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Thread: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

  1. #241

    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by DaVinci View Post
    Thanks for time you take on our core religion discussion, besides the points which are adressed to other posters here.
    Let me mention, that my expressed points scratch here only the surface of the aspects, but i try to make some substanctial points. I'm old and have a great wide knowledge aka could go into depth a lot, but i won't because i can't do it here as for several reasons (one important is, not motivated enough for TWC and TWC is definitely rather a frustrating experience in everything that is not around games; and just time, and just not at last, it would fill books. Also, it is not only meant personal to you, but common expressed thoughts in a forum.
    Nonetheless, my viewpoint(s) again in short form, because i like you for your passion and also for your idealism and for your trial to keep your kindness in this forum, as far it is possible.
    Firstly,Thank you for your kind words.
    I understand that it doesn't worth to spend much time here because it is absolutely boring sometimes because of some ignorants.

    - All what you have citated (blue) which has wisdom in it without doubt, is collected wisdom from over centuries of years of wise old men and women. It's reflection of what was gained as knowledge to the date until it was written.
    - The core is belief in a one-god, which formerly was a belief in multiple gods. The messages existed already, some of them were then overworked and brought uptodate in the 7th century, for the local situation.
    - It is not a muslim philosophy (or religion) originated by them, but sampled from diverse folks of or living in the orient at the time (shall i really list them up all) and also who migrated there piecefully or also by war (example, Greeks), plus a very active trade and urban life made up a big factor. The Arab rule (or muslim rule) used all that more or less properly, advanced it partially to very good results. The oriental knowledge centers are known aka were famous. Nonetheless, shall we look up the many religions and philosophies and their main protagonaists, which existed and provided the basics for the Abrahamic religions? I would like rather to give this as (long-enduring) homework to you (if you like), if you are not already aware of the historical facts (or at least what is taken as facts by scientists and authors and artists).
    Your words really make sense, but you should notice that who was the Muhammad? An uneducated shepherd and worker, the things you say like collecting knowledge and updating them and.... only suits for a great group of philosophers(not only one) or a system of Think tanks but who are you talking about? You think only a simple uneducated man who lived between savage and uncivilized people can do this?
    It would be interesting to know that the Confusius was a prophet too.
    - The next core item is just, but i repeat myself, that the people had a strong belief in gods and then a one-god (became the new thing) - this god-belief is implanted so to speak into the genes, because it is culture for thousands of years. The people there were also easy to influence, much much easier than today ... authority and purity and non-education and fear.
    All true.
    - When i speak of science knowledge, then i speak of the standing of science today, not the one of the antique or middleage! The objective scientific analysis makes a belief into a god illogical (as you interpete it, it must be felt in the heart, that's correct, agreed ... but it is your imagination, a product of your brain).
    I've seen many things beyond science in my life but you know I can not tell them here because of various reasons.
    It's not only a product of my brain, you should add 1.5 billions plus other monotheists, I think you are dismissing the most of the world.If you are lucky you can see many events like miracle in Arbaeen pilgrimage.

    - A religion is but fine, if it makes people still glad and provides law and order, a rule of law. But, this is not necessary anymore today, because example, in secular societies, it goes also, when the state is not a Gods-state.
    Yes, secular countries are a good example, Just look at what they've done to the world by creating terrorists. You can see a good example of secular thought in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Religion is like a break, It avoids these kinds of brutalities. The secular countries are disgracing the religions by launching shows that real people get killed by their own recruited terrorists. The first words that sparks in my mind when I hear about the secular thoughts is the "Idealism".We prefer the realism, we do not like chanting the fake slogans.
    You can see this perspective if you look fair.

    - Why? Because the ethics are all to find in the society incl. of course laws and rules, which are also fed by the ethics of religions, but that religion-item is private not a states-order or government-task (i couldn't live in a non-secular state). It is in the heart and souls of the people, if the education and/or socialisation doesn't fail (which unfortunately often happens).
    - A religion but, has potential for conflict, and to this comes the fact, that believers can say "God wills it" (you know, that from the crusades, as analogy, still valid ... you reject that idiocy, fine, but it's not determining what you think and believe). This is also very bad, because it takes away responsibility, the one of the individuum. This is similar to crazed people who make in their life, and say, something spoke to me, i couldn't do it in another way.
    A false religion starts conflicts, who started the crusades? Definitely not the Muslims. the Salahuddin was always merciful but the Christians used to kill all of the captives and civilians, so...
    I think that secular ideology (rather than religious ideology) takes responsibility away because there is no inhibition in that so you are able to do any crime and brutality(not just in public) and you don't have to answer to anyone about it because you are free,am I right?
    If you look at the world with justice you can see that.

