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Thread: Character Registration

  1. #1

    Default Character Registration

    1. Please consult the game rules for information regarding creating characters and families.

    2. Open families mean that any player can register members of that family and roleplay together in a cooperative way.

    3. Closed families mean that nobody may register additional characters in that family except its original creator.

    4. Please feel free to create non-historical families, but please keep their names somewhat period appropriate. (i.e. no Biggus Dickus)

    5. Please refrain from using titles as names such as (but not limited to) Augustus, Imperator, Magnus, Maximus, etc.

    6. Here is a resource for Roman names, but a google search will just as easily get you lots of results.

    Tips for character creation:

    1. There will be an opportunity to gain an immediate military role as commander in Gaul (The senate will have no choice but to confer imperium to someone on the ground there OR an upstart in Rome could choose to petition the Senate for the command and march additional troops there. These details will be refined soon.

    2. Players will have a choice upon registration of having a standing bonus for politics or economics (to immediately become Consul, have Imperium, etc or to start higher on the economic tier and have a double payday in the first week)

    3. You are not bound to be a historical character but may choose to do so. These personalities will still be bound by starting constraints.

    4. You should be thinking of which "party" you want to align with. Caesar's camp (populists) or The Senate (conservatives, We are assuming Pompey is dead in order to clear the playing field a bit)

    General Starting Information:

    1. Each family may have one Senator in the family who will be able to participate in the Curia and cast votes.

    2. Characters may start either in Caesar's Camp or in Rome. Your back stories should reflect their recent deeds in either event.

    Specialized Starting Information:

    You may choose one of the following bonuses, one per household

    1. Income collection starts at Tier II.

    2. You start with some significant, yet mostly honorific post (such as a major priesthood) Please provide your preferred post and get it confirmed by moderation.

    3. Gain unique trait "Caesar's Lieutenant" which entitles you to preferential loyalty from Caesar's faction, including legionary loyalty. You gain +1 battles, +1 logistics, +1 speed and +1 scout.
    Last edited by Pontifex Maximus; May 20, 2018 at 01:41 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Character Registration

    Tillius Cimber - Closed Family

    Lucius Tillius Cimber
    Ranks: Paterfamilias, Senator
    Economic Branch: Agriculture
    Current Office: n/a
    Age: 40
    Traits: Wealth +2, Battle +1, Survival +1
    1. Income collection starts at Tier II.

    Lucius Tillius Cimber is not an enigmatic man. He speaks his mind like any good Roman should. Unfortunately, Greek ideas have corrupted traditional Roman morals to a point that they risk disappearing altogether if strong, righteous men do not do something to correct it immediately. Lucius rose through the ranks of the junior magistracies with ease, never losing an election and relying on his limited military experience as talking points. He views Caesar's death as promising, an opportunity to roll back the populist tide infecting the political process in Rome - he just regretted Caesar died at the hands of a Gaul and not as the result of capital punishment for a conspiracy conviction.

    Tier I

    Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
    Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
    Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

    Tier II
    Class A: Be elected Consul
    Class B: Be elected Proconsul
    Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
    *Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

    Tier III
    Class A: Win a triumph
    Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
    Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
    Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.

    Marcus Tillius Cimber
    Ranks: Homo novus
    Current Office: N/a
    Age: 20
    Traits: +2 wealth

    Marcus has finished his formal schooling and as such will begin his political career with lower level magistracies and posts. Manius has been somewhat insulated from the political intrigues of the age, and as he eyes military service as a means to advance his own career, he may soon take action to see his dreams become a reality. He aspires to gain some military experience in Gaul

    Tier I

    Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
    Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
    Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

    Tier II
    Class A: Be elected Consul
    Class B: Be elected Proconsul
    Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
    *Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

    Tier III
    Class A: Win a triumph
    Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
    Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
    Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.

    Age: 16
    Traits: +1 Survival

    The eldest daughter of Marcus Valerius

    Deceased wife of Valerius, died in child birth in 56 BCE.

    Sulpicius Galba - Closed Family

    Servius Sulpicius Galba
    Ranks: Paterfamilias, Senator
    Economic Branch: Landlord
    Current Office: n/a
    Age: 35
    Traits: Battles +2, Auctoritas +2
    "Caesar's Lieutenant"
    +1 battles, +1 logistics, +1 speed and +1 scout.

