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Thread: Seagard, Seat of House Mallister

  1. #1

    Default Seagard, Seat of House Mallister

    House Mallister, Seagard


    Lord Jason Mallister

    Age: 36 (born 249 AC)
    Rank/Titles: Lord of Seagard
    Traits (9): Survival +3, Duel +3, Battle +3
    Spouse: Barbara Mallister nee. Bracken (19, born 263 AL)
    Children: Patrek Mallister (born 280 AL)
    Wards: /
    Squires: /
    Equipment: Partial Plate (+20 hp, +4 Duels, +2 Survival)
    Biography: As Lord Andros' Mallister's firstborn child, Jason Mallister was not only trained to a good duelist, but would also participate within several tournaments during the life time of his father.
    Though a formidable fighter, he never achieved actual victories against other nobles. The most notable defeat he recieved, was executed by none other than Prince Rhaegar Targaryen himself, when he faced him during the tourney of Storm's End.

    Apart from his tourney carrier, Jason was a calm man and even remained so, when news of his father's death by the Ironborn raiders were brought to him. Being prepared to eventually replace his father one day, Jason sat often with his second-born brother Ser Jeffory and his youngest brother Gerald within the private chambers of the Mallisters to study not only maps, but as well history accords, finances and other valuable sources of informations, which would prepare him eventually for his responsibility as a lord some day.
    During some meetings at Riverrun, Jason and Jeffory made contact as well with Brandon Stark, the eldest son of House Stark, Lord Paramounts of the North. While they briefly exchanged words with eachother, Jeoffrey made closer contact with Brandon and even travelled with him along, about which Lord Jason barely bothered. He respected Stark, while seeing him as a brave man, though he barely knew him.
    Events changed for the worse, when news of Ser Jeffory's death by the hands of Aerys II reached Seagard and the rebellion broke out. The banners of House Mallister were immidiately raised, when Lord Tully began to muster troops for the Rebellion's cause, as the Mallisters wished to avenge the cold-blooded murder of their family member. While hoping that Lord Hoster Tully, along with his allies wouldn't lead the armies of the Riverlands into certain death, Lord Jason pledged his support towards Robert Baratheon's cause, once it became known in public.

    Ser Luceon Mallister, "The Red Eagle"

    Age: 29 (born 256 AC)
    Rank/Titles: Knight, Steward and Admiral of Seagard, "The Red Eagle" (earned by intercepting over the years several Ironborn raids along the coasts of Seagard and neighboured Riverlands coasts)
    Traits (7): Survival +2, Duel +2, Naval Battle +3
    Spouse: Minisa Mallister nee. Erenford (25, born in 257 AL)
    Children: Leyton Mallister (born in 272 AL), Desmond Mallister ( born in 272 AL), Kendra Mallister (born in 274 AL)
    Wards: /
    Squires: /
    Equipment: /
    Biography: Being the thirdborn son of the Old Eagle, Ser Luceon served alongside his father as a captain, when he actually finished his knight training. Unlike his oldest brother Jason, Luceon prefered the sea over tournaments and actual land fights, while though seeing the use of naval tactics in terms of hunting bandits along the Trident. Luceon made however more expieriences with the Ironborn and their unforgiving raiding parties, not often being supported and lead by their noble Houses. Especially the Riverlands had to suffer the most under their attacks, given that they were in closer range to the former realm of Harren Hoare than the Reach. With the Westerlands having more often the superior fleet to push back the naval invaders and the North barely offering any vast rescources of the raider's interest, these pirates had even more reasons to land along the coasts of the Riverlands or to even sail through one of the various rivers towards the inland, thus giving Luceon very early an understanding for the Ironborn's maritime nature.
    When his father Lord Andros died during a naval encounter, as the Ironborn crew attempted to board the Mallister's flagship, it was on Luceon's side to repell the invaders, while overtaking at the same time the high command over Seagard's fleet within the battle. Though the flagship was rescued and the enemy's ships send to the Merling King, the victory over the Ironborn came with an iron cost this day. Among the Mallisters, Luceon has grown a huge grudge towards the murderers of his father and all those, who followed their pirating ways, while seeing within the Ironborn and their lords nothing more than a pest, which will get one day either subjugated and controlled by the Seven Kingdoms or completely erredicated.
    After Lord Andros' death and his eldest son Ser Janos suceeding him, Luceon was trusted with the high command over the fleet since this day. Reforming the navy of Seagard partly, Luceon prevented over the next years several series of raids by either scaring the longships off the coast by the sole presence of his own galleys or by actually fighting those, who actually dared to challenge the Admiral of the Mallister fleet.
    With the outbreak of Robert's Rebellion, Ser Luceon was furthermore named as the steward of Seagard in absence of the Mallister host.

