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Thread: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

  1. #241

    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Quote Originally Posted by Welsh Dragon View Post

    I appreciate that you and I don't see eye to eye on a good many things it seems. But can you at least do me the decency of respecting that my opinions are my own!


    Thank you once again.

    I wouldn't go quite as far as to say I hate Attila and Warhammer because I can't manage to play them, but it's certainly very frustrating.

    Ah well. Empire Divide T-Minus 2 days and counting!

    All the Best,

    Welsh Dragon.
    I'll do you the decency when you dont sound like CA's spokeperson or marketing employee!

    Joking aside you can have your opinions but doesnt mean I am not going to question them or in fact ridicule them. So far have actually been fairly lenient with a lot of your diatribe. And let's be honest none of it is particularly factfull is it? cmon being intelligent human beings n all that.

    P.s If you want to enjoy the game go for it nor do I begrudge anyone else for that matter. If people like yourself have a great time with the game that's cool. In fact I hope everyone isnt disappointed!

    But I have a soft spot for the Welsh so if have caused offence my apologies. I can be a bit on the brusque side. And I do watch a lot of others on youtube playing the game just over the years and getting older Total wars are less important and the few factors like not having a new engine built from scratch and dlc which means I buy a game then play it then realised it's so many x months down the line when all the DLC is out and ther mods have developed....(you can argue the base game is ok etc etc but if you look at the list of all the extras it makes a huge difference to the end game).

    You claim inflation but dont mention corporate greed etc! Take for example medwar Kingdoms we have walled settlements for we get walls and then just the same battle maps. So one could argue we are in fact getting less.

    At least with Rome2 I think the sieges are somewhat more satisfying. For next release I'd like to see unique major and minor settlements. You dont need walls in all minor settlements but at least have unique defensible seems silly to me you have a minor settlement and the occupying army hasnt made any defences...(cough cough the wood elves).
    Last edited by Totalheadache; November 28, 2017 at 07:04 AM.

  2. #242

    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    It's really interesting how people can't stand someone enjoying a game others don't like. This idea of insinuating that anyone who likes a Total War game and expresses their positive opinion is a CA employee is a really pathetic excuse of a criticism. It's a very childish accusation for sure.
    The Armenian Issue

  3. #243
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Estemeed Members, please remind that the topic of this thread is about the FLC and DLC and not about a specific member tastes or "bash" towards CA (there's a specific thread for criticizing CA policy). You can explain your opinion, critic the content of the FLC and DLC but it must be done with respect and possibly in a constructive manner. Some posts are already "border line" and further "slipping" will be moderated.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  4. #244

    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Quote Originally Posted by Welsh Dragon View Post
    I really don't see how anyone can call this "just a reskin," for the many reasons I have already covered.

    Except that the actual act of writing it is only one part of the design process. Coming up with the ideas, editing, testing, editing again, testing again, QA testing etc.

    In my view there's no need to paint CA in a sympathetic light with this. I really don't see any negative to what CA is doing, and I think the amount of content we're getting in Empire Divided, and getting for nothing in Power & Politics, really speaks positively for itself.

    Inflation (not to mention the damage Brexit has already done to the British Economy and value of the Pound) is a basic fact of the world we live in.

    I appreciate you're "very weary of any game released these days," but I'm equally weary of the predictable negative response to pretty much everything that CA, or other companies for that matter, do, no matter what it is and how much effort has gone into it. They're still people, just like you or I, and yet the way some treat them is deplorable.

    It's easy to say "Doesnt take long to write this type of stuff" or "effectively just a reskin," but it's quite another to actually be able to do it, work through the whole process from start to finish with all the challenges, difficulties and constraints.

    And as for "Who knows what goes on behind closed doors?", it applies just as much to those criticising CA. But doesn't stop them making all sorts of claims.

    You buy a game for a price and get exactly what you paid for (and knew you would receive because it was laid out in detail before hand,) you don't have any right to expect to receive any other content that may be made at some point before or after release, because you simply haven't paid for it's creation. Most if not all DLC isn't cut content, and the sooner people stop acting like it is the better.

    I also think claiming we get less content for more money with Total War games isn't supported by the facts. Rome 2 has more playable factions for your original purchase (14) than any other Total War game except Medieval 2 (17.) Also more units and more campaigns for that matter. Meanwhile prices had stayed level at around £30 for years, only going up to £40 with the Warhammer games, which have a whole host of additional costs involved, from licensing to a much greater number of unique skeletons, models and animations.

    DLC the way CA is doing it keeps overall content up, while keeping the initial cost to the player down. People have the option to buy additional content through DLC, but it's by no means essential unless someone chooses to make it so. If you are going to include it, then you also need to factor in that the games with all the DLC are bigger than the games we had in the past. And even if you never buy a DLC, you get a bigger and better game with the FLC.

    And as Daruwind has already highlighted, savings created by advances in technology are balanced (and quite possibly wiped out) by increases in costs created by the ever increasing expectations of gamers.

    (This article from the Econmist nicely lays out various factors that mean game budgets keep increasing, one of which is Moore's Law.)

