Title: [WIP]Computer Terminology Explained

[WIP Computer Terminology Explained ]Computer Terminology Explained
Here I will try and explain a lot of different computer terms. This is a running list so if you have a question about a term that's not listed, please ask it here and I will explain it and update it. For anyone else that feels like I've left out terms and wish to add them, or correct any mistakes, please feel free.

The definitions are listed as such:
-Common Usage


Expressions (Unless otherwise specified, it can be applied to any unit of measurement. So MB can be GB as well, or TB.)


Not to be confused with Bytes, a Bit is a single digit in binary code. It is the lowest form of storage in computing.

It is written as Mbit or Mb

-Change the settings in your BIOS

Basic Input and Output System. It is the first thing that your computer loads while starting, and has a low level options menu.

-Boot up your computer

The act of starting or restarting (rebooting) a computer.


Not to be confused with Bits, a single byte is a group of 8 digits (or bits) in binary code. It is used to express data storage space.

It is written as Mbyte or MB

-Clear your CMOS

Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. It is a memory chip for the BIOS that stores data even while the PC is switched off.

-DIMM Slots
-How many DIMM slots does your computer have?

Dual In-line Memory Module. It's the type of module that RAM comes in.

-You might be having DNS issues if you can't connect to a website.

Domain Name Service. It's a service usually provided by your ISP that matches domain names to IP addresses so you can connect to websites.


Hertz is a clock rate of a processing unit. It's how many times a processor can process information per second.

It is written as GHz

-82,300 MIPS
-That processor has more MIPS

Millions of Instructions Per Second. It references how many millions of instructions per second that a processor can process.

It is written as MIPS.

-What is your screen resolution?

Screen resolution is the number of pixels in your display. HD is generally considered anything at or over 1920x1080.

It is written by the number of pixels across the screen (1920 for instance) x the number of pixels down the screen (1080 for instance) or simply by the number of pixels down the screen appended by a p, such as 1080p