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Thread: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated April 3, 2021]

  1. #101

    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 2, 2018]

    I just finished reading all of it and it's awesome. Mascarada is truly a brilliant general who has stormed through Iberia and southern Gaul into Italy. I disagree with the idea of allowing the Roman civilisation to exist. They are super ambitious and are sworn enemies of Carthage. Surely when you said that they dream of a Roman empire I realized that they will just wait for the right time to strike and reclaim territories. Unfortunately I think that time is here. I also fear that two ambitious and successful generals will surely clash which may lead to a civil war.
    I hope all goes well! Beware of the Romans while fighting this war and beware of the hidden snakes within Carthage itself. Ba'al Hammon be praised!!
    Last edited by Caesar16; June 10, 2018 at 06:17 AM.
    My AAR- The Restoration of the Empire-A Vanilla Byzantine AAR

  2. #102

    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 2, 2018]

    So instead of reading through it bit by bit over the coming week as planned (and doing some work today) I ended up binge-reading everything you've put up so far. I am liking it very much, in all of its details. I think so far my favorite chapter has actually been Ch. 17 - Letters From Rome. It was a good idea executed wonderfully. I was especially impressed with the way you got at the corruption in Genua and how that affected the defense, as well as the Roman response to such impropriety. All in all, you are managing to incorporate a number of different stylistic elements and plot devices in a very nuanced and flowing manner which is keeping everything fresh and engaging, even though a lot of the story has seemed familiar to us for a while (looking so close to Hannibal's actions for a while there). Keep it up!
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  3. #103

    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 2, 2018]

    Wonderful, a diplomatic crisis after a great victory against Rome .

    A perfect recipe for a stable realm !!!!!
    100% mobile poster so pls forgive grammer

  4. #104
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 2, 2018]

    Quote Originally Posted by Turkafinwë View Post
    A wonderful chapter! How the mighty have fallen. The shame the Romans must have at their defeat against the Carthagenians must be unbearable. Exiled to an island and in service of their ancient foe. But was it a smart move of Carthage to allow the survival of this warlike people instead of completely annihilating them. Only time will tell I guess. And now war with the Triple Alliance in a West vs East scenario. Consider myself intrigued on how this all is going to play out.
    Thanks, Turkafinwë! Whether this was a smart move is a good question! Yes, the war with the Triple Alliance could go either way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkan View Post
    Yup, bad news, and boy is it bad. A three-headed Hydra. So, what will Carthage do: go for the head/s or for the limbs? Historically, Spartan generals led Carthaginian armies...Xanthippos I believe was the name.
    Yes, you were right Darkan, it's very bad news! The long-term plans of Carthage's generals will emerge in time; for now, they're trying to survive.

    Quote Originally Posted by theSilentKiller View Post
    Oh, did the Turks already conquer Anatolia? They will prove a force to be reckoned with!

    The eagle has fallen - but with dignity, not having to face some Sacco di Roma stuf. The Carthaginians known their business! But no rest for them - I wonder how they will face this strong alliance. Rome surely will prove to be a valuable subject and it's armies important assets. Carthage could use it's navies to prevent naval invasions, maybe destroy armies on the sea and send the Greeks to their beloved Poseidon, while marching into Seleucid territory on land. But who knows, I am positive that Carthage will not act too hastily.
    You're right tSK, I should have called it Anatolia, not Turkey! Yes, Rome's armies might be useful and you're right, Carthage's strong navies could play a vital role in this war.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorseThing View Post
    Ah!!! It is true as it was written -- the enemies of your enemies are my friends. How quickly that changes without the common enemy. It is now a Carthage problem to deal with the 'Triple Alliance'. If only Carthage had a good Roman Legion to set forth against the future foes of Carthage -- or maybe they have two if the client state of old Rome is willing in the form of what remains of the Sixth and Seventh Legions. But alas, potential allies under seige are a bit like potential enemies over the horizon. Mythical.
    With broken treaties and severed trade agreements, Carthage must now attend to her own threats from the east. Will all three be enemies? Will Carthage find a potential friend among the the perceived potential enemies?
    That's very true, NorseThing! While the Triple Alliance and Carthage had a common enemy in Rome, they were friends, but without this their relations deteriorated rapidly. That's an interesting idea about finding a friend among the many enemies. Yes, a good Roman Legion would be really useful. The Roman client state has some troops and, who knows, perhaps one of Carthage's armies will recruit soldiers from their newest client state.