    - To this comes also still, that in particular the Islam, but also orthodox christianity has clearly a segregative and indoctrine force, this starts with the roles of men and women, and ends with the many dogmas. As said it is a society manager, that was the plan by the people (the old priests) to bring out rules. What had to be the power to put enough fear to the people? Gods and then just later a one-god (the Almighty, who sees everything ... live properly, then you come into paradise, etc. etc.).
    - I could go on and on and on.
    - Sorry, brother. But, i respect religious people, when they don't try to missionate me. And, if they aren't extreme or even agressive in their belief which stands also for ideology.
    - Those, the agressive ones, are the most bad people, aka practically fascist, and especially people who haven't learned the sense of the human rights, solidarity and empathy, but see themselves (often) religious ... i'm much more religious by the measures of the holy books than many so-called religious people, but i don't sign the God thing, I sign the Nature thing.
    This because the nature aka nature sciences and also social sciences plus art-sciences give the answers for the life/about life (and history), besides of course living the life itself (you talked about, what would be ... you would seek for answers ...well i say, the life is the answer, it will bring the answers, it can at least ... a religion is the lazy way in my book).
    This learning is a process, which should be furthered as much as it is possible and individually (depends on the person's will and energy/capability), and can form a proper human and optional then a proper society. This is the task!
    You say it needs the Islam and a god for this and even more you say He is the one who created all and everything and is Almighty. I say, no ... wrong, an antiquated view which lives on in the humans by culture. This (god) exists only in the human's hope and perception, when they have learned it so by indoctrination from childhood on.
    I agree with you but Islamic laws are ideal for the humans but some people break them like the other outlaws in other societies, You blame the whole society because of the outlaws?
    You should notice that the ideology you are defending has violated every human rights and supports those who do it.The religious illiteracy makes the heretic jerks, The religion itself is not a bad thing but I'm not sure about some of the people who practice it.
    If you haven't noticed yet, I should say we have the exactly same opinions but sgainst each other's ideology,our aim is same but the ways are different,the only way that you can follow my way is: You should be fair and face the Shia scholars like you've studied in science, You should see the both way to choose wisely.
    I am definitely sure that you'll get convinced by them.

    And this goes with the contemporary knowledge, instead with a worldview, that was philosophered circa 1500 years and more ago - this is progress, positive progress if understood right, because it frees up for new horizons.
    Or i could also say "living in the Now" (instead in the past) or who goes into details by studying a lot different departments (incl. religions and archeo-/history, of course) and from the life itself with open eyes "experiencing/learning the life and universum" (which is the nature), and the very reason, why religion goes not hand in hand with progressive science. For you it is all god and ready (the easy way), for me it is all nature (which is subject to be learned/researched), what you but call god (the nature).
    Also, the good is in the people, as well as is the agression, it's in our genes and then education is the factor/trigger which makes unfolds the capabilites (or just not, if education fails).
    The latter, the agression, can be solved with love and peace education alone plus enough freedom and self-unfolding! The agression can also be supported/furthered, of course, by education.
    If this education is used by a religion, especially the Abrahmamic ones, then it but will without doubt go with dogmas and opression. Just in the moment, when something is forced ... and believe me, a religious belief is a forced item, if not the person has a free choice. I have but no problems with the contents of religions, which manage certain daily life aka are life-help, and if it is uptodate or old wisdom updated! That is just what education must do, but must also verify or lead the child to self-unfolding and freedom of choice, a full capable person, this by all means btw. independent of the gender! The Islamic world has lots to do, as has the western and overall christian/jewish world, as well as the buddhist and hinduist etc. world. It's up to the people, not religions. The hope can only be: Do it before the world blows up or the earth gets otherwise a not anymore sane platform for the life.
    As I said our thoughts are same but with the difference in the God belief itself so don't make a wall between yourself and Islam, you are almost a 60% Muslim,You can solve the God belief issue with yourself only with a short trip to Iran,Qom and talking with an Islamic propagandist in the Islamic Seminary(don't worry about the safety, Iran is much more safer than Europe).If you were lucky you'll find one who knows German language.If you are interested, maybe I could find one in Europe.

    Quote Originally Posted by chriscase View Post
    Similarly to the discussion I had with Setekh, I think I understand this idea but doesn't it tread terribly close to the No True Scotsman fallacy? When there seem to be significant numbers of self-identified Muslims who are less adamant than you on this point - who will say that violence in the name of Islam is acceptable, even just, and not merely in self defense - it does not seem enough to simply say they are not true Muslims, does it?
    Excuse me? True Muslims? They are not even that worthy to be called animals, Where did you met those Muslims who like Islam to be disgraced?

    This is why I avoid holy books. Arguments about what they "really" mean are pointless and - from my perspective - a total waste of time. What matters is the actions a people are willing to take, the laws and interpretation of those laws that a society lives by.