    Servius Sulpicius Galba is one of Caesar inner circle, as a commander of the 12th Legion, he has led the Gallic Legions victoriously in the subjugation of the Nanuntes tribe. Since then, he has been a loyal commander to Caesar. He will play a central role in organizing a response to Caesar's glorious death in battle with his fellow commanders. Although a patrician, he has little faith in the old rigid structures of the Republic. The Republic needed dynamic men who were willing to work within the spirit of the ways of the ancestors in dealing with this large territorial empire. Besides, Caesar was close to accomplishing what many had seen as impossible, the conquest of a foe even more formidable than that of Carthage. Surely his methods are not traditionally Roman, but they work.

    Tier I

    Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
    Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
    Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

    Tier II
    Class A: Be elected Consul
    Class B: Be elected Proconsul
    Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
    *Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

    Tier III
    Class A: Win a triumph
    Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
    Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
    Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.

    Quintus Sulpicius Galba
    Ranks: Homo novus
    Current Office: N/a
    Age: 15
    Traits: +2 wealth

    Quintus is still very much a boy in the eyes of the Roman world, he is in the middle of his studies and it will be some time before he becomes a relevant actor at all.

    Tier I

    Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
    Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
    Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

    Tier II
    Class A: Be elected Consul
    Class B: Be elected Proconsul
    Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
    *Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

    Tier III
    Class A: Win a triumph
    Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
    Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
    Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.

    Age: 15
    Traits: +1 survival

    The eldest daughter of Gaius Sulpicianus.

    Age: 30
    Traits: Survival +3

    The wife of Sulpicius.
    Last edited by Pontifex Maximus; May 20, 2018 at 01:42 PM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Character Registration

    Cornelii Scipiones - Closed Family


    Social Class: Patrician
    Rank(s): Paterfamilias, Senator
    Economic Branch: Agriculture
    Current Office: N/A
    Age: 37
    Marital Status: Widower
    Traits: Battles +2, Auctoritas +1, Wealth +1
    "Caesar's Lieutenant" which entitles you to preferential loyalty from Caesar's faction, including legionary loyalty. You gain +1 battles, +1 logistics, +1 speed and +1 scout

    Lucius Cornelius Scipio hails from an unheralded branch of the Cornelii Scipiones that have achieved very little political success in recent years. As a result, Lucius began his political career with very few clients and connections, and so associated himself with a man who could provide both: Gaius Julius Caesar. He became an ally of Caesar in the Senate, and has served as both a Quaestor and Aedile in the previous decade. When Caesar was in need of generals for Gaul, Scipio accompanied him on campaign, serving as a commander in the twelfth legion. As would be expected, Scipio's ideals largely align with those of Caesar, and he looks to ensure the legacy of his commander is preserved in the Republic.

    Tier I
    Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
    Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
    Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

    Tier II
    Class A: Be elected Consul
    Class B: Be elected Proconsul
    Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
    *Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

    Tier III
    Class A: Win a triumph
    Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
    Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
    Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.


    Social Class: Patrician
    Ranks: Homo Novus
    Current Office: N/a
    Age: 16
    Traits: +1 wealth, +1 battle

    The son of Lucius Cornelius Scipio and a mother who died in childbirth. His ambitions and political leanings are not yet shaped.

    Tier I
    Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
    Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
    Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

    Tier II
    Class A: Be elected Consul
    Class B: Be elected Proconsul
    Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
    *Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

    Tier III
    Class A: Win a triumph
    Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
    Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
    Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.


    Age: 15
    Traits: +1 survival

    The daughter of Lucius Scipio.

    Pompeii Rufii - Closed Family


    Social Class: Plebeian
    Rank(s): Paterfamilias, Senator
    Economic Branch: Urban Development
    Current Office: N/A
    Age: 39
    Marital Status: Married
    Traits: Battles +1, Auctoritas +1, Wealth +2

    Pompeius Rufus (or Pompey Rufus) is the grandson of the dictator Sulla, and naturally aligned to the conservative faction within Rome. A staunch traditionalist, he has no love for Caesar, and wishes to see his faction entirely removed from the political scene. He has seen some military action and has served in the junior magistracies, and therefore now considers himself a viable candidate for one of the higher offices in the Roman state.