    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar16 View Post
    I just finished reading all of it and it's awesome. Mascarada is truly a brilliant general who has stormed through Iberia and southern Gaul into Italy. I disagree with the idea of allowing the Roman civilisation to exist. They are super ambitious and are sworn enemies of Carthage. Surely when you said that they dream of a Roman empire I realized that they will just wait for the right time to strike and reclaim territories. Unfortunately I think that time is here. I also fear that two ambitious and successful generals will surely clash which may lead to a civil war.
    I hope all goes well! Beware of the Romans while fighting this war and beware of the hidden snakes within Carthage itself. Ba'al Hammon be praised!!
    Thanks Caesar16 for your kind comments! While it's true that Mascarada conquered a lot of land, this was mostly through military reforms (recruiting Iberian mercenaries and introducing Libyan swordsmen) and luck (his enemies were fighting wars on other fronts), not tactical brilliance. You make a good point about the risk of Rome as a client state - and yes, Passaris and Mascarada belong to different political parties within Carthage, so if there was a civil war, they could be on different sides.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kilo11 View Post
    So instead of reading through it bit by bit over the coming week as planned (and doing some work today) I ended up binge-reading everything you've put up so far. I am liking it very much, in all of its details. I think so far my favorite chapter has actually been Ch. 17 - Letters From Rome. It was a good idea executed wonderfully. I was especially impressed with the way you got at the corruption in Genua and how that affected the defense, as well as the Roman response to such impropriety. All in all, you are managing to incorporate a number of different stylistic elements and plot devices in a very nuanced and flowing manner which is keeping everything fresh and engaging, even though a lot of the story has seemed familiar to us for a while (looking so close to Hannibal's actions for a while there). Keep it up!
    Thanks Kilo11, I hope that you'll be able to catch up with your work. I enjoyed writing chapter 17. I can't claim credit for the idea of letters as a chapter, I followed in the footsteps of Robin de Bodemloze's epic Shogun II AAR, Takeda.

    You mentioned the corruption in Genua. One of the fun parts (and the challenges) in AAR writing, for me, is dealing with surprises in the campaign and working out why AI factions would do unexpected things. I was expecting that the climax of New Town would be Carthage's march on Rome. However, Rome's Ninth Legion had recruited lots of untrained civilians ('plebs', in the game), instead of legionaries - and their war with the Triple Alliance made Rome much less of a challenge than I expected. I read in Mary Beard's SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome that, after the Marian Reforms, Roman generals were responsible for arranging plots of land (or the equivalent in money) for retired legionaries. This gave me the idea of a corrupt general avoiding responsibility for this by not hiring legionaries.

  5. #105
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 2, 2018]

    Chapter 20: Our List of Enemies

    Having lost one client state, Syracuse, to a Macedonian attack, Carthage was determined not to lose more. Carthage joined its remaining client states in a war against the Triple Alliance. Carthage was now at war with the major Triple Alliance powers of Athens, Macedon, the Seleucids, and their allies, Sparta, Sardes and Persia. When Media Atropatene joined the war in support of the Triple Alliance, Carthage found itself fighting seven nations who controlled vast territory and many armies.

    Carthage’s strongest armies were in Italy. Their troops included veteran Libyan swordsmen and Iberian mercenaries. They made progress initially, advancing into Pannonia and Illyria and taking the port of Iader and the inland cities of Segestica and Noreia. But each Carthaginian army which captured a city found itself under attack from two or more enemy armies.

    Sparta’s armies reinforced Athens and Macedon in Pannonia. Spartan hoplites inflicted heavy losses on the Friends of the Hundred and Four, one of Carthage’s principal armies.

    The surviving Friends retreated to the walled city of Segestica. Surrounded by Spartans and unable to escape, they were annihilated. Carthage’s remaining armies fell back, from the east to the west of Pannonia and from Illyria to Italy.

    Mascarada summoned Passaris, the general who had conquered southern Italy, to discuss the crisis.

    “Our list of enemies gets longer,” observed Passaris.

    “True enough - and only Libya and Rome stand with us,” said Mascarada.

    “I still say that allowing Rome’s Senate to go into exile on Corsica was a mistake”, said Passaris. “We have caged a lion, which will attack us at the first opportunity.”

    “I agree, this is risky, but the benefits will outweigh the danger,” said Mascarada. He continued, “Our enemies advance. What do you suggest?”