    I can't 100% agree with your identification of ignorance as either a sufficient or necessary condition for terrorism. Babies are generally ignorant, does that make them necessarily terrorists? And weren't a number of high profile terrorists like the 9/11 hijackers quite well educated? There may be a relationship but I don't think you've quite winkled it out. Certainly it's not sufficient to accuse TWC members of terrorist inclinations on account of their not being as well informed about your country as they could be.
    Don't take it as an offence but I think you are justifying your laziness about researching in Islam, when I was reading Bible I had the same feeling but I read it after all but I'm not really sure it was a waste of time actually instead of that I think I've increased my knowledge and this is enough for me.

    Educated in what? definetly not in Islam,If the baby remains ignorant, yes he has a great potential, I've seen many terrorists who have been arrested in Iran and then we've guided them to Islam and now they are Shia, My knowledge about the terrorism is first hand because I know some of the former Wahhabies and terrorists and they've told me exactly the same words I'm telling to you now, The Ignorance has many branches and each one of them leads to the same source so I repeat again that the Ignorance is the basic of terrorism and brutality. You can find ignorants in every corner of the world but they have different names and titles, one is a senator in US, another one is a president or will become one, one works in the police and so on but due to the different social conditions they commit different crimes compared to the each other.
    The reason I'm insisting on the ignorant's word is: You can justify your crimes for them much more easier than for knowledgeable persons, for example if the government of Iran does a terrorist action like the ones which ISIS does, The Iranians(and Islamic clerics) themselves will destroy that government rather than a foreign country but in the same case you can see nobody in US act seriously against the war crimes are committed by US and its allies, even you can see some guys are supporting and loving one of those allies(look at the last comments of my other thread). Supporting the brutality(Instead of "not being well informed") is a sign of terrorism,Am I right?

    This also brings me back to the discussion Setekh and I had. Would you agree with us that the tendency to accept violence in the name of Islam (erroneous as this may be from a strict theological perspective) is more indicative of military and economic hardship these people are under? Is this a case of people bending their ideology to actions they find themselves inclined or forced to take in self defense? I could understand that, although I still wonder about guys like Osama Bin Ladin, who could hardly be seen as ill-educated or destitute. Some of these people are clearly well educated and from privileged backgrounds. Yet the majority of their followers/victims are likely as you describe.But all this still leaves us with the "what to do" question. Suppose the vast majority of people within the Islamic world who are becoming more accepting of violence in the name of Islam are - as Setekh stated - doing so more because of terrible hardships for which the West is at least partially culpable. How can we turn this around?
    Acceptance of brutality is no different than the terrorism, actually it's one of the branches of terrorism.
    Advanced terrorism with advanced leaders is created by western powers to create a new middle east, it is a part of divide and conquer policy which is the western governments favorite.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    The new middle east is for keeping the Israel safe and dominant:

    If you want to remove the Weeds you must destroy the root, any other solution is temporary and will have much worse consequences, now you tell me what should we do? Where are the roots?
    Last edited by Fardin; August 26, 2016 at 02:53 PM.
    "A full heart has room for everything and an empty heart has room for nothing"
    Antonio Porchia

    Clearing up misconceptions about Islam
    Clearing up misconceptions about Iran

  2. #242
    basics's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Setekh View Post
    Sigh... Lengths you're going to deflect from providing any substance to back up a claim you make. You could call him anything you want. Will that change the fact that you made a claim you can't back up or acknowledge the failure of?

    It's not a deflection at all because my question if answered honestly will give you the answer you look for. Would you kill me?

    Inhuman One,

    Do you know any Christian fundamentalists? Every post I make is in defence of the Bible's accuracy concerning Jesus Christ and Him crucified which in detail stretches from Genesis to Revelation so please tell me what I don't know about it?

  3. #243

    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by basics View Post

    It's not a deflection at all because my question if answered honestly will give you the answer you look for. Would you kill me?
    It wouldn't make a difference even if my answer was yes, that I would kill you, though it's completely retarded that you're even asking that, twice. Facts don't work like that. Someone's behaviour is not a proof of what someone said centuries ago. Seriously. This is so embarrassing. You made a claim that he said something, and we're here waiting for you to post the slightest source on Muhammad saying that we should hate our neighbour. This is beyond ridiculous now. Come on. You're not fooling anyone.
    The Armenian Issue

  4. #244

    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by basics View Post
    It's not a deflection at all because my question if answered honestly will give you the answer you look for. Would you kill me?