    Gerald Mallister "The Cripple"

    Age: 20 (born 265 AC)
    Rank/Titles: "The Cripple", due to his lost leg
    Traits (4) (handicaped) : Survival +3, Charisma +1
    Spouse: /
    Children: /
    Wards: /
    Squires: /
    Equipment: /
    Biography: Being born as the fourth son of Lord Andros Mallister, Gerald never had an easy life due to his right leg being lame since his birth.
    Seeing that the boy wouldn't be able to walk, the leg was cut off by advice of the past Maester, as he believed that the life of the child would be better, if the majority of its blood would remain within the healthy veins than pumping through a useless leg. Gerald would even feel nowadays the pain of the missing leg, making his life barely an easy one.
    Against all odds he survived the procedure, unlike the Maester though. When words of his decision reached the Citadel, he was expelled after several disputes, which did not only cost him his position, but as well his life, as he was killed by bandits on his way back to his home town. Being left as a cripple, while regretting to have allowed said Maester this medical nonsense, Lord Andros adviced the new Maester at Seagard to tutor the young Gerald, in hopes that he might either become a Septon or a Maester instead, if he wasn't able to master any kind of sword fight. When Andros died against the Ironborn in a naval battle, his firstborn son Ser Jason Mallister succeeded him.
    For a long time it seemed that Gerald would be send to the Citadel, as he has become ove time a poet in his own regards, given that the Cripple had to rely more on his mental abilities than on the rest of his body.
    Things changed, however, when Ser Jeffory Mallister was murdered by the Mad King.

    Family tree:

    • {Lord Andros Mallister}, Lord of Seagard; born 222 AC, died 271 AC during a sea battle against Ironborn reavers; married {Jeyne Mallister} nee. Piper
      • Lord Jason Mallister, Lord of Seagard; born 249 AC; married Barbara Mallister nee. Bracken (born 263 AC)
        • Patrek Mallister, heir of Seagard; born 280 AC

      • {Ser Jeffory Mallister}; born 253 AL; died 281 AC by execution on court of Aerys II Targaryen
      • Ser Luceon Mallister, "The Red Eagle"; born 256 AC; married Minisa Mallister nee. Erenford ( born in 257 AC)
        • Leyton Mallister; born 272 AC
        • Desmond Mallister; born 272 AC
        • Kendra Mallister; born 274 AC

      • Gerald Mallister, "The Cripple"; born 265 AC

    • Ser Manfred Mallister, brother of Lord Andros; born 233 AC; married Leana Mallister nee. Keith (born 237 AC)
      • Lady Elis Mooton nee. Mallister; born 253 AC

        • Lady Florianne Mooton. Born 268 AC.