    “It is too early to summon the army in Corsica, while they are keeping watch on the Romans and training men. We must call for reinforcements from Iberia”, said Passaris. “This would leave our western lands vulnerable, but it is worth the risk.”

    Macarada agreed – and then more bad news arrived. A tribe from a distant island, the Iceni, had joined the Triple Alliance’s war against Carthage. Mascarada expected that the Iceni would attack Iberia. A Carthaginian fleet guarded Iberia’s coast and an army marched to northern Iberia, instead of reinforcing Mascarada in Italy. In Pannonia, the armies of Athens, Macedon and Sparta continued to advance. Carthage’s armies did their best to hold the line, as the Romans had done before them.

    When the Iceni attack came, it was not where Mascarada had expected. Bands of Iceni warriors had migrated into lands traditionally owned by the Boii, north of Pannonia where Carthage was fighting the Triple Alliance. The Iceni advanced swiftly, capturing the outpost of Noreia from Carthage.

    If the Iceni continued south-west from Noreia, they could invade Italy without much resistance, as Mascarada had done. At best, Carthage would be defending northern Italy against the armies of four nations.
    Last edited by Alwyn; June 10, 2018 at 11:05 AM.

  6. #106

    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 10, 2018]

    I think the appropriate metaphor for your current situation involves a Native American water vessel on a river of excrement, and you lacking any means of propulsion

    I'll be interested to see what you can make happen here. If you are open to strategy suggestions, I would recommend that you

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Send a diplomat to some of the factions on the other side of the triple alliance powers who are warring with them, and see if you can't make an alliance and get someone to literally stab those arrogant Greeks in their backs!
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  7. #107
    Turkafinwë's Avatar The Sick Baby Jester
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    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 10, 2018]

    It's good to see the forces of Carthage are having some troubles. It brings a certain dynamic to the tale (in my opinion). It seems Carthage bit off more than they can chew especially now with the Iceni closer to home than initially thought. The genius generals who bested the Senate and People of Rome will have to come up with some miracles to save their empire.

    Again a wonderful continuation Alwyn! + rep

  8. #108

    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 10, 2018]

    It seems the situation for Carthage just changed- from bad to worse. This was is taking its toll upon Carthage and I fear that Carthage will soon face a crisis. Is this due to the aggressive AI and guaranteed major faction empires mod? I used those two earlier but then I realize that small factions play a important role. Have you considered using this small mod called uniforms colour remastered? Its worth it! (Not sure if its save compatible). The triple alliance is a bigger challenge than Rome but then again war with the alliance may just improve your relations with Rome or it may improve Rome's relations with the Triple alliance. Anyway a really great chapter +rep. I am eagerly waiting to see whether Rome will rebel or not. To solve this problem of client states having terrible relations with the master I generally use a mod that gives 75+ positive relations.
    My AAR- The Restoration of the Empire-A Vanilla Byzantine AAR

  9. #109

    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 10, 2018]

    I agree with Turkafinwë, Carthage facing problems makes things very interesting. A common problem with TW games is that the AI can be easily exploited (especially in late game), so getting attacked by several enemies makes things more complicated.
    Great chapter, I hope we'll how you make an epic come back to obliterate the enemies and show them what it means to face the wrath of Alwyn!

  10. #110
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 10, 2018]

    Quote Originally Posted by Kilo11 View Post
    I think the appropriate metaphor for your current situation involves a Native American water vessel on a river of excrement, and you lacking any means of propulsion

    I'll be interested to see what you can make happen here. If you are open to strategy suggestions, I would recommend that you

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Send a diplomat to some of the factions on the other side of the triple alliance powers who are warring with them, and see if you can't make an alliance and get someone to literally stab those arrogant Greeks in their backs!
    Thanks! Yes, Carthage is in real danger. Strategy suggestions are welcome. Finding an ally on the far side of the Triple Alliance might work. So far, the Triple Alliance own the lands as far east as Carthage can see! (There might be potential allies in the far distance, in the 'fog of war', so your idea might be possible).

    Quote Originally Posted by Turkafinwë View Post
    It's good to see the forces of Carthage are having some troubles. It brings a certain dynamic to the tale (in my opinion). It seems Carthage bit off more than they can chew especially now with the Iceni closer to home than initially thought. The genius generals who bested the Senate and People of Rome will have to come up with some miracles to save their empire.

