Gerold Rowan, 28

    Brash and unable to discern appropriate danger, he has been the axe of Thaddeus' home defenses and well known for his dealings with any rogues or bandits throughout the Reach. His services are regularly called upon by his Lord and others. He has no quarrels with Robert save for his relationship with Mace. He has admonished Mace's rift with Robert directly to him and they still do not see eye to eye on the subject. He does has a love for drink and while not dull, he can be reckless.

    Wife: Lady Gwen Merryweather

    Temperament: Choleric (Bloodthirsty) +1 Battles -1 Charisma
    +2 Battle Roll
    +1 Rearguard
    +1 Logistician
    +2 Personal Combat

    Mace Rowan, 23

    The Second Son of the Second Wife. He is the most like, and most coveted by, Thaddeus Rowan. He is ambitious above his position and maybe the most capable of the lot. His friction with Robert Rowan is no secret. He is a warrior before diplomat but he is a man of vision and purpose. His is not curt nor overly gracious. He is not dull nor sage but possesses an apt military mind. Time will tell if he recognizes his visions.

    Temperament: Sanguine (Confident) +1 battle rolls +1 to routs against
    +2 Battle Roll
    +1 Scout
    +1 Charisma
    +2 Personal Combat

    Luthor Rowan, 18

    A beloved feature of the House Rowan, his charm was rumored throughout the Reach. As one of the youngest of Thaddeus' sons he leads a rather care free life. His mind is apt enough, his sword arm nothing to write home about. Still, he keeps enough potential for diplomacy to be viewed fondly by his father.

    Last edited by Zeus Almighty; January 15, 2019 at 01:39 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    Oswell, Durrell, Shermer, Webber, and Kidwell were the prominent families with lands in the Northern parts of the Reach. All were proud Houses though their strength not grand. All were sworn to House Rowan and today they enjoyed his patronage. Goldengrove hosted a feast this day to honor its bannermen. It was a feast recurring every several months. House Merryweather from Longtable was also present, as kin through his second wife’s first son, and a few more Lordlings as well. Thaddeus Rowan never feasted when his people were hungry and never strut as though above others. He considered his station humble but blessed simultaneously. At his table sat all of his children save Luthor, a boy of eight and ten prone to mingling within and without the walls of Goldengrove. To his right sat his Heir, Robert Rowan, stuff and upright as ever.

    As Robert Rowan, heir to Goldengrove looked into the dining hall of Lords he couldn’t help but wonder how many of them would be as jovial if he had held the feast instead. Some, he wagered, would just as soon have any of his brothers as Lord. But Robert was oldest and he measured himself up for the task. He was slender and stiff, without the personality one would expect from a son of Thaddeus. Next to him was his half-brother Gerold.

    Gerold Rowan was drinking his ale merrily without a care in the world. He blustered with other Lords, enjoyed his food, generally appreciating his fortune. Why be upset after all? Most of those in attendance he had drank with, sparred with, and jousted with. He wasn’t drunk yet, but he considered himself to be on the verge. He cried out for more bread and sat back to listen to others speak for a time. To his right sat Mace Rowan, his little brother.

    Mace Rowan looked on with a smile. He had just gotten back to his seat after spending some time in with the men present. He had known most of them since childhood and most liked him well enough. As far as he knew. Then again, you never really know do you?
    He thought to himself still mingling. He peered over and saw a look of disapproval adorning his half-brother Roberts face. Mace simply shook his head at the heir. Would that he could be rid of him.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    As news of the old King's death already spread across the land, Ser Bryndon Hightower was already on his way to Goldengrove after some previous visits among other Reachlords. Though he had known of the information beforehand by his cousin, the Lord of Oldtown, Bryndon nontheless realized that he had to play with open cards - not necessarily a situation he prefered, but one, he could as well manage.
    Eventually he arrived at Goldengrove, the ancient seat of House Rowan, proud protectors of the Northmarch, requesting at the gates an audience with Lord Rowan himself on behalf of House Hightower of Oldtown.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Dread View Post
    As news of the old King's death already spread across the land, Ser Bryndon Hightower was already on his way to Goldengrove after some previous visits among other Reachlords. Though he had known of the information beforehand by his cousin, the Lord of Oldtown, Bryndon nontheless realized that he had to play with open cards - not necessarily a situation he prefered, but one, he could as well manage.
    Eventually he arrived at Goldengrove, the ancient seat of House Rowan, proud protectors of the Northmarch, requesting at the gates an audience with Lord Rowan himself on behalf of House Hightower of Oldtown.