    Plus there's inflation and rising cost of living and utilities, which I highlighted before and you so easily dismissed. Doubt the people at CA, or the utilities companies, or the people they rent office space from/pay their mortgage to or the places they buy their groceries from are going to get paid less "because we're working on an older game."

    And a lot of titles don't get new engines. Look at the number of games made with the same Unreal Engine for example. Also the TW3 engine (Warscape is only one part of it) is modular, meaning in many ways it is new with each game. That's not to say that TW3 doesn't have issues, but a brand new engine may well have just as many issues, and won't have had the years of development that TW3 has.


    Anyway, in conclusion I appreciate that value is all a matter of personal perspective. If people don't think Empire Divided is worth the asking price then I respect that and by all means wait for it to come down to a price you do feel happy with or not buy it at all.

    I just don't think there's any need to overly criticise, complain about everything and quite frankly be rude about the people making it. Maybe consider how you would feel if you'd spent months on something, only for people to call it "cut content" or "just a reskin."

    All the Best,

    Welsh Dragon.

    I agree with literally everything you said. Well put! And thank you got taking the time to articulate it so politely.

  5. #245
    Huberto's Avatar Praepositus
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    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    The politics update has made TWR2 a better game. But don't tell me Aurelian used to go around wearing that helmet.

    p.s. And Tetricus looks like Steven Segal - come on Art Dept
    Last edited by Huberto; November 28, 2017 at 11:07 PM.

  6. #246

    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Quote Originally Posted by Huberto View Post
    p.s. And Tetricus looks like Steven Segal - come on Art Dept
    Sorry but I don't see the Steven Seagal resemblance...

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  7. #247
    Gäiten's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Quote Originally Posted by First Citizen Gallienus View Post
    Sorry but I don't see the Steven Seagal resemblance...
    Me neither, Tetricus is far too lean from being liken to Steven Seagal

    Invasio Barbarorum: Ruina Roma Development Leader - Art made by Joar -Visit my Deviantart:

  8. #248
    Spartan198's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    I wonder what made CA want to revisit Rome II. The new campaign is going to be a must for me as I really like that period.

    Only downside is mods being broken and the wait/search for updates and replacements.

  9. #249

    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Lionhearts campaign so far looking good!

    But in hero of Carthages there's some interesting issues...(Pikes on walls surely must be fixed).

    I personally might hold off getting it till I have seen more (but I have Divinity2 plus Fifa18 and lots to do at xmas...still I can imagine a play of this DLC could be good..). Especially will be checking out Hero of Carthage vids...

  10. #250
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan198 View Post
    I wonder what made CA want to revisit Rome II. The new campaign is going to be a must for me as I really like that period.

    Only downside is mods being broken and the wait/search for updates and replacements.
    -History people crying that there will be tripple Warhammer but nothing for them for loooong time...
    -Rome 2 sold a lot copies + has largest still active player base = lot potential buyers = ideal candidate for such DLC (Saga is standalone as they cannot expect everybody to own Attila and Attila has poor reputation so they are doing standalone game)

    -Look at it as opportunity for others to come back or new modders will emerge. I´m happy. :-)
    Last edited by Daruwind; November 29, 2017 at 04:55 AM.
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  11. #251
    Huberto's Avatar Praepositus
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    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Most if not all DLC isn't cut content, and the sooner people stop acting like it is the better.

    I also think claiming we get less content for more money with Total War games isn't supported by the facts. Rome 2 has more playable factions for your original purchase (14) than any other Total War game except Medieval 2 (17.) Also more units and more campaigns for that matter. Meanwhile prices had stayed level at around £30 for years, only going up to £40 with the Warhammer games, which have a whole host of additional costs involved, from licensing to a much greater number of unique skeletons, models and animations.

    DLC the way CA is doing it keeps overall content up, while keeping the initial cost to the player down. People have the option to buy additional content through DLC, but it's by no means essential unless someone chooses to make it so. If you are going to include it, then you also need to factor in that the games with all the DLC are bigger than the games we had in the past. And even if you never buy a DLC, you get a bigger and better game with the FLC.

    And as Daruwind has already highlighted, savings created by advances in technology are balanced (and quite possibly wiped out) by increases in costs created by the ever increasing expectations of gamers.

    (This article from the Econmist nicely lays out various factors that mean game budgets keep increasing, one of which is Moore's Law.)
    Except that it's probably not true. Using EA as an example, they are spending less money now on developing games than they were 10 years ago. They are more focused on cheaper add-ons, like microtransactions. They are making a ton of profit on those. There's an excellent video on this topic looking at EA's history and financials that I recommend highly.

    So no, I don't buy the line that we need microtransactions and games-as-a-service content dribble in order to sustain the video game industry, including SEGA/CA. These companies' financials show that the cost of "additional content" is hugely profitable because of how little it costs to make. We can argue the specifics about Total War games and the value of each bit of DLC that comes out...but there's been very little Total War DLC that's been at the level of, say, Witcher 3's or Dishonored's. I wish they would put more effort into the DLC -- yes AoC and RotS are exceptions! Empire Divided seems to be more in the cut-and-paste variety of TW DLC campaigns and it appears reminiscent of the Augustus Campaign, which was as free as it was underwhelming. I do like the politics update especially playing as Rome but given what happened back in 2013, this kind of update should be more about making TWR2 as promised originally, repairing the reputation of CA the game developer and ensuring customer goodwill going forward, more than anything else (hint: $$$). Yes DLC like Empire Divided costs money to make, but not as much as you might think.

