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Thread: New elements of gameplay

  1. #1
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default New elements of gameplay

    New hardcore campaign.

    Added new playable factions:
    Roxolani, Venedi, Armenia, Roman insurgent. Completely new: description, icon, leader, model, political parties and personages, including Traits and many others. al.

    The names of the characters are completely historical:
    Western Roman Empire: Valentinianus, Iustina, Gratianus, Jovian
    Eastern Roman Empire: Valens, Domnica, Theodosius, Flacilla
    Visigoths: Aoric, Athanaric, Fritigern, Alaric, Alavivus
    Ostrogoths: Ermanaric, Sunilda, Vithimiris, Witeric, Alatheus, Saphrax
    Roxolans: Sarus, Ammius, Sunilda
    Iazyges: Zizais
    Franks: Marcomer
    Sasanides: Hormizd, Shapur, Ardashir, Bahram
    Armenia: Tiran, Arshak, Pap
    Huns: Balamber, Uldin, Charaton, Donat
    Roman insurgent: Magnus Maximus

    Eleven other new factions.
    aestii - Playable faction if available DLC Slavic Nations Culture Pack
    saraceni - Playable faction if available DLC Empires of Sand Culture Pack

    Many new units.
    Created on the based on a full study of the late-antique document Notitia Dignitatum.

    Here you can see all the screenshots.

    All units are divided into three categories:
    1. Basic units - units hired anywhere
    2. AOR units - units recruited only in their own or in frontier territory
    3. Nominal Legio units - the first cohort of this legion

    Number of units in version: 0.4

    Milites - 16 units
    Legionis Limitanei - 49 units
    Legions Comitatensis - 15 units
    Legions Palatina - 15 units
    Vexillatio Limitanei - 15 units
    Vexillatio Comitatensis - 13 units
    Vexillatio Palatina - 10 units
    Auxilia Limitanei - 3 units
    Ala Limitanei - 5 units
    Auxilia Palatina - 16 units
    Schola - 4 units

    Bodyguards - 5 units
    Siege machines - 5 units

    Armies of Exodus - 7 units
    Townsfolk - 4 units
    Robbers - 3 units

    Total: 185

    Guerrilla warfare.
    For the Army stance: march, fortification, ambush, as well as in the city - a large number of protective devices / traps for defense are available:
    And these are brimstone, caltrop, fireball, sharpstones, spiketrap and stakes. Quantity from 5 pcs. at the march and up to 18 at ambush.
    The number of elements in the traps / devices increased in 2-3, their combat characteristics increased by 1.5-2 times.
    The strength of barricades has been increased.

    Mutiny in the army for the Roman factions.
    These factions initially have the following: -2 loyalty (Integrity) armies. If you do not pay attention to this feature of the Roman society - tired of the war, then your army will hold regular mutinies!
    To get rid of this negative effect is possible only in battle! You must study the traditions of each army!
    Delay the mutiny - decimate!

    Siege machines.
    Added new siege units: Ballista and the Great Ballista.
    Added a new type of volley for onager and ballista - Scatter Numerous Shot||A shot of two dozen small stones - designed to defeat enemy soldiers.
    All siege machines are completely changed shot characteristics, based on the data obtained from a historical source.

    Auxiliary armies and units.
    In the game - the armies are divided into three types: Auxiliary parts, Armies comitatensis, Armies limitanei.
    The auxiliary armies have: three new units
    These mini-armies are needed for reconnaissance, ambushes, delays and so on! That is, they are used as separate armies of the Vanguard\Rearguard.
    Who and how many units need to be staffed in a mini-army is decided by the player himself, but be aware that the smaller the size of the unit, the faster it moves on the campaign map (has more movement points). Cavalry faster than infantry, respectively.

    Balance and strategic gameplay.
    The average number of soldiers in units changed and likened to a cohort, equitum, ala and is equal to 300-200 men, for the horse and foot.
    Now the game has become a real strategy, not tactics with strategy elements. Hiring with one turns is not possible (Huns exception). Now, depending on the fraction is 2/4 turn. Increased cost of hiring mercenaries: land x5 times, sea x30 times.
    Shipbuilding has now become a costly military production and hiring of vessels increased to x10 times.
    The Hun factions do not have spawn! They can and must be destroyed!

