Pompeii Rufii - Closed Family


Social Class: Plebeian
Rank(s): Paterfamilias, Senator
Economic Branch: Urban Development
Current Office: N/A
Age: 39
Marital Status: Married
Traits: Battles +1, Auctoritas +1, Wealth +2

Pompeius Rufus (or Pompey Rufus) is the grandson of the dictator Sulla, and naturally aligned to the conservative faction within Rome. A staunch traditionalist, he has no love for Caesar, and wishes to see his faction entirely removed from the political scene. He has seen some military action and has served in the junior magistracies, and therefore now considers himself a viable candidate for one of the higher offices in the Roman state.

Tier I
Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

Tier II
Class A: Be elected Consul
Class B: Be elected Proconsul
Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
*Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

Tier III
Class A: Win a triumph
Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.


Social Class: Patrician
Ranks: Homo Novus
Current Office: N/a
Age: 20
Traits: +1 wealth, +1 battle

The son of Quintus Pompeius Rufus. Almost a man, he is now ready to begin his political career or find experience as a military tribune.

Tier I
Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

Tier II
Class A: Be elected Consul
Class B: Be elected Proconsul
Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
*Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

Tier III
Class A: Win a triumph
Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.


Age: 16
Traits: +1 survival

The daughter of Pompeius Rufus


Age: 36

Trait: Survival +3

The wife of Pompeius Rufus.


Agricultural Branch

Tier I: Basic

Class A:
Cost: 0
Income: 2,750

Class B:
Cost: 5,000
Income: 5,000

Class C:
Cost: 7,500
Income: 7,500

(Once Class C achieved, unlock bonus)
Bonus: -10% legionary recruitment costs

Tier II: Intermediate
Class A:
Cost: 10,000
Income: 10,000

Class B:
Cost: 15,000
Income: 15,000

Class C:
Cost: 20,000
Income: 17,000

(Once Class C achieved, unlock bonus)
Bonus: -10% legionary upkeep costs

Tier III: Advanced

Class A:
Cost: 25,000
Income: 20,000

Class B:
Cost: 30,000
Income: 25,000

Class C:
Cost: 35,000
Income: 28,000

(Once Class C achieved, unlock bonus)
Bonus: -10% cavalry recruitment/upkeep costs

Tier IV: Advanced Plus
Class A:
Cost: 40,000
Income: 35,000

Class B:
Cost: 45,000
Income: 40,000

Class C:
Cost: 50,000
Income: 45,000

No Bonus

Income: 5000

Expenditure: 0

Total: 5000