      • his son Arthor Mallister; born 255 AC
      • his daughter Jyana Mallister; born 258 AC


    Ser Aron Leadspike, born 247 AC (Siege Engineer of Lord Jason Mallister)

    Maester Aeron, born 244 AC
    Septa Elizabel, born 250 AC


    Consumed Resources
    First Trade Resource: (Small Marketplace Required) Flax
    Imported or Produced: /

    Second Trade Resource: (Medium Marketplace Required) Fish
    Imported or Produced: /

    Third Trade Resource: (Large Market Required)
    Imported or Produced: /

    Exported Resources
    Resource Name: Flax (+2 Charisma for the Lord, +20% faster ships) is grown for use in the production of linen, an important cloth both in domestic and industrial uses, being used extensively for clothing, sewing, upholstry and sailcloth. Due to the great importance and prestige of the textile industries in this time, it allows superior ships to be built and elevates the Lord among mercantile circles.
    Exported to:

    Fish (+1,200 Naval Militia points), the bounty of the sea, are extensively farmed and consumed in coastal communities. Cultivating this industry will ensure a Lord has a strong tradition of seafaring among his people.
    Exported to:


    Taxation Level: 0%
    Taxed Lords: House Rushmoor of Rushmoor, House Grell of Martlet Bay, House Harwick of Gravesham
    Level of revolt risk: 0%
    Vassal action penalty: 0


    TIER I:

    Keep Expansions: +25% castle garrison size permitted
    Militia Armoury: +500 Militia Points
    Wall Reinforcements: +1 Siege Defence rolls

    Market Square: +10% income
    (Coastal Only) Dockyard: +500 naval militia points, +10% income

    TIER II:
    Merchant's Square: +10% province income

    Trade Hub: Allows owners of the province to gain an additional trade route.

    TIER IV:


    Militias. 10,000 Dragons. +1,000 militia points. (till the end of Robert's Rebellion)

    Military Infrastructure. 10,000 Dragons. +1,000 militia points. (till the end of Robert's Rebellion)

    Merchant Taxation. +20,000 Dragons income, -1 trade route.


    Seagard - 5,500 points
    -Mallisport (located near the Green Fok) - 500 points

    Rushmore - 1,500 points
    Gravesham - 1,500 points
    Martlet Bay - 750 points
    Oldstones - none

    Total: 9,750 points


    Seagard: 3,000 points

    Gravesham: 25 Levy Ships (375 points)
    Martlet Bay: 25 Levy Ships (375 points)


    Points Used: 0/5,500
    4,125 Light Infantry
    1,375 Archers


    Personal Retinue and Professional Troops

    Points Used: 0/4,750
    733 Polearms
    950 Archers
    600 Heavy Infantry
    475 Light cavalry
    192 Heavy cavalry

    Total: 2,950 men

    175 Heavy Infantry
    100 Archer

    Total: 275 men

    Naval Forces
    Points Used: 0/4,700

    55 Dromonds
    27 Heavy Galleys
    15 AOR Ships
    5 Grand Warships


    • Defender of the Coast: Seagard was built to protect the coast of the Riverlands from raiding Ironborn. It proved its usefulness in the Greyjoy Rebellion, when Lord Jason Mallister slew Rodrik Greyjoy beneath the walls and threw the Ironborn back into the sea. It is an impressive castle in its own right, and can defend from both the sea and land. +2 to naval battles around the castle
    • The Booming Tower: A massive tower in Seagard named for its immense bronze bell, this tower is used to sight longships and sound the bell, alerting the townsfolk to the threat. The tower is manned day and night, making surprise sea attacks on the city impossible except in very dense fog. +3 to raid rolls (For discovery and defense)
    • Major Port: Seaguard serves as the largest port on the western Coast of Westeros that is north of the great city of Lannisport. As such, it serves as one of the major trade ports for the Northern Riverlands and for portions of the North granting one additional trade route and a special naval militia in place of levy ships.

    Last edited by Lord Dread; February 04, 2017 at 11:27 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Seagard, Seat of House Mallister

    "...and thus King Robert Baratheon sat on the Iron Throne and the present Lords of Westeros,
    Westermen, Riverlanders, Valesmen, Northerners, Stormlanders, Crownlanders and even Lord Greyjoy of the Ironborn himself,
    hailed the new King, while the Royalists were either bound in chains or knelt in the aftermath.
    Words of the Targaryen's fall would soon be heard within all villages of the Seven Kingdoms and mark the rise of the Baratheon's royal era upon the Iron Throne."