    Tier I
    Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
    Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
    Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

    Tier II
    Class A: Be elected Consul
    Class B: Be elected Proconsul
    Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
    *Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

    Tier III
    Class A: Win a triumph
    Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
    Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
    Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.


    Social Class: Patrician
    Ranks: Homo Novus
    Current Office: N/a
    Age: 20
    Traits: +1 wealth, +1 battle

    The son of Quintus Pompeius Rufus. Almost a man, he is now ready to begin his political career or find experience as a military tribune.

    Tier I
    Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
    Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
    Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

    Tier II
    Class A: Be elected Consul
    Class B: Be elected Proconsul
    Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
    *Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

    Tier III
    Class A: Win a triumph
    Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
    Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
    Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.


    Age: 16
    Traits: +1 survival

    The daughter of Pompeius Rufus


    Age: 36

    Trait: Survival +3

    The wife of Pompeius Rufus.

    Last edited by Gandalfus; May 20, 2018 at 03:00 PM.

  4. #4
    Lucius Malfoy's Avatar Pure-Blood

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Character Registration

    Atilii Regulus - Closed Family

    Lucius Atilius Regulus
    Social Class: Patrician
    Ranks: Paterfamilias, Senator
    Economic Branch: Agricultural
    Current Office: n/a
    Age: 37
    Marital Status: Married and father of 2 children
    Traits (3 points): +2 Battle, +1 Logistic, +1 Speed, +1 Scout, +1 Wealth, +1 Survival
    Starting Bonus:
    3. "Caesar's Lieutenant" which entitles you to preferential loyalty from Caesar's faction, including legionary loyalty. You gain +1 battles, +1 logistics, +1 speed and +1 scout.

    Lucius Atilius Regulus is a well-known face and name within the Roman legions, especially in the more recent years. As Caesar's legions marched north into Gaul, the frequency of his name grew with every victory achieved, every battle fought, and every honor bestowed upon him. His name has became frequently associated with his rank as Legate of the Thirteenth Legion (Legion XIII Gemina). Among the other officers of Caesar's staff, he is known as a competent commander and a true son of Rome. He tends to drink with his soldiers whenever victories are achieved, making his critics call him a drunkard as if that was a poor quality for any commanding officer within the Roman army. He values loyalty above all other qualities, for as long as men are loyal, they will stay to the bitter end and turn a defeat into victory. Beyond his other qualities, Lucius is known for a short temper and a frequent womanizer, which is likely due to the long years away from his wife.

    Antonius Atilius Regulus
    Social Class: Patrician
    Ranks: Homo Novus
    Current Office: n/a
    Age: 15
    Marital Status: Unmarried
    Traits (1 point): +1 Survival

    The son of Lucius Atilius Regulus and his present wife, Octavia. He has recently become a 'Homo Novus' this recent year, just before the chaos of the Republic rippled throughout the very fabric of society. With his father away in Gaul still, Antonius must find a way to keep his sister and mother safe. It is unknown what his ambitious and goals are, which remain to be shaped by the present political atmosphere.

    Octavia 'Minor'
    Age: 13
    Traits (1 point): +1 Survival
    Last edited by Lucius Malfoy; May 20, 2018 at 02:25 PM.
    Gaming Director for the Gaming Staff
    Gaming Director for the Play-by-Post Subforum and the RPG Shed

  5. #5

    Default Re: Character Registration

    Lucretii Tricipitini - Closed Family

    Lucius Lucretius Tricipitinus
    Age : 41
    Rank : Paterfamilias and Senator
    Marital Status : Married to Cornelia (age 38)
    Children : Gaius (age 22), Spurius (age 20) Caelina (age 18), Lucia (age 18), Prisca (age 15), Publius (age 10)

    Traits : +2 Wealth, +2 Survival
    Economic Branch : Mercantile
    1. Income collection starts at Tier II.

    Tier I
    Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
    Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
    Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)
    Tier II
    Class A: Be elected Consul
    Class B: Be elected Proconsul
    Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
    *Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

    Tier III
    Class A: Win a triumph
    Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
    Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
    Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.