    New Roman guards commanders.
    Candidati - Emperor's bodyguards (one unit for WRE and two for the ERE, in the beginning of the game, recruiting is not possible)
    Protectores Domestici Pedites - bodyguards generals and governors
    Protectores Domestici Equites - bodyguards generals

    New Roman officers and standard bearer.

    Historical formation.
    New animation and formation for the historicity of the constructions.
    Army late antiquity, and indeed other periods, formed detachments of which necessarily present not only one type of weapons by type - ax, sword and spear, as we used to see in the game, Attila, and mandatory additional weapon for close combat, namely spears in any army. Spear very often had any soldier, regardless with what weapons he was obliged to wear in the army. Spear are not expensive, but it is often indispensable in the defense, especially against cavalry. Most of the units in the fashion Judex - Rex, They will have a spear in the forefront with in defensive formation!
    Completely redesigned or added new formation with its own performance characteristics (abilities), are now making a more epic battles in the spirit! Formation are now very strong influence on the fighting qualities of the units. Any Formation is capable of very long and contain the enemy. Thanks to them, the battle became longer and now will not let the opponent easily attack the front.
    All the historical formation in Judex - Rex:
    Infantry: Wall pike; Screen; Hedgehog (square); Spear_wall; Shield_wall; Roman turtle; Barbaric turtle
    Cavalry: Cantabrian circle; Flying wedge, Wedge

    Forest robbers.
    Created faction Forest robbers scattered, across the European terrain on the campaign map and very often spawned!
    This faction works like a horde, has no recruitment opportunity and does not build anything, but sometimes it can accumulate money for the purchase of mercenaries, to replenish its ranks by professionals.
    The need for this faction is due to the new gameplay, the battles are now fatal. To have a good army - you need to gain experience.
    With the help of robbers, you will be able to gain experience your armies and characters.
    This faction has three types of units: Robbers Warlord, Robbers Brigade, Robbers Bows

    Based on a full study of the late-antique document Notitia Dignitatum, AORs (Area Of Recruitment) were created.
    In the mod of their 40: 26 pieces for the Roman "federates" and 14 for all other factions that will capture this area and will be able to hire local special units.

    All cities have garrisons from local residents.
    You can build additional garrison barracks:
    Garrison_1,2,3,4 - in the periphery
    Governor_1,2,3,4,5 - in the capital

    Armies of Exodus.
    For the factions involved in the migration of the barbarians, the was created army from the commoners-settlers. Such factions in the game: 17. They only appear when the faction becomes a horde!
    Note: Huns and the closest allies "nomads" - are not considered migratory.
    Created 7 units for migrating armies.
    These units are weak, they are commoners, but they do not have to flee, their family is here - therefore morality is much higher than even the militia!
    The number of units in a faction can be 18-40 units of Exodus.

    Recruitment, military buildings.
    Most units have a limit hiring! Without limiting only some "basic" units.
    Most units Milites (Militia) 0 level - are recruited in all cities with level 1
    ____Milites defensores
    ____Milites cimbriani
    ____Milites dacisci
    ____Milites dalmatae
    ____Milites italici
    ____Milites mauri
    ____Milites menapii
    ____Milites moesiaci
    ____Milites nervii
    ____Milites scythici
    ____Milites tungricani


    Military Upgrades\Armourer
    ____Milites armigeri

    Military Upgrades\Carpenter
    ____Milites balistarii

    The remaining units are employed in two types of buildings:

    1. Military building - recruited groups of units: Basic, AOR
    Castra stativa - camp where the army spent more than one night
    ____Milites Superventores, Milites Praeventores, Milites Exploratores