    Inhuman One,

    Do you know any Christian fundamentalists? Every post I make is in defence of the Bible's accuracy concerning Jesus Christ and Him crucified which in detail stretches from Genesis to Revelation so please tell me what I don't know about it?
    I as a Muslim won't kill you but I'll demand proofs and then I'll insist on it then I think you will disappear or do what you're doing now(Shirking).
    Christianity is distorted and it has nothing to do with the original version.Most of the Christian teachings are artificial.
    Last edited by Fardin; August 16, 2016 at 06:03 PM.
    "A full heart has room for everything and an empty heart has room for nothing"
    Antonio Porchia

    Clearing up misconceptions about Islam
    Clearing up misconceptions about Iran

  5. #245
    basics's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Setekh View Post
    It wouldn't make a difference even if my answer was yes, that I would kill you, though it's completely retarded that you're even asking that, twice. Facts don't work like that. Someone's behaviour is not a proof of what someone said centuries ago. Seriously. This is so embarrassing. You made a claim that he said something, and we're here waiting for you to post the slightest source on Muhammad saying that we should hate our neighbour. This is beyond ridiculous now. Come on. You're not fooling anyone.

    We both know what happens to people that don't agree with what the koran says because it sets out what to do with them. Do you deny that? So, when a Muslim kills someone is it out of love for that person? No, it is out of hate and can only be hate to take another's life. Take sharia law as an example, this quote from Wiki, Since the early Islamic states of the eighth and ninth centuries, sharia always existed alongside other normative systems.[1] Most Muslim-majority countries adopt various aspects of sharia. According to BBC, some countries adopt only a few aspects of Sharia, others apply the entire code.[2]

    Within sharia, some crimes are known as the hudud crimes, for which there are specific penalties specified by Islam. For example, according to some interpretations, adultery is punished by stoning, fornication and the consumption of alcohol by lashing, and theft by the amputation of limbs. Many predominately Muslim countries have not adopted hudud penalties in their criminal justice systems.[2] Ali Mazrui stated that "most Muslim countries do not use traditional classical Islamic punishments".[3] The harshest penalties are enforced with varying levels of consistency.[4] The use of flogging is more common compared to punishments like amputations.[3]

    The adoption and demand for sharia in the legal system of nations with significant Muslim-minorities is an active topic of international debate, and an active goal of Islamist movements globally.[5] Attempts to introduce or expand sharia have been accompanied by controversy,[6] violence,[7] and even warfare.[8] Most countries of the world do not recognize sharia; however, some countries in Asia, Africa and Europe recognize sharia and use it as the basis for divorce, inheritance and other personal affairs of their Islamic population.[9]

    Jesus the prophet says forgive them that do you harm as love supercedes all. I think sharia shows us more hate than love and forgiveness. So, another question for you. Why sharia at all? Why would you want to chop off your neighbour's limbs if you loved him?

  6. #246
    bigdaddy1204's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by basics View Post
    they are following what the koran tells them.
    This is all rather boring. No, they are not following what the Quran tells them. Would you claim that someone who eats meat every day is a vegetarian? In fact, did you even read the link I posted?
    Last edited by bigdaddy1204; August 17, 2016 at 03:48 AM.

  7. #247

    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by basics View Post

    We both know what happens to people that don't agree with what the koran says because it sets out what to do with them. Do you deny that? So, when a Muslim kills someone is it out of love for that person? No, it is out of hate and can only be hate to take another's life. Take sharia law as an example, this quote from Wiki, Since the early Islamic states of the eighth and ninth centuries, sharia always existed alongside other normative systems.[1] Most Muslim-majority countries adopt various aspects of sharia. According to BBC, some countries adopt only a few aspects of Sharia, others apply the entire code.[2]

    Within sharia, some crimes are known as the hudud crimes, for which there are specific penalties specified by Islam. For example, according to some interpretations, adultery is punished by stoning, fornication and the consumption of alcohol by lashing, and theft by the amputation of limbs. Many predominately Muslim countries have not adopted hudud penalties in their criminal justice systems.[2] Ali Mazrui stated that "most Muslim countries do not use traditional classical Islamic punishments".[3] The harshest penalties are enforced with varying levels of consistency.[4] The use of flogging is more common compared to punishments like amputations.[3]

    The adoption and demand for sharia in the legal system of nations with significant Muslim-minorities is an active topic of international debate, and an active goal of Islamist movements globally.[5] Attempts to introduce or expand sharia have been accompanied by controversy,[6] violence,[7] and even warfare.[8] Most countries of the world do not recognize sharia; however, some countries in Asia, Africa and Europe recognize sharia and use it as the basis for divorce, inheritance and other personal affairs of their Islamic population.[9]

    Jesus the prophet says forgive them that do you harm as love supercedes all. I think sharia shows us more hate than love and forgiveness. So, another question for you. Why sharia at all? Why would you want to chop off your neighbour's limbs if you loved him?
    Sigh... Pages spent... Many posts... Many words... Yet, you still can't reference a simple claim you made... And now, you're making yet an other claim. You're claiming that Quran tells people to kill anyone that disagrees with itself. That's claim number 2. Will you spend yet an other half a dozen pages or so to deflect from showing that?