    Gaius Lucretius Tricipitinus
    Age : 22
    Rank : Novo Homo
    Marital Status : Married to Sabina ( 20)
    Children : Gaius (5), Lucius ( 5), Sabina ( 2)

    Traits : +1 Survival, +1 Wealth
    Last edited by Xion; May 23, 2018 at 12:31 PM.

  6. #6
    Trot's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: Character Registration

    Rubrii Varro
    Titus Rubrius Varro
    Ranks Paterfamilias, Senator
    Economic Branch- Mercantile
    Starting Bonus- Tier 2
    Age 48
    Wife- TBD
    Wealth- 2
    Survival- 1

    Bio- WIP

    Mettius Rubrius Varro
    Age 22
    +1 Battles
    +1 Survival

    Bio wip

    Age 14

    Pinarii Rusca
    Sertor Pinarius Rusca
    Ranks Paterfamilias, Senator
    Economic Branch- Urban Development
    Starting Bonus- Starting rank (Request Pontifex Maximus)
    Wife tbd
    Age 34
    +1 Aucoritas
    +1 Battles
    +1 Wealth

    Bio wip

    Lucius Pinarius Rusca
    Age 15
    Last edited by Trot; May 22, 2018 at 05:25 PM.

  7. #7
    chesser2538's Avatar Senator

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: Character Registration

    Tarquitius Mergus - Closed Family
    Lucius Tarquitius Mergus

    Ranks: Paterfamilias, Senator
    Economic Branch: Agriculture
    Current Office: N/A
    Age: 42
    Status: Married to Julia of the Aemilia
    Traits: Wealth +2, Survival +1 Battles +1
    Specialization: Income collection starts at Tier II.


    Tier I
    Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
    Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
    Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

    Tier II
    Class A: Be elected Consul
    Class B: Be elected Proconsul
    Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
    *Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

    Tier III
    Class A: Win a triumph
    Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
    Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
    Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.

    Titus Tarquitius Mergus
    Current Office: N/a
    Age: 35
    Traits: +2 wealth +1 Survival


    Tier I
    Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
    Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
    Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

    Tier II
    Class A: Be elected Consul
    Class B: Be elected Proconsul
    Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
    *Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

    Tier III
    Class A: Win a triumph
    Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
    Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
    Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.

    Veturia Calvinius - Closed Family

    Veturia Calvinus
    Ranks: Paterfamilias, Senator
    Economic Branch: Urban Development
    Current Office: N/A
    Age: 40
    Status: Widowed
    Traits: +1 Wealth +3, Battles +1 Survival +1 Aucoritas,
    +1 logistics, +1 speed and +1 scout.
    Specialization: "Caesar's Lieutenant"


    Tier I
    Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
    Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
    Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

    Tier II
    Class A: Be elected Consul
    Class B: Be elected Proconsul
    Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
    *Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.

    Tier III
    Class A: Win a triumph
    Class B: Annex lands for Rome OR defeat a tribe/enemy/people for Rome.
    Class C: Become a patron of Rome OR be elected Censor (Build a tier IV building, OPTIONAL)
    Bonus: become the first among equals. Be warned, this might not be popular. +3 to NPC Interactions, +4 if the Class C condition is met.

    Veturia Calvinus
    Current Office:Military Tribune
    Age: 27
    Traits: +1 Survival +1 Battles


    Tier I
    Class A: Be elected as Aedile or Military Quaestor
    Class B: Patronage (Can be from the same family)
    Class C: Military service/tribunus militum (optional)
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Senator, +1 to NPC interactions, +2 if Class C completed)

    Tier II
    Class A: Be elected Consul
    Class B: Be elected Proconsul
    Class C: Be elected Praetor (optional)*
    Bonus: Gain the rank of Ex-Consul, +1 to NPC Interactions (stacked with tier I), +2 if Class C completed)
    *Although appearing last, the praetorship was a step in the cursus before Consul, so in this case Class C should be completed before any of the rest.
    Last edited by chesser2538; May 21, 2018 at 09:53 PM.

    Under the Patronage of the venerable General Brewster

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