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Thread: Edit clan traits

  1. #1

    Default Edit clan traits

    Hi, is there a way to edit clan traits from singleplayer campaign? For Rise of the samurai, I want to edit the Kamakura Minamoto's Famous Archers trait: instead of +10% reload rate I want to change it to +10 range to all archers.

  2. #2
    baselhun's Avatar Civis
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Edit clan traits

    You need to change effect_bundles_to_effects_junctions in data.pack. There you can change already existing effects, or add already existing effects to your clan. For a complete new effect, I don't know, I have tried a couple times, but I didn't make it work, but I'm fairly new to modding, someone should know.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Edit clan traits

    Pretty simple, effect_bundles_to_effects_junctions like Baselhun suggested and then you'll add a row to that table.

    For the next part you'll scroll down to your new entry and in the first area it'll look something like "t_(enterfactionname)" and then in the next entry you'll want an effect for instance if you want to increase the morale of all units in that specific faction take Uesugi for example "t_uesugi" "mod_unit_morale_global" you'll want to look through the "effects" table to see all the effects you can use with conjuction with the faction you use.

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