• Tormund and Beric Dondarrion go towards winterfell to warn the rest of the attack of the white walkers.
  • Daenerys and Jon arrive at the bay, and Tyrion has a few words with Daenerys about the danger that a love relationship with Jon can pose.
  • Sansa talks with Arya about the arrival of Daenerys and the conflicts it will cause.
  • Daenerys and Jon talk about how they will convince the northern houses of their alliance, and they look very romantic.
  • Bronn finds Jaime in a tavern and joins him.
  • Varys talks to Tyrion about what has come from his little birds about Cersei having reached an agreement with the golden company, but Tyrion continues to trust that they have reached an agreement, although he urges him to continue reporting.
  • Daenerys and Jon arrive at Winterfell with their armies, and there is an emotional reunion of Jon with Bran, Arya and Sam.
  • There are tensions with the northern houses for accepting a Targaryen. But between Jon and Daenerys they manage to convince them.
  • Sam receives news of the death of his family at the hands of Daenerys.
  • Daenerys talks to Sansa about the future of the north if they win the great war.
  • News arrives that the wall has been destroyed with the arrival of tormund, gendry and Beric.
  • Tormund and Jon conversation about the threat and the dragon.
  • Bran and Sam talk about when to tell Jon that he is a targaryen.
  • Meeting between the hound and sansa.
  • Conversation of Quyborn and Cersei, in which she explains her plan to attack the north after the first clash between houses in the north and White walkers, and finish with the remains of the army that ends up surviving.
  • Tyrion and Sansa meet and become accomplices after their past history.
  • Arya and Gendry meet again and it is very emotional, since she thought that he had died.
  • Jaime and Bronn go together to the twins to get an army for the great war.
  • Euron meets with the golden company, where Dario is, to agree to go with Cersei.
  • Jorah has a conflict with Lyanna Mormunt for his past.
  • Melisandre in valentis to get followers and the sword of fire for Jon.
  • Theon arrives on his islands and gathers a crew to rescue his sister from Euron.
  • Euron arrives at kings landing with the golden company and presents it to Cersei.
  • Sam and Bran meet Jon to tell him that he is a targaryen.
  • Chapter ends with White walkers attacking one of the most important towns in the north and night King ravaging with valerion - ends with night King landing with the dragon and raising all the dead.