    basics, how do you plan on preaching Christianity when you have to rely on such petty tactics?
    The Armenian Issue

  8. #248
    basics's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam


    But I have so I'll repeat it again. A muslim in Glasgow was stabbed to death at his shop by another muslim why? Because the victim wished a happy Christmas to his customers. The attacker traveled all the way from England just to kill that man because his version of Islam differed from the other and yet both followed the koran. Oh he wasn't a loner because at his trial supporters from England came to protest at his arrest and conviction. This has been on UK news for some time now so I don't need to provide anymore. And of course there was the terrible incident in America where a muslim drove a truck through crowds of people killing and maiming many which incidentally is a tool used by palestinians in Israel to kill Jews. These are but two examples of loving one's neighbour but obviously in the Islamic style. Is this really a misconception?

  9. #249

    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by basics View Post

    But I have so I'll repeat it again. A muslim in Glasgow was stabbed to death at his shop by another muslim why? Because the victim wished a happy Christmas to his customers. The attacker traveled all the way from England just to kill that man because his version of Islam differed from the other and yet both followed the koran. Oh he wasn't a loner because at his trial supporters from England came to protest at his arrest and conviction. This has been on UK news for some time now so I don't need to provide anymore. And of course there was the terrible incident in America where a muslim drove a truck through crowds of people killing and maiming many which incidentally is a tool used by palestinians in Israel to kill Jews. These are but two examples of loving one's neighbour but obviously in the Islamic style. Is this really a misconception?
    Do you understand the concept of proof, basics? Do you know how a claim that somebody said something is to be supported by evidence? Tell me.
    The Armenian Issue

  10. #250
    basics's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Setekh View Post
    Do you understand the concept of proof, basics? Do you know how a claim that somebody said something is to be supported by evidence? Tell me.

    It is you that has lost that understanding because you can't believe all the witnesses thast were there when Jesus walked the earth. You're relying on a man who some five hundred years later said it never happened and yet you take his word for it over all the witnesses who said it did. Many prophecies regarding Him and His death including Roman documentation plus the witnesses but it never happened according to one man five hundred years later. No wonder the world is in the mess it is thanks to your man.

  11. #251

    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by basics View Post

    It is you that has lost that understanding because you can't believe all the witnesses thast were there when Jesus walked the earth. You're relying on a man who some five hundred years later said it never happened and yet you take his word for it over all the witnesses who said it did. Many prophecies regarding Him and His death including Roman documentation plus the witnesses but it never happened according to one man five hundred years later. No wonder the world is in the mess it is thanks to your man.
    Oh, now you're claiming that Muhammad claimed Jesus never existed or died? Sigh...

    Let me understand you. If I claim "basics claimed X in this thread" how do you suppose I can prove that?
    The Armenian Issue

  12. #252

    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Are you talking guff again basics the poor soul who was murdered in glasgow, was from a different branch of islam who believed muhammed was not the last prophet and was preaching he was a prophet of islam, ya waz, on social media, utube etc, and getting quite a following too, was plastered all over the uk tv for months on all channels and media just google it you deceiver basics, snake springs to mind

    you will make up anything to suit your twisted racist ,bigoted cult.,

    Jesus would be ashamed of you basics you are so bitter and vicious towards other human beings its pitiful, i am sorry to anyone who visits these forums and reads a fellow scotsmans views on other human beings,
    who just happen to be born in a crappy crazy country run by fanatics like yourself who worship stone age gods,and a book written by stone age people who would worship a lightbulb if they had seen one working lol
    you make me ashamed to think you were brought up in the same country as me, you are a fanatic and a troll, you and your brethren put isis to shame every day, and isis have a long way to go to match the evil deeds performed by christians since the incept of said cult.
    you just have to pick up your bible to see what a homicidal ,raping ,enslaving, god you worship, mass killer of children who were not responsible for the acts of their parents, who in their right mind would worship such a evil deity, a deity who wishes you too worship a good man being human sacrificed, tortured and murdered on a cross, thats the mindset of the aztecs or such
    sacrificing human flesh for some better harvests or such, and you wonder why the world is the way it is today with closet savages all arguing whose god is the real god, you are touched, and if you are touched that makes all you abrahamic worshipers totally nuts, savages to a man, you should have seen a psychiatrist decades ago, i could recommend one for you, if you wish. anything to help a fellow human being pm me
    love is mightier than the sword and the pen, you should try loving thy neighbor and not because he worships the same cult ya dafty for a literalist you dont put much faith in jesus's words

    oh ps basics you have still not answered my question from numerous posts from eons ago, dont be a hypocrite now, answer truthfully, it is him in your minds eye

