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Thread: Text output in thw campaign

  1. #1

    Default Text output in thw campaign

    Hey there,

    I am working on a small modification for m2tw:k and I am nearly finished with it.
    At the moment, I would like to change the text output for some buildings.

    My "problem" is, that I have related some bonuses form the edb to the region religion value of a region.
    My idea was, that certain bonuses do only appear if the region religion is below a certain level.
    However, if I have a province where the bonus doesn't appear because of a high religion level, the bonus is still shown within the infoscroll of the building.

    I would like to change the responsible text script, so that the bonus is not shown at all, if it doesn't appear within the campaign.
    Thereto, I would need to know, which script is responsible for the text output of the buildings, and how I could implement my ideas.

    (I know that you might consider my request more as an aesthetic matter, but in my opinion, this "mistake" is a little bit confusing for players without knowledge about my modifications of the edb)

    I would gladly appreciate any help, many thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Text output in thw campaign

    The insertion of EDB based info\conditions like this is hard coded. While you can change the displayed text you can't regulate it's appearance\insertion.

    Could you copy an example here so I can have a look at your coding?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Text output in thw campaign

    Hello Gigantus, thank you for repplying to my post so quickly.

    This is the line form the edb, I'd like to make the bonus invisible if the condition about the religion isn't complied :
    population_growth_bonus bonus 2 requires factions { england, russia, southern_european, normans, timurids, } and not region_religion vampire 40

    If possible, I'd also like to change the output for this line :
    population_growth_bonus bonus 6 requires factions { hungary, } and region_religion vampire 80

    Within a hungary campaign, it is always shown, even if the condition aren't complied. I would like to make it only visible if the conditions are complied, and without the extra text : "requires religion 80" (or something similar, I'm not totaly sure)

    Many thanks in advance.

  4. #4
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Text output in thw campaign

    While you can most likely remove the religion 80 text by simply replacing it's entry with spaces you will still remain with the require entry.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Text output in thw campaign

    Ok, I'll guess I will add the detailed info about the conditions for the bonuses into the descriptions of the buildings then, so players won't get confused.

    Thank you very much for the information and for helping me again.

  6. #6
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Text output in thw campaign

    A short line or two about the displayed info will certainly help. Tip: using \n in the text of the unit info is equivalent to a LF\CR action (Line feed\Carriage Return). Using \n\n will in fact create a new paragraph. Example:

    {unit_info_whatever}This is the first line.\nThis is the next line.\n\nThis is a new paragraph.

    will display as:
    This is the first line.
    This is the next line.

    This is a new paragraph.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Text output in thw campaign

    Thank you very much, I already heard about using \n within descriptions, but I never found such a clear and easy explanation.

  8. #8
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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