in a short few years of struggle the proud ppl of Scottland manage 2 drive the evil Normans back into the sea. By the grace of god and the strong arm of Prince Edward the Norman invation is reversed. The damned pro english pope has no problem with the Normans violating the provence of Scottland. Though L' Papa was quite angered by the reciprication of our Scottish ppl. So as wwe prepare the army for the invation of Normandy L' Papa declares that now King Edward must go on crusade for Antioch to attone 4 his sin of conquering England, hmmm I'm mean conquering the island of Scottland

This turned out to be a blessing in disguise. With L' Papa supporting the Army of Scottland many previously unaffordable improvements were made to the island of Scottland with this money.

So after many desertions at sea. Noble King Edward takes Antioch with no battle after a long seige. An Allied army from Venice joined the seige and it appears L' Papa gave them the cash reward 4 crusade.

The Crusade was declared over and this left Scottland with such a large deficeit that bankrupcy would come in a mere eight turns, even with a $45,000 florin reserve. The true duplicity of L' Papa was now apparent to the ppl of Scottland.

For even with a maximum garrisson the unrest was just to great to attempt to hold the holy land. The Danes paid 1100 florin for Antioch and after sacking, Very hightaxes, and abandoning Jerusalem, the Rebels took the City of God.

The decision was made to sack the city destroying the few structures left. Then the pillage and sacking of Jerusalem, which was undefended except for a noble and his guard.

At this same time across the Globe Prince Alexander decides that the undefended Bruge and Antwerp, each had 1 unit of pike, must be taken simultaniously by the one New Army of Scottland split in 2. The invasion of these Danish cities went off without so much as a loss and be4 L' Papa could protest. We have held the ire of the Danish ppl ever since with all attempts at peace rejected, despite having slaughtered several Danish armies in the fields outside Antwerp.

SO these things done the coffers were actually filling despite having an army in the medditeranian.

It Wasn't going to last the armies return with increasing pressure at home from the Danes.

Alexandria and Cairo were more Jerusalems. Strong rebel stacks now control both. The auxilery stack took Rhodes whilst this was going on and mimiced the larger armies action. After all this the reserves hit a peak of $91,000 florins. We immediatle upgraded the only castle in Scottland, Nottingham, to a Citadel.

That was Ciaro. By the time the Army of the East hit Sicily the reserve was down to $40,000 florin and its shrinking by $5,000 florin a turn. With added defense from the Danes and a new spy network and dropping tax rates from rapidly expanding cities things were starting to look tight.

It was decided that the ppl of Scottland would kill L' Papa and do Rome what had been done in the East at L' Papa's urging. We would give him alittle of what he ask.

Then 2 turns outside of Rome, King Edward Dies. Just past Sicily.

Now sits a large veteran army off the coast of Italy with no commander

The Captian thinks he may kill L' Papa and raze Rome in king Edwards memory, though the price to the men is sure to be greet.