    Castrum Limitanei Legio
    ____Legionis Funditores (limitan), Legionis Sagittarii, Legionis Balistarii, Legionis Defensores (limitan), Legionis Lanciarii, Legionis Hispanorum (limitan), Legionis Carthaginensis (limitan), Legionis Lusitanorum (limitan), Legionis Asturum (limitan), Legionis Raetorum (limitan), Legionis Alamannorum (limitan), Legionis Gallorum (limitan), Legionis Tungrorum (limitan), Legionis Lingonum (limitan), Legionis Nerviorum (limitan), Legionis Morinorum (limitan), Legionis Noricorum (limitan), Legionis Germanorum (limitan), Legionis Iuthungorum (limitan), Legionis Abrincateni (limitan), Legionis Francorum (limitan), Legionis Chamavorum (limitan), Legionis Illyricorum (limitan), Legionis Dalmatarum (limitan), Legionis Thracorum (limitan), Legionis Galatarum (limitan), Legionis Mauri (limitan), Legionis Numidarum (limitan), Legionis Gaetulorum (limitan), Legionis Palaestinorum (limitan), Legionis Arabum (limitan), Legionis Aegyptiorum (limitan), Legionis Euphratensis (limitan), Legionis Transtigritani (limitan), Legionis Pontinenses (limitan), Legionis Britonum (limitan), Legionis Dacorum (limitan), Legionis Gothorum (limitan), Legionis Romanenses (limitan), Legionis Scutata Civium Romanorum (lim), Legionis Apuleia Civium Romanorum (lim)

    Castrum Comitatensis Legio
    ____Legionis Mattiarii iuniores (comitat), Legionis Armigeri Defensores seniores (comitat), Legionis Lanciarii iuniores (comitat), Legionis Propugnatores iuniores (comitat), Legionis Propugnatores seniores (comitat), Legionis Pannoniciani iuniores (comitat), Legionis Germaniciani iuniores (comitat), Legionis Germaniciani seniores (comitat)

    Castrum Palatina Legio
    ____Legionis Mattiarii seniores (palatin), Legionis Lanciarii seniores (palatin), Legionis Armigeri Propugnatores seniores (palatin), Legionis Armigeri Propugnatores iuniores (palatin), Legionis Moesiaci seniores (palatin), Legionis Britones seniores (palatin), Legionis Pannoniciani seniores (palatin), Legionis Daci (palatin), Legionis Scythae (palatin), Legionis Cimbriani (palatin), Legionis Nervii (palatin)

    Castrum Limitanei Vexillatio
    ____Equites Dalmatae, Equites Promoti, Equites Sagittarii (limitan), Equites Stablesiani, Cuneus Equitum Dalmatarum (limitan), Cuneus Equitum Promotorum, Cuneus Equitum Scutariorum, Cuneus Equitum Stablesianorum, Cuneus Equitum Armigerorum, Equites Dalmatae Illyriciani (limitan), Equites Promoti Illyriciani (limitan), Equites Scutarii Illyriciani (limitan)

    Castrum Comitatensis Vexillatio
    ____Equites Sagittarii (comitat), Equites Cetrati (comitat), Equites Scutarii (comitat), Equites Armigeri seniores (comitat), Equites Catafractarii, Cuneus Equitum Catafractariorum, Comites iuniores (comitat), Equites Stablesiani Africani (comitat), Equites Stablesiani Italiciani (comitat), Comites Catafractarii Bucellarii iuniores

    Castrum Palatina Vexillatio
    ____Schola Scutariorum, Schola Gentilium, Schola Armaturarum, Schola Scutariorum Clibanariorum, Comites seniores (palatin), Comites taifali (palatin), Comites Catafractarii Bucellarii seniores

    Castrum Auxilium Pedites
    ____Auxiliares sagittarii (limitan), Auxiliares vigilium (limitan), Auxiliares insidiatorum (limitan)

    Castrum Auxilium Equites
    ____Ala (limitan), Ala Dromedariorum (limitan), Ala Gallorum (limitan), Ala Sequanorum (limitan), Ala Britonum (limitan), Equites Mauri, Equites Saraceni, Cuneus Sarmatarum (limitan)

