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Thread: Did Stainless steel 6.4 nerf administrative awards?

  1. #1

    Default Did Stainless steel 6.4 nerf administrative awards?

    My faction heir has spent 12 turns in one city with tax on very high and 3 buildings completed, no "good taxman awarded. So have3 other governers. One has moved from city to city building farms for 15 turns, no good farmer, another has made 12 merchants and 2 levels of market, no "good trader". All of them have built mines, none have good miner.

    No, this is not "having bad luck" according to the only FAQ Both Good farmer and good merchant are 100% procs when you complete them, as is good miner. What gives?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Did Stainless steel 6.4 nerf administrative awards?

    In general chances to receive good traits in SS are much lower and sometimes tied to other factors. For administrative traits usually chances increase with top tier buildings, in early game you probably won't see any of those in the lifespan of your character.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Did Stainless steel 6.4 nerf administrative awards?

    ty sir!

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