    Ser Nyles Rowan receives Ser Bryndon Hightower in the Oaken Court, his fathers place for all Lordly meetings. Ser Jon Peake, the Goldergrove's Steward, brought him there. Nyles moved to shake Ser Bryndons hand,

    Ser Bryndon, I am Nyles Rowan. You have quite literally just missed my father and my brothers. They only just left for Highgarden yesterday. Is there any service I can provide for you? The courtesy and beauty of House Rowan and Goldengrove are yours to enjoy. Jon, do me a favor and bring some food for Ser Hightower and I. It is a long journey from Oldtown to these halls.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    More than thankful, Bryndon took Ser Nyles hand, allowing the knight so far to escort him towards the next table, as he was quite indeed hungry.
    "A shame indeed, as I bring urgent news", he replied after a while, taking some breath, "I assume news of the King's demise have reached you already. We have a new king upon the Iron Throne, as the last will of Viserys I. has decided that Aegon II. shall be king of the realm. Lord Ormund will soon swear his fealty towards him since he's partially a Reachman in blood as well."

  6. #6

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    Nyles had heard the news rather recently. The moment it reached Goldengrove his father prepared his brothers for a trip to Highgarden. The only men roused were their household guard, Lord Rowan did not want to through Goldengrove into a panic. Instead he allowed word of the news to the courtiers that knew how to maintain themselves and the Steward himself to spread the word. By now, most of the Lord Houses under Rowans protection were receiving word that Thaddeus was meeting with their Lady Paramount to discuss the news. A deliberate act to show the unity of the Reach.

    Word of the news have cursed our ears yes. It is a sad enough time in that the King has died. If it is true that his last will be that Aegon II be his successor than long live King Aegon II. I must confess though, a memory says to me that there was another that was coveted by King Vis-, pardon me the loss is still fresh in my mind, our Late King Viserys. While I am no expert in the matters of succession, being a second son with a healthy older brother allowed for me never to think of such matters, that would spell conflict in the time to come.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeus Almighty View Post
    Nyles had heard the news rather recently. The moment it reached Goldengrove his father prepared his brothers for a trip to Highgarden. The only men roused were their household guard, Lord Rowan did not want to through Goldengrove into a panic. Instead he allowed word of the news to the courtiers that knew how to maintain themselves and the Steward himself to spread the word. By now, most of the Lord Houses under Rowans protection were receiving word that Thaddeus was meeting with their Lady Paramount to discuss the news. A deliberate act to show the unity of the Reach.

    Word of the news have cursed our ears yes. It is a sad enough time in that the King has died. If it is true that his last will be that Aegon II be his successor than long live King Aegon II. I must confess though, a memory says to me that there was another that was coveted by King Vis-, pardon me the loss is still fresh in my mind, our Late King Viserys. While I am no expert in the matters of succession, being a second son with a healthy older brother allowed for me never to think of such matters, that would spell conflict in the time to come.
    "Princess Rhaenyra, yes, we all assumed that she would be chosen, as the King considered her for a long time as his heir", Ser Bryndon admitted, knowing the rumors as well, "It seems though that he changed his mind on the deathbed though, which doesn't seem too surprising for me, to be honest. I don't mind if we have a woman on the Iron Throne, as Lady Tyrell kinda proves that it musn't mean an unstable rulership - yet I'm more concerned about her children. You have heard what happened to the Velaryons who claimed that they're not necessarily the children of the Princess' husband? That one of the Strongs is the father?
    It was the last thing with which the King was confronted before infecting himself on the Iron Throne, according to what I have heard, so I wouldn't be surprised if he rather wanted to see the succession of the Throne spared from potential bastards. Guess that was his main motivation to change his mind."

  8. #8

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Dread View Post
    "Princess Rhaenyra, yes, we all assumed that she would be chosen, as the King considered her for a long time as his heir", Ser Bryndon admitted, knowing the rumors as well, "It seems though that he changed his mind on the deathbed though, which doesn't seem too surprising for me, to be honest. I don't mind if we have a woman on the Iron Throne, as Lady Tyrell kinda proves that it musn't mean an unstable rulership - yet I'm more concerned about her children. You have heard what happened to the Velaryons who claimed that they're not necessarily the children of the Princess' husband? That one of the Strongs is the father?
    It was the last thing with which the King was confronted before infecting himself on the Iron Throne, according to what I have heard, so I wouldn't be surprised if he rather wanted to see the succession of the Throne spared from potential bastards. Guess that was his main motivation to change his mind."

    Those rumors had not failed to reach my ears, i'll tell it true. Far be it from me to question the decisions of dragons, Ser Hightower. I merely mean to say that it seems to me that the near future will look a little more fiery. A little more bloody. If this was the Kings decision I am sure my family will adhere to it. After all, Honor does not Wither.