    Castrum Auxilium Comitatensis
    ____Auxiliares Sagittarii Lecti (palatin), Auxiliares Exculcatores (palatin), Auxiliares Defensores (palatin), Auxiliares Sagittarii Gallicani (palatin), Auxiliares Sagittarii Tungri (palatin), Auxiliares Sagittarii Nervii (palatin), Auxiliares Mauri iuniores (palatin), Auxiliares Mauri seniores (palatin), Auxiliares Raetobarii (palatin), Auxiliares Thraces (palatin), Auxiliares Batavi iuniores (palatin), Auxiliares Batavi seniores (palatin), Auxiliares Brachiati iuniores (palatin), Auxiliares Brachiati seniores (palatin), Auxiliares Cornuti iuniores (palatin), Auxiliares Cornuti seniores (palatin), Equites batavi iuniores (palatin), Equites batavi seniores (palatin), Equites brachiati iuniores (palatin), Equites brachiati seniores (palatin), Equites cornuti iuniores (palatin), Equites cornuti seniores (palatin), Equites Sagittarii Parthi (comitat), Equites Taifali (comitat), Cuneus Equitum Clibanariorum Palmirenorum (comitat), Equites Clibanarii Parthii (comitat)

    (Castrum - common in ancient times type of Roman military settlement)

    2. Administration - recruited groups of units: Nominal (Only the capital!)
    Governor House - Limitanei
    ____Legionis Iulia Alpina (limitan), Legionis Armeniaca (limitan), Legionis Italica (limitan), Legionis Parthica (limitan), Legionis Scythica (limitan), Legionis Macedonica (limitan), Legionis Diocletiana (limitan)

    Governor Estate - Comitatensis
    ____Legionis Valentis (comitat), Legionis Valentinianenses (comitat), Legionis Martii (comitat), Legionis Minervii (comitat), Legionis Flavia Constantia (comitat), Legionis Flavia victrix Constantina (comitat), Legionis Maximiana (comitat)

    Governor Palace - Palatina
    ____Legionis Herculiani iuniores (palatin), Legionis Ioviani iuniores (palatin), Legionis Herculiani seniores (palatin), Legionis Ioviani seniores (palatin)

    Many others
    The modes implemented quickly throwing technique and the chance of knockout from all projectile weapons (pilum, Sulitsa, axes, plumbates) and firing projectiles (slings, arrows, bolts) from mod Pojectiles Mod at DEI from our CJiaBa developer. Rate the dignity of fashion, you can of this video.
    Added new units attributes such as attack formation, counteracting fatigue in the wilderness, and many others.
    Added a new animation of the battle, from evasion before fatality.
    Added a new animation plumbata precursor.
    Added a new animation "Proto-Knights"
    Added a new type of missile units: plumbates from sling.
    Added new blood: mod - GBJ Blood Mod Attila: The Original
    Fines, bonuses diplomatic relations enemies, allies are reduced, as well as Traits such as anti-imperium characters 1.5-2 times. Fines on levels Imperium also reduced by 1.5-2 times. Radically changed the bonuses from 9 regime power.
    Changed the threshold values ??of the levels of experience units - now the experience is typed more quickly twice
    Added boiling oil was added to the gate, to all factions
    Created a new ability "Drink blood" and "Barritus"
    The characteristics of speed and weight of all horses and camels have been changed and much more...
    Last edited by grif; September 12, 2017 at 06:14 AM.

  2. #2
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: New gameplay

    Updating the AOR image

  3. #3
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: New gameplay

    Updated list - Roman line troops

  4. #4
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: New gameplay

    Updating the counter units

  5. #5
    Linke's Avatar Hazarapatish
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: New gameplay

    How exactly do the Forrest Robbers work? Do they spawn randomly throughout the campaign?? In the roman empire also?

  6. #6
    grif's Avatar Semisalis
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: New gameplay

    Yes! They do not have recruiting their units! They use spawn armies (on the whole map where there is a forest) or hire mercenaries. But they have little money and hire mercenaries very rarely.

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