    Would you murder for your god, if he asked you too in one of your visions that brought you to your particular cult, ie baptists of some kind or other.
    oh and you are 100% sure it is your god, before you do your usual guff, just ask questions and not answer the questions put too you in any kind of reasonable manner. and dont quote me your bible,
    its a murderers handbook with some good deeds thrown in to try and brainwash the decent humans out there, as to why a god would do such evil things to other humans and be called a loving god, IS BEYOND ME

    oh by the way seen jesus again last night about 12.16 am, in one of my vissssions, woooo spooky.
    and he told me to tell you , you are not getting in to heaven or any of your other bigoted racist savages ,human sacrifice worshipers, who would kill at a drop of a hat if their evil deity said so
    thats not what decent sky fairys do basics,
    live long and for jesus,s sake dont prosper.

  13. #253
    basics's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam


    He was a Muslim and killed by another Muslim. So you agree that they are crazy fanatics. That's positive. If memory serves me correctly the blood shed by so-called Christians was at the instigation of the Roman Catholic system which if you ever read a Bible would show you that it is not a Christian religion except in name. Oh and when it comes to calling Jesus just a good man that's not what He said because He declared only God to be good but that is another reason to accept and know that Jesus is indeed God because He had no sin unlike other men and women. Declared by Mohammed to be a prophet then Jesus must have spoken truly.

    Now as far as being Scottish is concerned we have our own crazy fanatics calling themselves the SNP who at the stroke of a pen do threaten anyone who does not agree with them. They are the distasteful ones which I can imagine you perhaps being one of them. I am not ashamed to defend the Bible because it was the book that brought me to God, to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour and that is what I do on these threads. For sure not everyone agrees with me but it is not me rather God that they disagree with.

    God would not ask me to murder anyone but were I younger and in our armed forces I would do whatever I needed to do to protect our people. I really think you should try reading the Bible to differenciate the Old Covenant which was primarily for the Jews and the New Covenant in His blood which was to the Jew first and then the Gentiles.
    Last edited by Tiberios; August 19, 2016 at 12:35 PM. Reason: off topic

  14. #254

    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    basics, if I claim "basics claimed X in this thread" how do you suppose I can prove that?
    The Armenian Issue

  15. #255
    basics's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Fardin View Post
    I as a Muslim won't kill you but I'll demand proofs and then I'll insist on it then I think you will disappear or do what you're doing now(Shirking).
    Christianity is distorted and it has nothing to do with the original version.Most of the Christian teachings are artificial.

    You won't kill me but you'll insist on someone else doing it for you. Is that what you are saying? So, what is the original version of Christianity? What's artificial about having your sin taken away before you die since a sinner at death cannot enter heaven?

    Here's something else you might have a stab at answering. Supposing a billion Muslims have died and are now in paradise with their virgins, does that mean that in Paradise there will now be 73 billion Muslims? Oh and you call Christianity where only a few in each generation get to heaven according to Jesus Christ just artificial?

  16. #256
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    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Misconception #6: Punishment for Apostasy in Islam is death
    When it comes to an apostate in Islam, the Qur’an Sura 2:256 is very clear which states that “there is to be no coercion in matters of religion .The Qur'an makes no mention of Forcefully Converting or Reconverting anyone, on the contrary it says:
    "Say, "This is the truth from your Lord": Let him who will, believe, and let him who will, reject it" (18:28)
    Liar:Quran (4:89) - "They wish that you should reject faith as they reject faith, and then you would be equal; therefore take not to yourselves friends of them, until they emigrate in the way of God; then, if they turn their backs, take them, and slay them wherever you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as friend or helper."
    Quran (9:11-12) - "But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion. We detail Our revelations for a people who have knowledge. And if they break their pledges after their treaty (hath been made with you) and assail your religion, then fight the heads of disbelief - Lo! they have no binding oaths - in order that they may desist."

    Misconception #9: Sharia Law is archaic and cruel
    Sharia law or Islamic law is about protecting the innocent and upholding Islamic values. This includes prayer, charity and fasting (to remember those in the world who don’t have enough to eat) during the holy month of Ramadan. Sharia Law is not about extreme punishments for minor offenses. Where the confusion lies is that the penalties for offenses during the early Islamic period (during Muhammad’s life and sooner thereafter) seemed cruel however the Islamic laws of this period were leaps and bounds above pre-Islamic Arabia. Pre-Islamic Arabia was tribal and vindictive. There were no formal laws or rules. The tribes were male dominated. Women, with a few rare exceptions, had no rights and were viewed as sex objects only. For the smallest reasons, young girls were buried alive. There were no formal governments whatsoever. Flogging for minor offenses in the early Islamic period might seem harsh but in pre-Islamic Arabia, certain death would come as a consequence. In modern times, extremists believe applying the early archaic Islamic laws are appropriate however humanity has significantly advanced through education in the modern era. We have gained a greater understanding of mental illness, And, most importantly, we have reached a greater comprehension in the use of contemporary rehabilitation protocols and therefore have gained a higher success rate. In short, there is no need for such harsh punishments to rehabilitate a person.
    And yet the sharia is still archaic and brutal and does still demand harsh punishments....