    Nyles spoke confidently and reassuringly. He knew his father to be a righteous man. A man of the Law. He saw his father must reach the conclusion he did, it only made sense.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    Somewhat uncertain, Ser Bryndon looked up, being somewhat confused.
    "What do you mean by 'A little more bloody'?", he inquired, uncertain if he understood Rowan right, "Do you fear a war?"
    Not that the Hightowers themselves haven't considered this to be the case. In the end it was hard to tell what to expect from Rhaenyra, yet he was certain that his uncle and the King might be able to bring a peaceful solution to the conflict. While if not, Rhaenyra would paint herself as the aggressor, as she would defy her father's last will.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Dread View Post
    Somewhat uncertain, Ser Bryndon looked up, being somewhat confused.
    "What do you mean by 'A little more bloody'?", he inquired, uncertain if he understood Rowan right, "Do you fear a war?"
    Not that the Hightowers themselves haven't considered this to be the case. In the end it was hard to tell what to expect from Rhaenyra, yet he was certain that his uncle and the King might be able to bring a peaceful solution to the conflict. While if not, Rhaenyra would paint herself as the aggressor, as she would defy her father's last will.
    I do Ser Hightower. To that bit, I think I was not meant for war so I always fear it. If the King was so concerned of controversy that his last will reflected it. It wouldn't surprise me if we end up in the kind conflict he was trying to avoid.

    Nyles reported worriedly. His brothers were warriors, but outside of mild talent with a bow, Nyles had no inclination to fight. Nyles took a few slices of cheese and took up some wine once they had both arrived. Along with the cheese arrived some melon, water, and breads. Nyles closed his eyes and savored the wine.

    A nice bit of Arbor Red always helps ease concerns of mine. Please indulge in whatever you want. I do not wish to hold you up any, but I know Oldtown is a stretch from here. If you would like to make sure your horse is tended, watered, and fed, you may absolutely stay the night in one of our guest quarters.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    A bit more irritated, Lord Hightower's cousin solely nodded, smiling apologizing. He decided however to take some food, as he was hungry nontheless.
    "Yes, I guess I will accept your grateful offer, Ser - it surely was a long ride", he replied somewhat fond, taking some cheese and bread, before continiueing once he took some bites "As regarding a conflict, I do not necessarily know about anything, but I guess it might be a possibility.
    Though I hope it won't come to this, I assume you made some thoughts regarding it? Truth to be told, even if Rhaenyra revolts, why should we even bother? Noone would support her in an attempt to overthrow the rightful king and it would be a war between the capital and Dragonstone. I doubt it would affect the Reach all too much, as the King will ask for his loyal bannermen and that's it."

  12. #12

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    I suppose I am being a bit of a pessimist aren't I? I apologize. I am sure there is nothing to worry about.

    Nyles offered apologetically. This was no way to treat a guest. Merely having these thoughts would risk the ire of his father.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    "It is okay, as it is always better to be careful", Ser Bryndon replied polite, "Otherwise House Hightower and Oldtown wouldn't be in it's thousands of years history, where it currently is, if we wouldn't be careful as well.
    It's in the nature of the lords and houses, thus I can reason it."

    He eventually ate some more, as he was more than enjoying the meal.
    "The cheese is good though", he commented it after a while, "A product of the region?"

  14. #14

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    -Smithyton actually. They have been growing their agriculture and this is one of their products. We’ve been funding some of their growth ventures so we get some of their first products-

    Nyles was engrossed in the food and wine. He began a lesson on the various cheeses they had received from house Shermer and how delectable they had all been. Of war, he was no expert, but cheese and wine he was fast becoming.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    "A fine product indeed", Ser Bryndon commented, "My Lord cousin would probably pay for these as well, if I tell him. At least some good news I can bring him on my journey, when I return."

  16. #16

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    Robert Rowan skulked around Goldengrove after the meetings at Highgarden. He did not know what fate would bring the Reach. They did receive many Ravens about the goings on in the Riverlands. Brothers at war. Robert could not but help think about his own brothers. He hadn’t seen Mace in some time now. He sought his wife, feeling as though he should after the upheaval in the Riverlands.