    Again a wonderful continuation Alwyn! + rep
    Thanks, Turkafinwë, I agree that it's good that Carthage is up against a powerful group of enemies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar16 View Post
    It seems the situation for Carthage just changed- from bad to worse. This was is taking its toll upon Carthage and I fear that Carthage will soon face a crisis. Is this due to the aggressive AI and guaranteed major faction empires mod? I used those two earlier but then I realize that small factions play a important role. Have you considered using this small mod called uniforms colour remastered? Its worth it! (Not sure if its save compatible). The triple alliance is a bigger challenge than Rome but then again war with the alliance may just improve your relations with Rome or it may improve Rome's relations with the Triple alliance. Anyway a really great chapter +rep. I am eagerly waiting to see whether Rome will rebel or not. To solve this problem of client states having terrible relations with the master I generally use a mod that gives 75+ positive relations.
    Yes, the war takes its toll and this will be reflected in the next chapter.

    I think you're right that the expansion by the Triple Alliance is partly caused by the A More Aggressive AI mod. The Guaranteed Major Faction Empires mod allows players to select which factions count as 'major' in a campaign (major factions receive a bonus in battles which the player can't see on the campaign map). In this campaign, I told the mod that only one faction was 'major' - Rome. I think that the new mod filter in patch 19 turned off Guaranteed Major Faction Empires temporarily, allowing the Triple Alliance to push back against Rome.

    Thanks for the suggested mod. Yes, Rome could rebel against Carthage. I like this, because some client states such as the Iceni did rebel against their masters historically. Also, I see it, being able to recruit levy units from a client state can potentially help the player, so the risk of rebellion balances that. Obviously, I know that different players prefer different things, I can see why some players would prefer to use a mod for more reliable client states.

    Quote Originally Posted by theSilentKiller View Post
    I agree with Turkafinwë, Carthage facing problems makes things very interesting. A common problem with TW games is that the AI can be easily exploited (especially in late game), so getting attacked by several enemies makes things more complicated.
    Great chapter, I hope we'll how you make an epic come back to obliterate the enemies and show them what it means to face the wrath of Alwyn!
    Yes, I've seen people say that Rome II is too easy in the late campaign - being under attack from a multi-national alliance is challenging and exciting. It also feels historical. The Greek city-states fought each other, but when the Persian Empire threatened them, they allied against the invader. In a similar way, Carthage's expansion made Athens, Macedon and the Seleucids feel threatened, causing the Triple Alliance and others to unite against Carthage.
    Last edited by Alwyn; June 17, 2018 at 11:47 AM.

  11. #111
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 10, 2018]

    Chapter 21: Waiting for the Plan

    Passaris felt sure that Mascarada had a plan to save Italy from invasion by the Triple Alliance. As Carthage’s armies retreated from Pannonia into Italy, he became frustrated. Instead of explaining the plan, Mascarada talked of Carthage’s navy. The transports for one Seleucid army forced several Carthaginian fleets to pursue them.

    Passaris couldn’t understand why Mascarada didn’t explain his plan. As Passaris walked through the army camp, encouraging those keeping watch during the quiet hours of the night, he saw soldiers going off duty. They had been guarding Mascarada’s tent. They talked in low, anxious voices.

    “The general cried out, ‘I couldn’t save him!’ – and ‘It’s happening again!’” whispered one soldier.

    I am a general too, but I don’t need to ask who ‘The general’ is, Passaris thought. But who couldn’t Mascarada save? What does he think is happening again?

    Perhaps the situation was worse than Passaris had imagined. Perhaps Mascarada had no plan and his years of warfare had left him disturbed and confused.

    The retreating armies reached Patavium, which was once Rome’s frontier - now the edge of Carthage’s territory.

    Elishat was governor of Patavium; Passaris was her nephew. Elishat had known Mascarada in Iberia, perhaps she would understand what the general had said? Elishat asked Passaris if he knew about the original founding of the Friends of the Hundred and Four, the army which had been annihilated by Spartans. When Passaris shook his head, she explained.

    “Mascarada had a brother, Sadith. Sadith was popular among the noble families. When he founded an army, so many young nobles joined that it was called the Friends of the Hundred and Four. But the Friends were broken in their first battle at Tingis. Sadith was killed. The army that Sadith founded was re-built and they served in Iberia and Gaul. The destruction of the Friends must have reminded Mascarada of the death of his brother. Mascarada is grieving again.”

    “I’ve been waiting for Mascarada to reveal a plan to save us,” said Passaris. “But it’s up to me. Our strategy of taking and holding land in Pannonia and Illyria has failed. Our enemies have too many armies. They’ll keep pushing us back, unless we do something different.”