  12. #252
    Gäiten's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    I wonder how many of the units do wear true 3rd century AD helmets.

    Do we know the Roman recruitment roster?

    Invasio Barbarorum: Ruina Roma Development Leader - Art made by Joar -Visit my Deviantart:

  13. #253

    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Quote Originally Posted by Gäiten View Post
    I wonder how many of the units do wear true 3rd century AD helmets.

    Do we know the Roman recruitment roster?
    I saw all units of Roman Empire and they have 3 types of helmets:
    - true 3rd century (50%)
    - 4th-6th centuries from Attila copied (95%)
    - 1st century AD from Rome 2 main campaign (20%)
    There are units which heave mixed helmets per one unit for example Herculiani, Roman legionaries, cataphracts etc. so they have correct true helmets + Attila time helmets.

    I don't know why CA added for 95% Roman units ridge helmet with nasal. Maybe CA love it? Ony two cavalry units don't have this helmet and have only 3rd century. Other ones have mixed helmets.
    The second question: why? because CA made new 6 models of Roman 3rd century. Italic type H have only few units of Gallic Empire, not added to Roman Aurelian Empire. Why they promo ridge helmets from Attila, not new great staff? I don't know. Weird.

  14. #254
    keona's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    I wish CA did the same thing as Sid Mier did with Civ 6. They released the game where they made some features more "accessible", diplomacy has suffered (i stopped playing after few weeks - my first Civ game with 51 hours played). By mid-game, it was boring to play. Sid listened to fans and now they announced huge expansion for Civ 6 adding all the things that fans were missing from Civ 5 and fixing things like districts and diplomacy. Love that Civ 6 will have dark and golden ages. Loyalty is back. Civ 6 will become way more complex with new expansion (it so awesome). I wish that CA have done the same thing with Rome II. They should have made a large expansion where they would have fixed all the things that fans complained about (Attila is living proof that it can be done). Based on their hints it felt like that was going to happen with the new update but sadly it is not the case.

    I'm not complaining just expressing my wishful thinking.

  15. #255

    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Quote Originally Posted by Roman_Reenactor View Post
    I saw all units of Roman Empire and they have 3 types of helmets:
    - true 3rd century (50%)
    - 4th-6th centuries from Attila copied (95%)
    - 1st century AD from Rome 2 main campaign (20%)
    There are units which heave mixed helmets per one unit for example Herculiani, Roman legionaries, cataphracts etc. so they have correct true helmets + Attila time helmets.
    The totality of the Roman forces add up to 165%?
    The Armenian Issue

  16. #256


    Pleaase, write again - I wrote that some units have mixed helmets (correct and from other period per one unit). They aren't clones like Rome 1 that all soldiers have one look. So, only 50% units have good helmets (Niederbieber or Heddernheim types) but 95% units have Burgh Castle type (50% have Niederbieber/Heddernheim/Burgh Castle and 45% have Burgh Castle without Niederbieber/Heddernheim and some other helmets like spangenhelms).

    I made interresting theread to CA about small chaniging in files to make better Roman factions:
    Last edited by Lifthrasir; November 30, 2017 at 01:37 AM. Reason: Posts merged for clarity

  17. #257
    LestaT's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Is it live yet?

  18. #258
    Welsh Dragon's Avatar Content Staff
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    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Quote Originally Posted by LestaT View Post
    Is it live yet?
    I think I read it goes live at 3pm GMT, so not yet.

    All the Best,

    Welsh Dragon.

  19. #259

    Default Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Quote Originally Posted by Roman_Reenactor View Post
    Pleaase, write again - I wrote that some units have mixed helmets (correct and from other period per one unit). They aren't clones like Rome 1 that all soldiers have one look. So, only 50% units have good helmets (Niederbieber or Heddernheim types) but 95% units have Burgh Castle type (50% have Niederbieber/Heddernheim/Burgh Castle and 45% have Burgh Castle without Niederbieber/Heddernheim and some other helmets like spangenhelms).

    I made interresting theread to CA about small chaniging in files to make better Roman factions:
    Stayed up all night watching helmet porn instead of studying for that statistics exam eh?

  20. #260

    Icon9 Re: Total War: ROME II - Empire Divided

    Just watched let's play video of Zanobia.

    Palmyra was one of the most richest city in Syria and practiced various Levanite gods. They even had a grand temple dedicated to Baal that ISIL recently damaged. Why does Palmyrene empire produce Latin culture? Wouldn't it make sense if Palmyra produced desert nomadic or Eastern culture?

    If it produced Eastern culture, that would definitely improve Palmyra's game play by improving relations with Armenia and the Sassanids.

    Anyway, I'm really confused. I hope CA changes Palmyra's culture shortly, or someone make a mod about this. Still super excited for the DLc though.

    What do you guys think?

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