Richard of Conisburgh, son of Edmund of Langley, the late duke of York. Brother of Edward of Norwich, the Duke of York was sitting in his room at the Lancaster estates. Sir William Bogue was sitting on the other side amusing himself with some ale, probably day dreaming about hookers as well.

Richard coughed getting Bogue's attention. "I need to get married." He said. "I need to make my own luck. Find a baroness or something.." He added.

Bogue replied. "Aye you should, it would mean more coin in my purse."

Richard sighed. "I've heard that there's a baroness of Botentourt."

"Have I ever told you where I came from? My village fell under the Barony of Camoys. Elizabeth Hamley is a descendant of the last baron. A claim through her could be pressed by the King.." Bogue said.

Richard stood, walked a little through the room before taking's Bogue's cup and chugging it down.
Two eligible people for marriage, they would bring a title to the table as well.. "Bogue arrange a meeting with Joan Burnell. I would seek her hand." Richard finally said.


OOC: I want to meet, talk and woo the lady Joan Burnell who is baroness of Botentourt.

Some usefull links perhaps,