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Thread: Dawn of War III

  1. #41
    FreeMayk's Avatar Foederatus
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    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    Quote Originally Posted by Settra View Post
    Graphics look horrible.
    Its not horrible, but i hate also cartoonish graphic for game like is grim Warhammer 40k.

  2. #42
    God-Emperor of Mankind's Avatar Apperently I protect
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    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    I just don't understand why they went with the MOBA gameplay. That ship has sailed a long time ago and at this point we got too many MOBAs that it's pretty much a dead genre to dive into.
    As someone pointed out to me recently, DOTA2, LoL, Heroes of the Storm has millions of players yes but why would any of them pay 60 euroes to play a lesser clone when they can just continue to play whatever game they were playing. Hell most MOBAs these days are free to play.
    You know what we don't have many of tho ? Games that has the classical Relic-style RTS.
    So instead of continuing doing what made them popular, they are jumping on a market that they stand no chance in.
    But Angelos doing that sweet back-flip in his terminator armor is cool right guys ?

  3. #43
    Diocle's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    Quote Originally Posted by God-Emperor of Mankind View Post
    I just don't understand why they went with the MOBA gameplay. That ship has sailed a long time ago and at this point we got too many MOBAs that it's pretty much a dead genre to dive into.
    As someone pointed out to me recently, DOTA2, LoL, Heroes of the Storm has millions of players yes but why would any of them pay 60 euroes to play a lesser clone when they can just continue to play whatever game they were playing. Hell most MOBAs these days are free to play.
    You know what we don't have many of tho ? Games that has the classical Relic-style RTS.
    So instead of continuing doing what made them popular, they are jumping on a market that they stand no chance in.
    But Angelos doing that sweet back-flip in his terminator armor is cool right guys ?
    When we talk of foolish and horror decisions going directly against interests, long-established traditions, successful marketing policies, skills, knowhow and customers of a company (*) ..
    .. just one word comes to my mind: SEGA.

    Please note that any eventual reference to Creative Assembly and its last 2 titles, is absolutely intentional and not casual.

  4. #44
    Påsan's Avatar Hva i helvete?

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    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    I think warhammer total war dont deserve to be compared to this soon-to-be trainwreck. Warhammer total war is good.

  5. #45
    God-Emperor of Mankind's Avatar Apperently I protect
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    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    Yeah I don't think SEGA is behind this. Relic has suffered because of alot of their talent has left the company, same people that were behind their success.
    So the new people might have different tastes or a different idea on where to take it and I respect that. I think it's wrong but I still respect them.
    Who knows, maybe the single-player campaign will be amazing, best in the series.

  6. #46

    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    Did anyone played Beta? How was it?

  7. #47
    Sir Adrian's Avatar the Imperishable
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    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    Basically it's a poor man's Starcraft 1. It's not full moba (thank god) but it does have moba undertones and it laks almost everything which makes warhammer warhammer. The multiplayer is horribly imbalanced. If you manage to get even the slightest advantage in troops you will snowball to such a degree that you can utterly dominate the map by the end of the first 20 minutes. After that it's just a grind-fest until you can get to the other team's ancient and destroy it to win.

    Troops are weak and useless, heroes are supremely OP, there is no morale, no need to reinforce, no cover aside for the magical bubbles, no counters (ranged units are best, melee units are expensive and sucky), heroes can take on entire army blobs. Whoever has more units wins, no tactics and micro required. No planing required. It's all about a soft build order and then just crashing your ball of doom into the other guy's ball of doom. Eldar are super OP once again. Jain-Zhar can kill an entire ork army and gorgutz by herself. That sniper is basically all internet memes condensed into one unit. all it lacks is a captcha saying "problem mon-keigh?"

    Basically if you are good at Starcraft you will be a god at this game as all tactics from brood war work. If you want warhammer 40k multiplayer you will have to stick to Dark Crusade or Soulstorm for a few more years.
    Last edited by Sir Adrian; April 22, 2017 at 11:32 AM.
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  8. #48
    God-Emperor of Mankind's Avatar Apperently I protect
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    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    I would say that the cover system is totally useless.
    I have only seen people use it once and that was during the first game right when the beta opened and it was just to try them out. Now no one uses them because they are so pointless.

  9. #49
    Sir Adrian's Avatar the Imperishable
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    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    They're not. In the early game you can basically dominate the map by using them (especially on the 2 v 2 map) if you get there first. The enemy will have nothing in his arsenal to dislodge you until he gets melee troops, which are super expensive come late.
    Under the patronage of Pie the Inkster Click here to find a hidden gem on the forum!

  10. #50
    God-Emperor of Mankind's Avatar Apperently I protect
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    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    Well I have only played the 3vs3 and there the covers are pointless since you can easily avoid them. The stealth areas are a bit better placed tho.
    Also, Orks can dislodge you quite easily since melee troops is the first thing they get and they are actually quite powerful.

  11. #51

    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    I am going to pass on this until it is $15-$20 on sale with the DLC. I am opposed to paying $59 for any video game, particularly when we all know it will have "day one launch DLC" that is really just content that should have been in the released game.

  12. #52

    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    Bah, another game that seems to have taken the dev cue straight from the genius mind of the business school graduate. I can almost imagine how the greenlighting event went in Relic's company boardroom.

    "Hey guys you know there's like, biollions of people in Asia right?"
    "And the Asians are really hot on MOBAs, as in 100's millions of them play literally nothing else"
    "You're getting at?"
    "So we are going to take our next game, right? And we're going to make it a MOBA as well. Then millions of Asians will be playing because them Asians man, if they see something moving in a straight line and having a damage counter hanging over it, they'll play it non stop for days. Remember, there are hundreds of billions of Asians".
    "A brilliant idea Sir Willy McWillingsworth. Those bucks your father sank into putting you through all those beer binges at Yale surely didn't go to waste! Now let's go fire up those MOBA engines and set course to Planet Profit, courtesy of the Sino Korean esports scene who will surely all forget their LoLs and DoTAs the moment we introduce them to a spanking brand new title which by design was meant to cash in on the popularity of the exact same gaming principles that the former were specifically tailored for... Because marketing trends determine the preferences of game consumers and not the other way around, hahaha! Or something."
    Last edited by Carl Jung was right; April 28, 2017 at 05:02 AM.

  13. #53

    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    Sue me, I like it.

  14. #54
    hessia78's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Dawn of War III

    Quote Originally Posted by God-Emperor of Mankind View Post
    I just don't understand why they went with the MOBA gameplay. That ship has sailed a long time ago and at this point we got too many MOBAs that it's pretty much a dead genre to dive into.
    As someone pointed out to me recently, DOTA2, LoL, Heroes of the Storm has millions of players yes but why would any of them pay 60 euroes to play a lesser clone when they can just continue to play whatever game they were playing. Hell most MOBAs these days are free to play.
    You know what we don't have many of tho ? Games that has the classical Relic-style RTS.
    So instead of continuing doing what made them popular, they are jumping on a market that they stand no chance in.
    But Angelos doing that sweet back-flip in his terminator armor is cool right guys ?
    I agree with you opinions except the part about back flipping terminators. In my opinion they should have had Gabriel Angelos to be able to use an in built teleporter it would have made more sense in universe and would have been easier for animators than back-flipping

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