    Once he finished the page, a knock was heard at his chamber door.
    Gerald looked up, as he wondered who would visit him during his work, as he put carefully ink and feather aside, so he wouldn't ruin the newly-written text. It was already his second attempt on the page and pergament was still a valuable material, even if the Mallisters could easily afford it.
    When it turned out that it was his elder brother Lord Jason, the 'Cripple' smiled.
    "It is good to see you brother", he answered the Lord of Seagard polite, "I just finished the second chapter of my history document, ending up the Coronation at King's Landing, as you described it to me. Actually a shame, as now I have to wait how the King gouverns the new realm. Maybe I should write in the meantime something about the recent Mystery Knight at Harrenhall and speculate a bit who he was."
    "Still the author and poet I see - yet a historical one", Jason responded warmly, while taking a seat nearby, "I have good and bad news regarding my plans. The bad news is that we will probably have to wait another year for actual progress regarding trade deals with timber. Given that I intend to task men with its production while expanding the marketsquare, I hope to achieve it within the next year, but it's still one lost year. If we have bad luck, we can't convince the King for a royal charta."
    "And the good news?"
    "I managed to finally construct the holdfeast, of which I spoke few years ago. The one at the Green Fork. We finally get our river port, which will expand Seagard's influence to the Narrow Sea as well."
    A short pause followed, while Gerald noticed the excitement of his Lord brother. He remembered well that Jason had planned before the war to get a river port build at the Green Fork, as the Mallisters were able to fight back the Ironborn and other reavers at Ironman's Bay during the last three decades, but his House neither held any influence within the eastern seas of Westeros. A war like the recent one couldn't be predicted, but Gerald had overheard after Jason's return, that it was only a matter of time till the Riverlands had to reinforce their navy within the rivers as well. In his eyes it was already a major flaw, that Lord Tully was too dependent on both the Freys and the Darrys, if he or allied forces would have to cross the river shores - and in the case of Lord Harroway's Town, this theory was only proven.
    "With some luck we will be able to construct there few ships as well, so these forces could join up with allied naval forces as well, should the Targaryens return or anyone else attempt to threaten the Iron Throne or the Riverlands", Jason added glad to his previous statement, "If we manage as well to restore Oldstones in the following years, it will also result in our House being the only major High Lord with the majority of naval assets on both shores of Westeros. The Crown and Lord Tully will have to be thankful about it and it might even mean that we can also rival the rising influence of the Whents. I met Lord Whent myself and think that he is a competent lord, but I don't think that he nor his Lord cousin can provide more to the Riverlands than manpower."
    "An eagle is apparently more active than a bat, it seems", Gerald chuckled, "But a holdfeast is nothing without someone to gouvern it. Who will be the lucky candidate?"
    "None other than the person sitting in front of me, brother", Jason responded while mustering then amused the surprised look of his brother, "Or would I anger you too much with this choice? I assumed that you wouldn't go to the Citadel and neither think that a military profession would work out for you, given your handicap, so... in order to gouvern a minor holdfeast, who's better suited for the task rather than you, brother? You're good with numbers, you barely have any responsibilities except for overseeing the construction of important infrastructure. It's basically what any minor knight or landless lord could wish for - an own castle with its own infrastructure!
    Not to mention that it will increase your chances to find a proper wife, even with a missing leg."

    The poet mused.
    "I assume you named the keep Crippleton?", he asked then with a smile, whereas Jason had to laugh.
    "A good one, but I'm not known for cruel jokes", the Lord responded, "Even though some Westerlanders might not agree with it, I deemed Mallisport worthy in terms of a fitting name. Not a major settlement, nothing big, but who knows - in a hundred years it might be another major town, able to rival Lord Harroway's Town and the Twins! Even the major tradeports began small before their names became known within all the Seven Kingdoms."
    "A fair argument and furthermore a plan I can live with", Gerald said with a nod, "We probably should later on drink upon it, in honor to the Riverlands. May our rivers become as safe as our coasts!"
    "Indeed, brother. Indeed."

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