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Thread: Some Observations on the Uyunids

  1. #1

    Default Some Observations on the Uyunids

    Okay. Play tested the Uyunids a bit.

    All Generals including Faction Heir revolts if out of a city or not with Faction Leader on turn 2.

    Rebels are content to sit behind walls rather than sally out even when they have a numbers advantage.

    I love the Concept of Ribats and Qasrs, but need more tweaking. Say Ribat allows al-Rumat and al-Mushrat to be recruited, then a Qasr adds Uyunid Tribesmen and Uyunid Nobles. City Barracks already provide al-Harras for Spear Troops.

    Overall a balanced army, you could switch all their recruitment to Ribats and Qasrs at Mid-Game without losing much.
    Well look at this here, a brewing free-for-all in Western Horn of Africa. What could possibly go wrong...

  2. #2

    Default Re: Some Observations on the Uyunids

    Are Qasrs the Muslim version of Stronghold Cantonements for KOJ?

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