    “What are you suggesting?” asked Elishat.

    “We have an army guarding Brundisium in southern Italy,” said Passaris. “I will lead them across the narrow sea, to attack Apollonia.”

    “Won’t our enemies drive you out, as they did in Pannonia?” asked Elishat.

    “They'll expect us to defend Apollonia or retreat,” said Passaris. “I will do neither. Mascarada told me that one Seleucid army kept several of our fleets busy. I’ll keep going into enemy territory, drawing their armies away from the front line.”

    Author’s Note

    The death of Sadith, mentioned here, happened in Chapter 9: The Sons of Hiempsal.
    Last edited by Alwyn; June 17, 2018 at 11:50 AM.

  12. #112

    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 17, 2018]

    That's an interesting plan. Certainly something that would in reality have drawn away forces from the fronts - you can't have enemy troops roaming around the heartlands - but I wonder if it will have an effect on the factions you're up against. It seems like they don't mind losing the "homefront" too much, so long as they remain viable states, and they may just let that army romp about without turning their heads. Although then you might have a chance to raze some of Greece and expand your eastern empire. Hmm...
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  13. #113

    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 17, 2018]

    Interesting...I may have got it wrong but is Passaris jealous of Mascarada? The move to attack Apollonia seems risky but also seems to be driven by jealousy and greed for more popularity. Sad to know that Mascarada still mourns his brother. Now that you have taken us back to Iberia I remember what kind of general Mascarada was. Perhaps he is still the same general but his luck is about to run out? Anyway nice update!
    My AAR- The Restoration of the Empire-A Vanilla Byzantine AAR

  14. #114
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    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 17, 2018]

    Good chapters, but sadly, terrible situation for Carthage. I'm thinking of the old prophecy that Athens??? had, surviving behind a wooden build a fleet, the largest fleet and wreak havoc.
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  15. #115

    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 17, 2018]

    A plan with three outcomes: Either the front line forces have to go home to protect their country, or the Carthaginians can freely pillage enemy territory and getsome loot and possibly destroy their economy (or at least weaken them to some extend) or the Carthaginians get destroyed by an enemy army in the homeland leaving Carthage with no gain from such a campaign. Daring enough, let's see how this goes!

  16. #116
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    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 17, 2018]

    Aha, the last update was on my birthday. Quite fitting!

    Will read very shortly and update with my thoughts!

    Proudly under the patronage of McScottish

  17. #117
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    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 17, 2018]

    Quote Originally Posted by Kilo11 View Post
    That's an interesting plan. Certainly something that would in reality have drawn away forces from the fronts - you can't have enemy troops roaming around the heartlands - but I wonder if it will have an effect on the factions you're up against. It seems like they don't mind losing the "homefront" too much, so long as they remain viable states, and they may just let that army romp about without turning their heads. Although then you might have a chance to raze some of Greece and expand your eastern empire. Hmm...
    Thanks, yes the Triple Alliance might send armies from the front line to pursue Passaris, or they might ignore his army and keep attacking Italy with overwhelming force. As you said, that would create opportunities for Passaris to do some damage behind enemy lines. I'm looking forward to seeing how the enemy will react.

    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar16 View Post
    Interesting...I may have got it wrong but is Passaris jealous of Mascarada? The move to attack Apollonia seems risky but also seems to be driven by jealousy and greed for more popularity. Sad to know that Mascarada still mourns his brother. Now that you have taken us back to Iberia I remember what kind of general Mascarada was. Perhaps he is still the same general but his luck is about to run out? Anyway nice update!
    That's an interesting question! In a draft of the previous chapter, Passaris speculated that Mascarada might not be explaining his plan because Mascarada was jealous of the Passaris as a 'rising star'. Maybe Mascarada envies the youthful vigour of Passaris, and Passaris is jealous of the fame of Mascarada? Yes, Mascarada is mourning his brother and the soldiers he knew in the Friends of the Hundred and Four, who campaigned with alongside his army in Iberia, Gaul and Italy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkan View Post
    Good chapters, but sadly, terrible situation for Carthage. I'm thinking of the old prophecy that Athens??? had, surviving behind a wooden build a fleet, the largest fleet and wreak havoc.
    You're right, Carthage's generals are desperate, like the leaders of Athens when they faced an overwhelming foe and relied on their powerful navy. As we'll see, Carthage has a strong navy too.

