Hi all, just reinstalled this classic a while back and was playing as british. Along the way encountered some random crashes when im trying to load my agents into ships. Since its not imperative that I have to deploy my agents on that particular turn I just leave them be.
But now i have reached a point in the game when i'm trying to capture 2 regions but i can't proceed because everytime when i won the battle and my troops tries to enter the city, the game crashes.
Auto resolving doesn't solve the issue. Because when I autoresolve and win the battle, my forces will automatically moves into the region. Triggering the crash. I can still see the battle statistic though. But the moment I click OK and and my forces attempts to move inside, it crashes.
Same goes with fighting the battle manually. It is only when attempting to move in will the crash happen.
Point to note is I'm using darthmod but it seems other users have this issue even when on vanilla.
Any fixes? Thanks in advance