    His father was in the middle of coordinating the muster of his men as far as Robert knew it.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    Marissa Tully was enjoying the view from one of the balconies as she looked across the courtyard, where the soldiers of Goldengrove were training. She didn't necessarily enjoy the view but it reminded her that the beauty of the Reach was only optical and sometimes maybe nothing more than an illusion, a tale kept up to forget the sorrowful events, which unfold within the range of wide, green grasslands and the solitude of a wide plain, housing plenty of noble houses and their petty knights, as they are gouverned by their rightful overlords.
    When being approached by her husband, she looked up, more than wondering what concerned him. She had heard news of the war, news that there was a civil war brewing. Yet, it was hard to say to where this would lead and how much it would affect the Reach. Although Lord Rowan counciled on court the ruling House of Tyrell, the Reach has so far answered the world with silence.
    "Robert", she replied dutiful, lowering her head, before she went closer, "Is everything alright"

  18. #18

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    Robert was a personally aloof man. He did not care much for personal relationships and cared less for fighting. It was the cardinal difference between him and most of his younger brothers. He merely squinted past Marrissa and mentioned,

    House Tully is at war with itself. Do you have any feelings about this? Your son Jonothor seems to think we should intervene.
    Last edited by Zeus Almighty; January 24, 2019 at 11:32 AM.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    She sighed, being so far remembering the good times she spent at Riverrun. When her brother was still alive and her father was Lord to the keep - all of this before this accident.
    This was all years ago - and yet, they were at war with eachother.
    "It doesn't seem too big for me of a surprise that it came to this", Marissa replied solemn, somewhat bitter, "I assume that the war is for Kirth an opportunity, as he was slighted by my father. You have to know, that Riverrun unfortunately lost its heir during a hunt, my deceased brother... I probably told you multiple times, Robert. Yet it caused an uneasy situation over the years, as his children were twins and Lord Hosteen grew ill over the years.
    Eldred was always a bright boy, yet more than hesitant... nervous to a point where I can't tell whether it made him the better Lord of the two, as he was overthinking most of his decisions several times, thus interfering rarely into the local lord's buisenesses, but he was not necessarily a warrior. He probably knows how to inspire his followers and how to make friends, but he isn't a man of the battlefield. It would hardly surprise me, if he even considers to lead men into battle!

    Wheras Kirth is nearly the complete opposite. Some might say he is ruthless, one who makes rash decisions, a man, who can marshall his men, if he has to. In wartimes, he might be a good leader and most of us expected that he would be chosen as the heir of Riverrun. But Hosteen commanded otherwise from what my cousin told me. Kirth has left Riverrun's court since then and I suspect that he actually waited for a situation like this. He will by certain hunger for what he sees as his rightful heritage... whether he would slay his own brother for this though, I can't tell, however."

  20. #20

    Default Re: Goldengrove, Seat of House Rowan

    Robert looked out of the balcony to gaze upon the scenery. Seeing the troops train he thought to himself if that was more the type of man she preferred. Either way it didn't matter much to Robert. The matters of the realm weighed upon him as the baggage of a cargo mule and worse. It pinned him to indecision. He heard the horn of his brother, the men of Derring Downs must have arrived, he thought. He was irritated by him. Gerold Rowan, the warrior. Mace Rowan the bold. Luthor Rowan the charming. How he loathed his step brothers. Nyles was the only man he trusted and father had just sent him off somewhere for some unknown purpose.

    Robert looked back at his wife and looked her in the eyes for the first time. Your kin squabble like children while the realm is at war. Is this the make of House Tully?

    No you blathering buffoon this is the make of a bad decision at youth. Do not blame this on the noble blood of House Tully. Jonothor is of that blood and he is turning out to be a man sooner than you did. My lady Marissa, many pardons for Robert, yet again.

    Thaddeus Rowan spoke from the archway of the entrance. Behind him stood Jonothor and Hosteen Rowan, both of Robert and Marissa's children. He commonly came down hard on Robert, as often as Roberts blunt speech resembled callous. Thaddeus felt as though he took a more primary role in the health and care of his family than Robert did. Thaddeus always had a sour taste in him mouth because of it. The benefit however were strong grandchildren he dotted on.
    He entered and placed a tender hand on Marissa's shoulder.

    It pains me that Eldric chose Aegon. I am old enough to remember my fondness for Rhaenyra. So your Lord brother declared for a King I wish I could not recognize. And maybe the bane of your family, Kirth, has decided for Rhaenyra. Should we intercede? It seems Eldric would be my preference but Aegon not. Marissa you might be smarter than those men and my son, so who would you save if you had a choice? I think Jonothor is old enough to know war, and I am old enough for this to be my last. Which fight should be ours Marissa?

    He asked with tenderness in his voice. He looked for truth, though he did not know if it mattered. He considered where he would send his troops already. Jonothor, ten and six, stood by and watched the elders speak of business. He already spoke to Thaddeus privately and was instructed to be silent.

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