[1] Bell D.A. – The First Total War
[2] Chandler D. – The Campaigns of Napoleon Vol I
[3] Jomini B. de – The Art of War
[4] Chandler D. – The Campaigns of Napoleon Vol I
[5] Mass force or ‘Power to a Point’ is the quintessential method of attack. Essentially the commander spots a weakness in the enemy’s forces, sends overwhelming force to destroy it and then uses the breach to rout the enemy army. This held as true for the companions of Alexander as the Cuirassiers of Ney.
[6] Rothenburg G.E. – Maurice of Nassau, Gustavus Adolphus, Raimondo Montecuccoli and the “Military Revolution” of the Seventeenth Century in Makers of Modern Strategy Ed. Paret P
[7] Chandler D. – The Campaigns of Napoleon
[8] Gilbert F. – Machiavelli: The Renaissance in the Art of War in Makers of Modern Strategy Ed. Paret P.
[9] Clausewitz C. Von. – On War. Clausewitz held that the most effective way for a state to wage war necessitates a unity of purpose between the three chief elements of the state. Namely the Army, as the active arm of policy, the State, meaning popular support and Policy, meaning a clear direction from the government of the state.
[10] Clausewitz C. Von. – On War. By centre of gravity Clausewitz means their strategic centre, the one place that if compromised would bring down the enemy, this principle is applicable in any military engagement, from a light skirmish to the largest war. The famous Schlieffen plan is the most instantly recognisable, if extreme, use of this principle.
[11] Clausewitz C. Von. – On War
[12] Shy J. – Jomini in Makers of Modern Strategy Ed. Paret P
[13] Jomini B de. – Art of War. In this case Column means a regiment with its battalions formed into columns who advance with skirmisher support, all Napoleonic armies deployed in column as it is the fastest way to both march and keep order. However when a regiment advanced like this it generally was advancing to charge. ‘Line’ means a long thin line, usually two or three ranks which uses weight of fire as opposed to bayonets.
[14] Jomini B de. – Art of War. Operations of Manoeuvre, such as the famous surrender at Ulm in 1805, mean marching and positioning your troops in such a way as to gain maximum advantage. Clausewitz insisted that they were only good for a limited type of warfare and that to gain great results a battle must be fought.
[15] Bell David A. – The First Total War
[16] Bell David A. – The First Total War
[17] Chandler D. – The Campaigns of Napoleon Vol II
[18] Chandler D. – The Campaigns of Napoleon Vol II
[19] Paret P. – Napoleon and the Revolution in War in Makers of Modern Strategy Ed. Paret P
[20] Paret P. - – Napoleon and the Revolution in War in Makers of Modern Strategy Ed. Paret P
[21] Clausewitz C. Von. – The Campaign of 1806
[22] Chandler D. – The Campaigns of Napoleon Vol II
[23] Chandler D. – The Campaigns of Napoleon Vol II
[24] Chandler D. – The Campaigns of Napoleon Vol II
[25] Chandler D. – The Campaigns of Napoleon Vol II
[26] Clausewitz C. Von – The Campaign of 1806
[27] Chandler D. – The Campaigns of Napoleon Vol II
[28] Bell D.A. – The First Total War
[29] Chandler D. – The Campaigns of Napoleon Vol II
[30] Paret P. – Napoleon and the Revolution in War in Makers of Modern Strategy Ed. Paret P.
[31] Chandler D. – The Campaigns of Napoleon Vol II
[32] Clausewitz C. Von. – The Campaign of 1806
[33] Bassford, Moran, Pedlow – Clausewitz, Wellington and the Campaign of 1815
· Bassford, Moran, Pedlow – On Waterloo – Clausewitz, Wellington and the Campaign of 1815 – CreateSpace.com 2010
· Bell David A. – The First Total War Bloomsbury 2007
· Chandler D. – The Campaigns of Napoleon Folio Society, London 2007
· Chickering R. Total War, the use and abuse of a concept German Historical Institute Washington D.C 1999 Anticipating Total War: The German and American experiences 1871-1914
· Clausewitz Carl Von. On War Paret and Brody (Ed. Everyman’s Library 1993)
· Clausewitz Carl Von. The Campaign of 1806 Accessed at
· Gilbert F. – Machiavelli: The Renaissance of the Art of War in Makers of modern strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age Princeton University Press 1986
· Jomini Baron De. The Art of War Project Gutenberg 2004
· Lynn John A. Giant of the Grand Siecle: The French Army 1610-1715 Cambridge University Press 1997
· Machiavelli N. – The Art of War CRW Publishing 2004 (Lon.)
· Motley Mark. Becoming a French Aristocrat: The education of court nobility 1580-1775 P.U.P 1990
· Paret P. Napoleon and the Revolution in Warfare in Makers of modern strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age Princeton University Press 1986
· Paret P. The Cognative Challenge of War, Prussia 1806 Princeton University Press 2010
· Strachan Hew. Carl Von Clausewitz’s On War – A Biography – Atlantic Books 2008