    Quote Originally Posted by theSilentKiller View Post
    A plan with three outcomes: Either the front line forces have to go home to protect their country, or the Carthaginians can freely pillage enemy territory and getsome loot and possibly destroy their economy (or at least weaken them to some extend) or the Carthaginians get destroyed by an enemy army in the homeland leaving Carthage with no gain from such a campaign. Daring enough, let's see how this goes!
    Thanks - yes, it's a daring plan and those are the possible outcomes of the plan of Passaris. He (and I) are hoping that the third one won't happen, if it does then Carthage will be in even bigger trouble!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigellinus View Post
    Aha, the last update was on my birthday. Quite fitting!

    Will read very shortly and update with my thoughts!
    Happy belated birthday, I hope you enjoy it!
    Last edited by Alwyn; June 24, 2018 at 06:18 AM.

  18. #118
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 17, 2018]

    Chapter 22: The Dread of Deimos

    Some wondered if Passaris envied Mascarada’s fame. Some said he was taking a dangerous risk. Passaris felt compelled to try something new. In Illyria and Pannonia, the armies of the Triple Alliance had advanced. The armies of Carthage, badly outnumbered, had retreated or been destroyed. If Carthage continued using the same strategy, then city after city would fall.

    The Defenders of the New City, a Carthaginian army under the command of Passaris, sailed east from Brundisium in southern Italy. Their transports were escorted by a fleet known as Hanno’s Navigators, named for a naval commander who had explored Africa’s west coast. Their target was the port of Apollonia, the closest city to Brundisium across the narrow sea.

    Passaris needed not only to win this battle, he needed to preserve the strength of his army. He would not remain in Apollonia or retreat to Brundisium, he would lead his army further into enemy territory. He hoped to draw the enemy armies away from the front line, to buy time for Carthage’s principal armies led by Mascarada to replace their losses and defend Italy. If Passaris was unlucky, then his army would be surrounded, as the Friends of the Hundred and Four had been.

    Passaris explained his plan for the assault on Apollonia to the officers of his army and the fleet. There were three possible landing sites. The southern beach was closest to the city; any landing would face immediate resistance from the garrison. The eastern beach was furthest from the city; any landing would allow the garrison plenty of time to respond. Passaris chose the western beach for the cumbersome transports to land his army, while the swift warships would land their marines on the eastern beach.

    The admiral, Garama, suggested sending a small group of ships carrying javelin-men to approach the southern beach. By remaining close to shore, these ships would force the enemy to guard that beach. Garama said that this was like distracting your enemy by pointing a spear at his throat, while your companions attack him from left and right. Passaris agreed with this suggestion.

    Passaris watched nervously as his transports approached the western beach, worrying that enemy warships might attack the transports while his warships were some distance away. Fortunately, the crews of the few enemy warships beached their ships and joined the garrison.

    A warship arrived at the western beach, carrying a messenger from Garama. The messenger had seen an Athenian army, recognisable by their banners as the Dread of Deimos, named for the Greek God of Terror. The Athenians were marching to reinforce the Spartan garrison of Apollonia.

    The ballista-carrying warships of Hanno’s Navigators fired on the Athenian army, but the Athenians fired back with catapults. If the marines landed, they’d be heavily outnumbered - but if they didn’t land, the army of Passaris would face the Spartan garrison and the Athenian army alone. The messenger needed to know what Passaris wanted the marines to do.

    Author's Note

    Thanks to Caesar16 for inspiring the opening lines of this chapter!

  19. #119

    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 24, 2018]

    Interesting. I'm not sure if the number and size of boxes accurately represents unit strengths (or if you've mapped all the units in this fashion; some might be hidden to you for now), but judging by that alone you seem to have a clear numerical advantage even given the Athenian reinforcements. Moreover, if you can keep the enemy army close enough to the shore your ships might be able to get in some shots of their own. I'll be interested to see how this turns out (and to see the assuredly great screenshots that are to come with ).
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  20. #120
    Turkafinwë's Avatar The Sick Baby Jester
    Content Emeritus

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    Nov 2013

    Default Re: New Town (Carthage AAR) [updated June 24, 2018]

    A bold strategy but I agree with Passaris. Something needs to change if Carthage is to survive the onslaught. If he succeeds, let's hope he is remembered as a hero, if he doesn't, well may he and his men rest in peace.

    Again you deliver us great content Alwyn!

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