    Just for fun:
    Last edited by Sint; August 20, 2016 at 10:20 AM.
    Elder Scrolls Online :Messing up the Lore since 2007...

    Well overhand or underhand: 3:50 Onwards...

  17. #257

    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    woo hooo, i got a bit of an answer,, thank goodness, i will doff my cap dear basics, something is better than nothing as they say,
    dont believe you though when you say you would kill for your country but not for your god, but suppose that is only my opinion, ps is killing not a sin ?
    and the muslim killing a muslim is hardly new now is it, bit like them protestant christians in the 17th century america burning them poor women, allegedly witches, no catholics there to my knowledge?
    anyway my point was he was killed for saying he was a prophet,and muhammed was not the last prophet, nothing to do with who was on his xmas list,
    more of a shrewd business man i would say with the xmas card thing,or maybe the majority of his customers were christains per chance ,or maybe he was just a decent human being doing something that would make other people happy and make them realise that not all muslims are homicidal maniacs, i have personally had lots of gifts from muslims but never a xmas card, me likes that have jewish friends too but never a xmas card
    what you cant seem to understand is i regard all religions as the same ,muslim, jew, christian, there is no difference really, apart for who you support for the top job, which seems strange as you all worship the same god

    anyway something has always bothered me about your man jesus, being a god or a god after he died or when he arose or whatever ,
    you would say he new he was going to be sacrificed for your sins, he new what was waiting for him on that fateful terrible day, well for him anyway, poor soul, he new this all his days on earth 33 years give or take and im sure he prepared himself as best as one demigod could in that situation, does not bear thinking about poor man,

    anyway why did he not have his own tomb ? he is god after all, thats not a big ask for universe builders now is it,
    he knew he was going to need one did he not, why commandeer someone else,s property, tomb,, at the last minutes or days,,
    that is theft when you think about it logically, im sure the man who gave him his tomb albeit for 3 days or so, must have thought ,wait a minute your the son of god, you knew what was going to happen so why did you not get your own tomb?
    this man jesus could raise the dead ,but is incapable of arranging some funeral details, like well in advance dohh
    he sounds like a bit of a taker if you ask me,,all that time on earth and he did not have the foresight to sort his own tomb out,surely his father could have sorted him something out from above high,,
    but no, he makes off with someone else,s property, thats theft in my book, which i do believe is a sin, in all religions,,?
    and his ma mary , now i know god was the first fellow, so to speak, in there, whether it was a spirit or a member, she was still up the duff by god ie she must have had a swollen belly, yes, she did have a natural birth, did she not
    she was betrothed to joseph before god got in there , although ill grant you she could have been a virgin ,joseph might have been a bit slow that way,, thats okay we all have our foibles,,lol
    but was god not commiting a sin by having it off with her in some form or other, she was engaged,,was she not,which was as good as married in them days,
    anyway bottom line is jesus nor yahweh, seem squeaky clean , which i was led to believe was quite important for a christian god ,,
    please enlighten me ,, i wait with bated breath,, think of it like this i want to choose a religion, jewish, muslim or christian,, baptists for your sake
    im torn between them all ,, jesus was a jew and by definition yahweh was a jew,, seeing they were his chosen people ,,and he did all kinds of bad stuff for them on a regular basis,he did not mind them commiting heinous crimes
    matter of fact he encouraged it,, says so in your bible, old and new testament, anyway heres your chance go on, persuade me,,
    Last edited by THE HIGHLANDER; August 21, 2016 at 12:55 AM. Reason: spelling

  18. #258
    basics's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam


    Well if one reads carefully what the second commandment says which I now give in part, " Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images......" why? Because God knew how the mind of man works ever since the fall. He is quite capable of conjuring up almost anything in his mind's eye so the second commandment zeroes in on that. Ever since the fall man declared that he had the power of choice to believe whatever he wanted and so up until the flood the world was full of violence and ever since the violence has increased as the populations have increased. It was however after the flood that we find religions of all sorts and natures coming into fruition just as God said in his commandment and funnily enough all of them were based on the " seed " that God promised at the fall. That " seed " was and still is Jesus Christ and not as their minds saw it. So God had Moses write down how and why we came to be so that the tribes He chose would carry that message in time to all the world.

    So, from before the worlds were made Jesus the Son of God was ordained to be the Lamb of God sacrificed before the foundations of the world. All the prophets showed what He would be like as well as what would happen to Him but man whether Jew or Gentile for the most had their own ideas on that, not what the prophets were saying. So, when the advent of His union came with the seed of Mary, her body had been prepared by the Holy Ghost to accept the union of God with her seed so that no stain of sin might percolate her reproductive system thus making sure that He would be sinless even from birth. It is called overshadowing in the Scriptures. Joseph was told of this in a dream and being a Godly man he accepted it. After Jesus' birth Mary and Joseph had other children who in time would come to reaslise who their brother actually was but not for some time later.

    So, He came into the world as a humble and poor lad to work in His earthly father's business of carpentry yet even then He could amaze the religious leaders of the day by His understanding of what they had in writing in most cases better than them. They were all waiting for a military type after the manner of David with the expectation that He would throw out the Romans and bring back the Empire and many still do expect that even to this day yet not just the Romans but all Gentiles. The result was that this leadership connived to have Him killed because people were starting to believe on Him and they couldn't have that. Little did they see or know that Him dying at their hands was His destiny if sin was to be eradicated from off all them that He died for. And so it was that after three days in the grave He arose, was seen by hundreds and now sits at God's right hand only awaiting His return to bring all things to a conclusion. Therefore the choice is yours to either believe or disbelieve. There is no-one under heaven or earth that promises you eternal life for there is no-one alive or dead capable of keeping that promise but the Lord Jesus Christ.

  19. #259
    Cyrene's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Sint View Post
    Liar:Quran (4:89) - "They wish that you should reject faith as they reject faith, and then you would be equal; therefore take not to yourselves friends of them, until they emigrate in the way of God; then, if they turn their backs, take them, and slay them wherever you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as friend or helper."
    And..that serves you how exactly? if your enemies keep raiding your lands and breaking your treaties you have to fight them, perhaps you have an alternative approach?

    one has to understand something before using it, you clearly failed to do this, quoting a verse that demanded Emigration to a city (Medina) as "proof" for forced conversion and killing apostates.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sint View Post
    Quran (9:11-12) - "But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion. We detail Our revelations for a people who have knowledge. And if they break their pledges after their treaty (hath been made with you) and assail your religion, then fight the heads of disbelief - Lo! they have no binding oaths - in order that they may desist."
    thank you for proving my point, so you do agree after all, that the way to deal with those who constantly break treaties is fighting them.

    and to further prove my point, this is what comes after what you quoted, which funnily enough you left out:

    "Will ye not fight people who violated their oaths, plotted to expel the Messenger, and took the aggressive by being the first to assault you? Do ye fear them? Nay, it is Allah Whom ye should more justly fear, if ye believe!" (9:13)

    now, i still don't understand why one would put himself in such situations, is your knowledge on this matter that simple? why bother then?

  20. #260

    Default Re: Clearing Up Misconceptions about Islam

    So, what's the difference between ISIS destroying 'false idols' in Syria, and Muhammed destroying the 'false idols' in Mecca? Point #10 claims that Islam does not force people to become Muslim, meanwhile Muhammed smashed the non-Muslim idols?

    I also take issue with point #3, regarding forcing females to have sex.

    Quran 2:223 states: "Your wives are as a tilth upon you, so approach your tilth when or how ye will.." So basically do what you want with your wife. Open to interpretation, yes, and it essentially makes your wife a slave. Slavery is therefore acceptable?

    Bukhari 72:715 details how a woman who has been beaten, and Aisha claims that "I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look, her skin is greener than her clothes!"

    So, this woman has been beaten until she is covered in bruises.

    Muhammed then forces her to go back to her husband, who is obviously abusing and beating her, as well as cheating on her with another wife. The man's wife has no rights, and is little more than a slave for him. A slave female with no rights.

    Quran 4:24 and Quran 33:50 also details that a man can take sex slaves outside of marriage.

    Tabari IX:113: "Allah permits you to shut them in separate rooms and beat them, but not severely. If they abstain, they have the right to food and clothing."

    So, basically, if your wife doesn't want sex, you can punch her about as long as you don't cause permanent injury. You still have to feed her and give her clothes, however.. a rather small catch considering that beating her senseless because she didn't give consent is justified.

    Again, your wife is reduced to a female slave with almost no rights aside from keeping her alive with the bare minimum.

    Bukhari 62:81: "The stipulations most entitled to be abided by are those with which you are given the right to enjoy the (women's) private parts."

    Again, an excuse to sexually assault your wife, even if she doesn't give consent, making her a slave.

    I can get more if anyone wants.

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